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The Song of Sunset: the Third Age by JDE

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 122] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: The series describes the lives of Elrond and Erestor through the Third Age till they finally sail for Valinor. A continuation of 'The Song Of Sunset' series.
Category: FPS, FPS > Elrond/Erestor, FPS > Elrond/Thranduil, FPS > Erestor/Elrond, FPS > Erestor/Gil-galad, FPS > Gil-galad/Erestor, FPS > Thranduil/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Gil-galad, Thranduil
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: The Song of Sunset
Challenge: None
Chapters: 68 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 209876 | Read count: 25890

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Published: November 07, 2008 | Updated: June 30, 2009

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: December 19, 2008 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 26. Galadriel's Choice

Small chapter compared to the rest, but one of the most intensely written ones. Now I am wondering about Celebrimbor's fate. Is he alive? Is he still a prisoner? Your intensity is really touching at times...It drags us into the world of Arda, I feel sorry for both Galadriel and Maglor. And I feel sorry for Cirdan who sympathises with them..

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star
Date: December 19, 2008 Title: Chapter 27: Chapter 27. New Beginnings

I loved this chapter. It had angst, it had action, it had drama, it had that bitterness that is there in all the chapters of the story...Erestor and Mithrandir are a good combination. The way you make friendships is quite amazing. Your narrative is always heartwarming. Who is Saruman's spy in the Rivendell? Elrond and Erestor are a great pairing. 


Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: December 20, 2008 Title: Chapter 28: Chapter 28. A Watchful Peace 1

Elrond scowled and crossed his arms over his chest. Elrohir said cheekily, “Ada is like ‘Dan, isn’t he, Ada? He is very impatient.”

Elrohir scowled again, “I want to ride you, Ada! You are harder than that horse. I won’t lose my grip.”

Elrond turned red with mortification and said furiously, “Don’t you ever tell anyone that, young elf!” Erestor pretended to be interested in the parchment he was writing upon.

It was a clincher! I was laughing like anything! Oh my, you are a truly talented writer...It touched my heart, their simple happiness


As Ered said, the marriage, by the Valar, they are truly a couple


“I decided to take up madness after I realized that was the only route to win your heart”, he laughed, “How else do you woo a mad woman of a mad family?”


“Was that quite necessary?” Elrond panted, his cheeks tinged with red, “Really Glorfindel!”

“Get out!” Erestor said through clenched teeth even as Elrond tried to remove his legs from their perch without moving the scant coverlet that currently covered their lower bodies.

“Are you within…?” Glorfindel asked concerned as Elrond winced slightly, “I will wait outside”, he amended hastily as Erestor shot the coldest stare he could muster on at the time at him.


This was the most hilarious part! Even thranduil and Anoriel doing it in the council chamber loses the race!

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: December 20, 2008 Title: Chapter 29: Chapter 29. A Watchful Peace 2

“Nothing”, she smiled sadly, “A trifle. The child will be the last elf born to those of us in Middle-Earth. The world changes, hervenn-nin. It no longer needs us.”

What of Arwen??? Oh yeah, she's half elf, right? So like you to twist things and make Legolas' birth coincide with the exile from Valinor. the friendships between Elrond, Erestor, Thranduil, Glorfindel that is the thing that makes this unique. Phew, the complexity, you know, Ered is right,  you are a genius...

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstar
Date: December 27, 2008 Title: Chapter 31: Chapter 31. A Solstice in Lórien 1

“Cirdan left before me, he was eager to see Thranduil and Erestor as soon as possible”, Gildor said informatively.
“That is fine”, Elrond joined them, “I, for one, don’t miss him.” 

That line was so Elrondish...just the plain fact!


“Do you miss the lands from where you were exiled?” Elladan blurted out, then bit his lips. He had been warned by both Elrond and Erestor many a time that he should not ask Glorfindel of Valinor.
“I regret nothing”, Glorfindel said coldly as he moved his horse forwards to catch up with Elrond. 


Oh your poor characters lie so much to hide the truth!


“ADA!” the twins shouted as Erestor walked into the glade accompanied by a golden-haired, handsome elf.
Elrond flinched and Erestor stopped walking. Celeborn was looking shell-shocked. Galadriel looked worried as she walked to her husband’s side.

