Penname: Kitty Rose [Contact]
Real name: Kitty Rose
Membership status: Member
Member since: July 31, 2008

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Stories by Kitty Rose

A Romantic Day by Kitty Rose

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: "Mr. Frodo!" Sam called, breathlessly, shutting the front door behind him.

Frodo appeared in the corridor, looking amused. "I've told you, Sam, you don't have to call me Mr. Frodo anymore."
Category: FPS, FPS > Frodo/Sam, FPS > Sam/Frodo
Characters: Frodo, Sam
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 3095 | Read count: 2118

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Published: May 05, 2009 | Updated: May 05, 2009

Eomer & Celeborn by Kitty Rose

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: This is in response to the following plot bunny from Meg – "Eomer/Celeborn.

Romance. Setting: Starts at Arwen and Aragorn's wedding, were they show up wearing very similar clothes. Not too A/U. Has to include the following phrases, spoken by or to one of the two lovers:

1) "Why have you not washed your hair yet?"
2) "My feet hurt, please let me have my shoes back!"
3) "If it pleases you, I will do it again; but I don't think the horse enjoyed it much."
4) "Someone is coming, just cut it off!"
5) "Will you not walk with me the rest of the way? I need to tell you something about your father's shoes."
6) "I have to leave you now, but I promise to return your boat in the morning."
Category: FPS, FPS > Celeborn/Éomer, FPS > Éomer/Celeborn
Characters: Celeborn, Éomer
Type: None
Warning: None
Challenges: Éomer/Celeborn plotbunny
Series: None
Challenge: Éomer/Celeborn plotbunny
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 1618 | Read count: 1654

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Published: January 01, 2009 | Updated: January 01, 2009

Legolas & Gimli by Kitty Rose

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: This is in response to the following plot bunny "During "The Two Towers" -Legolas and Gimli get all hot and bothered while sharing the horse Arod. They have to find some on-horse satisfaction - without being noticed by Gandalf and Aragorn riding nearby. Story or lemon, that's up to you, but it *must* include a nice bit of adoration of Legolas' legs."
Category: FPS > Legolas/Gimli, FPS, FPS > Gimli/Legolas
Characters: Gimli, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: None
Challenges: Gimli/Legolas plotbunny
Series: None
Challenge: Gimli/Legolas plotbunny
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 723 | Read count: 1176

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Published: December 31, 2008 | Updated: December 31, 2008

One Night In Moria by Kitty Rose

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Gollum takes a liking to Frodo, while the rest of the Fellowship are somewhat distracted...
Category: FPS > Frodo/Aragorn, FPS, FPS > Frodo/Sméagol, FPS > Gollum/Frodo, FPS > Aragorn/Frodo
Characters: Aragorn, Frodo, Gollum
Type: Threesomes and Groups
Warning: Non-con
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 3923 | Read count: 2836

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Published: August 24, 2011 | Updated: August 24, 2011