Penname: Wagner [Contact]
Real name: Wagner
Membership status: Member
Member since: July 28, 2008

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Stories by Wagner

Blood and Torture by Wagner

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Gríma is treated bad by his master. When he flees, he finds an Elf caught by Ringwraiths and tries to rescue him. Successlessly.
Category: FPS, FPS > Gríma/Nazgûl, FPS > Gríma/Saruman, FPS > Haldir/Nazgûl, FPS > Nazgûl/Gríma, FPS > Nazgûl/Haldir, FPS > Saruman/Gríma
Characters: Gríma, Haldir of Lothlórien, Nazgûl, Saruman
Type: Dark fic
Warning: BDSM, Non-con, Rape, Torture, Violence
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 9274 | Read count: 2118

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Published: January 23, 2009 | Updated: January 23, 2009

Confusion in Lorien by Wagner

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 4] starstarhalf-star
Summary: Arwen and Elrond visit Galadriel and Celeborn in Lothlórien. One night, the men have a walk through the woods, and the women stay at Galadriel's flet to spend some time together without the men. Yet then the rulers of Lórien begin to tell the Rivendell-Elves their secret problems, and those are eager to help them out.
Category: FPS, Femslash > Arwen/Galadriel, FPS > Celeborn/Elrond, FPS > Elrond/Celeborn, Femslash > Galadriel/Arwen
Characters: Arwen, Celeborn, Elrond, Galadriel
Type: Femslash, Humor
Warning: BDSM, Incest
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 6308 | Read count: 2737

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Published: February 01, 2009 | Updated: February 01, 2009

Frodo Incarcerated by Wagner

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: The famous scene of LotR-RotK when Frodo wakes up in Cirith Ungol. You know what I mean...
Category: FPS, FPS > Frodo/Snaga, FPS > Snaga/Frodo
Characters: Frodo, Snaga
Type: Dark fic
Warning: BDSM, Disturbing themes, Humiliation, Interspecies, Non-con, Torture, Violence
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4504 | Read count: 1209

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Published: December 20, 2011 | Updated: December 20, 2011

No One Trusts an Elf! by Wagner

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 3] half-star
Summary: Legolas wanders through the woods alone when he realises he is followed. When he meets an Elf and his friend, he believes himself to be secure. But is wrong...
Category: FPS > Elladan/Elrohir/Legolas, FPS, FPS > Erestor/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Erestor, FPS > Haldir/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Haldir
Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Erestor, Haldir of Lothlórien, Legolas
Type: Hurt/Comfort
Warning: BDSM, Violence
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4698 | Read count: 1582

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Published: August 18, 2011 | Updated: August 18, 2011