Penname: Kura
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Membership status: Member
Member since: April 25, 2008

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Stories by Kura

A Bittersweet Ending by Kura

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Frodo's final words to Sam as he departs for the Grey Havens.
Category: FPS > Sam/Frodo, FPS, FPS > Frodo/Sam
Characters: Frodo, Sam
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 951 | Read count: 1836

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Published: July 21, 2011 | Updated: July 21, 2011

An Elf's Burden by Kura

Rated: General Audience [Reviews - 1]
Summary: A short poem showing Legolas' thoughts on Frodo.
Category: FPS, FPS > Legolas/Frodo, FPS > Frodo/Legolas
Characters: Frodo, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 218 | Read count: 1741

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Published: March 20, 2009 | Updated: March 20, 2009

Crazy Antics by Kura

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Merry and Pippin devise a little scheme to help Frodo with amusing results.
Category: FPS, FPS > Sam/Frodo, FPS > Frodo/Sam, FPS > Pippin/Merry, FPS > Merry/Pippin
Characters: Frodo, Merry, Pippin, Sam
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 2 | Completed: No | Word count: 1038 | Read count: 604

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Published: February 02, 2009 | Updated: February 02, 2009

Of Bedtime Stories and Stolen Kisses by Kura

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Lijah gets a lesson from Ally and Lizzie on parenting.
Category: RPS, RPS > Elijah Wood/Sean Astin, RPS > Sean Astin/Elijah Wood
Characters: Elijah Wood, Sean Astin
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 789 | Read count: 1575

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Published: April 25, 2008 | Updated: April 25, 2008

Sad But True by Kura

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: What if the Ring had an even stronger influence on Frodo than everyone realized?
Category: FPS > Sam/Frodo, FPS, FPS > Frodo/Sam
Characters: Frodo, Sam
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1248 | Read count: 1148

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Published: August 16, 2012 | Updated: August 16, 2012