The twins are gonna have a major shock when they know the truth, aren't they? Can't wait to see how you will write that chapter!


The twins trying to guess Elrond's is funny and at the same time tense. Keeps one on alert. And Thranduil, Elrond, Erestor, Gildor and Glorfindel are together...good, good! This is gonna make a great day, have the feeling.


Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: December 27, 2008 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 32. A Solstice in Lórien 2

“He is so handsome”, Galadriel whispered almost inaudibly. 

Valar, those two are too much in love with each other! But the five real reasons why I loved this great chappie was:

1. Celebrian and Galadriel conversation : not too sentimentally forgiving..not too harsh. It made out the two women as the strong characters they are

2. thranduil and elladan talking! That was a masterpiece of a dialogue. Poor Elladan!

“She is also my subject”, Thranduil said blandly, “So I can introduce you better to Anoriel, daughter of King Amdir, Princess of Lothlorien, Queen of Greenwood and my bonded-mate. I don’t think you noticed the wedding band on her finger.”


3. The scene where Haldir saw Elrond and Erestor together. They try to be so discreet and there are a lot of situations so far where I have seen them trying to spare other's feelings.

4. That conversation by the lakeside. As I had expected, the four of them together are a always when you write them. Elladan's suspicions, HAldir trying to make Celebrian understand...

5. The Erestor--Cirdan talk..It was one of the most heartwarming pieces of the Song Of Sunset.

“I am proud of you, pen-neth”, Cirdan sighed as he reached out to touch the robe-clad shoulder, “And I shall stand by you whatever you do.”

Erestor’s eyes betrayed his uncertainty as he said quietly, “You would not speak so easily if you knew what doom I have wrought upon myself.”

“I know”, Cirdan said simply, “Elrond has lost much. As have you. Find your happiness together when you can. That will give you the courage to face the end.”

Cirdan's usual reserved nature and lack of interest in elven society made us think he was not a person wiith emotions. But this scene made it change. One of the best things I love is that you are forever bringing forward relationships and new subplots, all of which we had never suspected at all.

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: December 31, 2008 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 33. Torn Asunder

The title of the chapter made me increase my courage before I read it. Oh, this chapter was one of those I truly cried. I think after Reforging, this was the most heartwrenching chapter. I had started hoping that Anoriel and Thranduil would be happy.

1. “Don’t drop him”, she scolded him, “Thranduil and I worked so hard, you know!” This made me hope that angst wouldnt come. Should have known you better, you twisted writer!

2. She closed her eyes and whispered a prayer to Mandos, the prayer of Miriel Serinde, the Broidress of the Noldor, as the orc leered at her. OH, I did even dream of that ending. You once again managed to upturn all my predictions


3. Thranduil and Erestor talking that night. It captured their grief very well.


4. Celeborn looking as Thranduil made that vow again by the pyre.


5.“The odd thing was, however much I grieved at losing her, as she left me with an year old elfling in my hands, I did not regret loving her…”, Oropher mussed his son’s hair lovingly. I loved your Oropher...


6. As Always Galadriel gets the last word...And she excels there.

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstar
Date: December 31, 2008 Title: Chapter 34: Chapter 34. The Exposure

“How is Laiqua?” Elrohir asked with great interest, he had always had a soft corner for the motherless prince of Greenwood. Is it the beginning of something???

Elladan suppressed a sigh, they were talking of his brother and himself. They took pride in the twins’ achievements, and stood by them always. And Elrohir and he were spying on their personal lives? He met his brother’s knowing eyes. He nodded in assent and they moved away silently. It was no concern of theirs. The twins must be very worried and at the same time afraid to discover the truth!


Haldir signed off with a flourishing remark, “Of course, you must have forgotten him, Lord Erestor. Seeing that you were in Lord Half-Elven’s bed scarce moments after he died.”


It was so cruel...but it was cruel to keep it a secret from 'Bria for so long!


The doom of Finwe shall be revoked again. 

scary now...


Thranduil-Legolas-Thalion conversation was incredibly beautiful he's goin to spoil his son more than Oropher spoilt him...And Thranduil finally discovering his healer's love for Oropher. IT was poignant and painful. Thalion's love was one of the most sacred ones in the story...

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstar
Date: December 31, 2008 Title: Chapter 35: Chapter 35. And What Remains 1

"I don’t want her to stare at you before my eyes." Elrond is very possessive, LOL!


Erestor's conversation with 'Bria was painful...I mean somehow she deserved the right to call him all that. But I pity them both...thats the difference in your story, we end up feeling sorry for everyone.


"Laiqua was a sight that could lighten even the sorest of eyes." So true! The prince had inherited Thranduil’s looks, Oropher’s kindness and Anoriel’s calmness, a lethal mix. 

Oh my, that must be a great mix! No wonder he had his Ada about his little finger!


And is this 'Bria's tragedy journey? Oh, can't wait...


"We have already defied the laws of the Valar and the laws of the Eldar. What have we left to fear from Celeborn?”  

Erestor seems to be going deeper in the Feanorian style...grim and hopeless.


“That is exactly the attitude I have grown to expect from one of your house”, Mithrandir sighed as he warmed himself by the fire, “It will never change, will it?” 


Yes, it is one cursed house....


Thranduil and Laiqua are fast becoming my favourites! 

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star
Date: January 13, 2009 Title: Chapter 36: Chapter 36. And What Remains 2

While we are on these Valar-forsaken mountains, you should do better to take my instructions”, Erestor said coldly, for a moment looking rather like how Elrond remembered Maedhros; proud, determined and confident.

That is how I picture Erestor too...your words are as powerful as always!


His green eyes were a shade lighter than Thranduil’s deep green ones. His frame was more like Oropher’s, spare and austere unlike Thranduil’s magnificence. Their eyes held the same fearlessness and determination though Laiqua’s held a measure of kindness that was absent in his father’s ruthless eyes. And to Galadriel, it seemed that the blood of the Sindar was more prominent in Laiqua than in Thranduil. 


Laiqua's description is so perfect...the best of ORopher, Anoriel and Thranduil! What tragedy waits for him?

“The next time I get my hands on your father, I don’t care which one, I am going to become a kinslayer”, Celeborn promised,

Now that was one heck of a sentence!



Going off to read if they are all right. Hope Celbria doesn't get raped....It would be too much prdictable; and you like keeping us guessing, So you won't give that!

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star
Date: January 13, 2009 Title: Chapter 37: Chapter 37. And What Remains 3

But the determined glacial expression on Celeborn’s face made him nod in acquiescence. 

I wouldnt cross him then; sounds scary!


And Elrohir's captivity; I knew you would twist the story into unpreictable again! Cel wasn't raped and Elrohir gets hurt...And Erestor's mindset when he resuces shows clearly his love for the twins.


“We, the Noldor, never flirt”, Galadriel laughed, “Flirting is simply a Sindarin speciality. Your father is a pastmaster of that, Eru knows!” 

Finally a laugh! 

“I think you will be surprised if you know the truth”, Galadriel watched the sunset sadly, “Even the wisest are not free from that four-lettered beast called love.”

She is so sunset is the cause of such trouble to everyone

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: January 13, 2009 Title: Chapter 38: Chapter 38. And What Remains 4

Gildor smiled as he watched the feline form of Thranduil Oropherion stretch languidly. Some things remained the same ever. The blatant sensuality of Thranduil’s golden body was one of those rare things......

One of the best descriptions of Thranduil!

“Elbereth”, Erestor traced a welt along Elrohir’s jaw, “So young…why did the Valar have to test him?”

“Because they were terribly bored”, Elrond said bitterly.

The Valar; I am angry with can they be like this?


He had met many powerful elves, but none of them were as wise, powerful, compassionate and valiant like Thranduil Oropherion.



And wonder what Laiqua will do to stop Thranduil's abstinence!

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: January 30, 2009 Title: Chapter 39: Chapter 39. The White Council 1

To me life has come full circle. I have been a crown prince, an heir, an obedient son, a kinslayer, an oath swearer, a captive, a high-king, a high-king’s mate, an oath breaker, a warrior, a leader, a nomad, a foster-father and a penitent sinner. I would give everything I am to save you and your twin from this. 

I loved this line. It was what I felt the most touching...I thought your writing had reached its highest point. But you will always disprove me..I love these flashbacks that make the plot clearer and most subtle at the same time.

Erestor is too noble...I must say that!


“Unfortunately my choice of paramours has always been much criticised. First, it had been a betrothed prince. Then it is a widowed chief-counsellor”, Elrond sighed dramatically, “I cannot stoop to accept a lower paramour. And there are certainly none who will match the grandeur I have come to expect from my lovers.”

Elrond is developing a smooth sense of humour!

“Celebrimbor is not dead”, Mithrandir said quietly.

VALAR! Not dead....Its going to be complicated.

“There is a breaking point for every soul, mortal or immortal”, Maglor explained, “And when you reach there, you no longer fear or care.”

Elrond rubbed his forehead, Celebrian; it seemed, had reached her breaking point.

I do hate Celebria but I think I do pity her. I pity all of them...




Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: January 30, 2009 Title: Chapter 40: Chapter 40. The White Council 2

“She…”, Erestor said in a shaky voice, “She was most kind-hearted and understanding. A wonderful woman who should never have suffered all this.”

He is noble....

“Elladan!” Gildor’s voice was cheery, “Keep an eye on the princeling. I am kidnapping his father to take him to that old goat Celeborn.”

“Gildor!” Elrond arrived, “You shouldn’t say that to his face if you want to leave Lothlorien alive! Celeborn is not in a Noldor-loving spirit these days.”

The banter...after all that happened and the doom hanging over them, they still banter.


“That everyone lusts after my kin?” Galadriel bit her lips to control her temper, “Then what of Thranduil? Everyone lusted and many still lust after him!”

Phew...They fight as no other married couple fights..

“He was too addicted to self-sacrifice”, He remarked acidly, “That certainly explains why he hallowed the chasms of middle-earth with the flesh of Finwe! Suicide is an act of desperate cowards.”

Celeborn...Celeborn, what are you saying, idiot?


 His blue eyes were laced with regret, pain and weary resignation. She clenched her hands tightly as the red rays of the sunset cast a brilliant shade of crimson on the skies. 

“Altariel”, his voice was tired, “I cannot do this anymore. I cannot fight for you.”

“You want to cease fighting for us? For our love?” she asked wearily.

He shook his head confusedly, “I no longer know what our love meant to me.”

“Be it so then”, she said softly, “I will not beg you for this. I will never love anyone as much as I love you. But I will learn to live without your love, Prince Celeborn of Doriath.”

He watched stunned as the proud woman he had loved, wooed, married and lived with for millennia walked out away from him. The weary pride that sustained her now was but a shadow of the former fire that had burnt in her. But all the same, it reminded him of all the reasons why he could never stop loving her.


You have managed to warp an already complex plot into a beautifully tragic story. There has always been that touching something about your writing that I have not been able to classify. This will rank as one of the best chapters I loved.I could go on and go on....But it wont be enough.

“Did you have one of your spats?”

“The last”, she said quietly, “I will not delay us all anymore. It is almost time for the council dinner.”

“Altariel”, Celeborn dropped his head into his hands remorsefully, “We must talk.”

“Call me never by that name”, she said in a shaken voice, “In the name of Eru, I renounce my vows to you, Prince Celeborn of Doriath. I set you free to love another, to marry another. My mind is pure; I will never have a claim on your heart unlike Miriel Serinde had on Finwe’s. I set you free”, she braced herself on the wall behind her as a convulsion took her. 

Thranduil looked across at Elrond who rushed to her side and pulled her to the couch. She shook her head firmly and struggled to her feet whispering, “Let me leave. I need to be alone.”

Celeborn said brokenly, his eyes red, “You will regret this.”

“Both of us will”, she smiled faintly, her eyes glimmering with unshed tears.

I am crying here...You really reached the highpoint of tragedy, beautiful and sad.

“I cannot drag him down with me at the end. My conscience could never bear that”, she whispered as she clenched her hands tightly in his. 

“Elbereth”, Erestor said wearily, “I have no idea what to say.”

“There is a silver lining in the dark, my nephew”, Galadriel smiled wanly, “That he did not renounce his vows…he will, but he didn’t do it immediately after me. So he still loves me in his own way.”

This is a long review...but I had even more to say


Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: January 31, 2009 Title: Chapter 41: Chapter 41. The White Council 3

“Birth does not make a person what he or she is”, Glorfindel remarked as he took the seat next to Galadriel.


“Lord Glorfindel the reborn!” Saruman smiled, “I have always wanted to meet you. You are right, of course. Birth did not make you a hero, on the contrary, death did.”


SARUMAN is quite cruel, isn't he?

Thranduil and Erestor are always as smoothtalking as ever....defusing tough situations


They watched as Thranduil executed a sharp, flawless bow and presented his hand to Erestor, who accepted it gracefully. For a moment they stared at one another before releasing their joined hands and starting to dance. Saruman had never seen anything as passionately executed as this dance. He gripped his goblet tightly as they twirled about, dancing out of each other’s reach.

It must have been a sight to watch...the two most beautiful elves dance a hunter-prey dance...


“A pity, that”, Saruman said good-naturedly, “They are too handsome to be allowed to grieve alone.”


I AGREE! I am sure Ered too will agree..



“My dearest ‘Restor”, Thranduil pulled the unsuspecting Erestor to him deftly and pressed a languorous kiss on the stunned lips, “Thranduil Oropherion is ever unpredictable.”


Yipee...Thranduil is now finally losing his grief!


The wizard reminded him of Oropher, the austere features, the politeness, the sincerity and the soft tones.


Mistake, My king...the old wizard's a traitor!


“Our marriage might not have been as hallowed by love as Thranduil’s or my parents’ had been. But I am glad that it ends on far better terms!”


She's got something right finally!



If she had still believed in the Valar in the least, she might have appealed to them to watch over him.


I am liking Galadriel more and more...not like...a kind of grudging admiration !

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: January 31, 2009 Title: Chapter 42: Chapter 42. The White Council 4

The scene where Galadriel refuses to toast the Valar...She's so headstrong. And Erestor and Thranduil once again prove their diplomacy.


“I promise to be careful, to take no unnecessary risks”, Elladan said resolutely, “But I shall fight.”


They have grown up. OH NO! Now you are goint to entangle them too in the plot, aren't you? Angst coming, I know that for sure.


Laiqua smiled at his father’s strong, taut body glistening golden with water drops. ...Must have been quite a sight!



“My mother died because she had not learnt to defend herself”, Laiqua said quietly.


Thranduil’s eyes flashed in fury and pain before he said in a tight voice, “Do you think I need to be reminded of that when each moment I mourn her?”



That was cruel, Laiqua! Poor Thranduil...



“I don’t have that choice”, Galadriel smiled bitterly as the last archer disappeared across the plains, “I have never had the choice. I have seen off my brothers, cousins, nephews and husband to war more number of times than I care to count. And it seems to be my lot to see off my grandsons to carnage and massacre now.”


I will never forget your Galadriel as long as I live,...A powerful character rarely seen in the usual slash stories.




“I am Thorin Oakensheid”, the leader spoke boldly, “And we are going east to reclaim the Lonely Mountain and the mines of our ancestors.”

We are gaining pace.........Ered, come along, I don't to go down the hill without you!


The description of Elrohir in the battlefield roused by the danger, You sure are one talented genius...wasted on slash, I sometimes think!


There was a sharp cry and a rough grip steered him backwards. He opened his eyes to meet his twin’s eyes. He shivered involuntarily. Elrohir’s eyes were almost black with battle-lust. His features had become sharper and harsher. He was panting slightly from exertion.

They had both lost their innocence this day. ....True


Half an hour later, a torn, blood spattered standard of the house of Finwe rose in the east. Cheers rose from the warriors in Elrond’s and Gildor’s ranks even as Thranduil charged down from the north and Elrond from the west. 






Thranduil and Erestor seemed to be synchronized as if they were two bodies under one mind. Their swings, moves and parries were executed flawlessly with the cold fury of souls who had lost everything to darkness. 


I can almost imagine the powerful scene. Those words descibe the horror of all that they lost...And the DOOM!




“He has gone”, Thranduil squinted at the faint red rays of the dawn, “It is over, for now. He has fled east.”


“Mordor”, Elrond cursed as he wiped his sword on the charred grass.


*SIGHS* What are we to do? JDE, please update soon...any hope of a happy ending? 




“I will hunt you to the ends of the world and beyond”, she swore, “If that is what it takes for the salvation of my kin.”


Erm...Maybe I am a fool to ask for a happy ending.


Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: January 31, 2009 Title: Chapter 43: Chapter 43. The Winds of Change 1

Elladan cringed as Elrond shouted, “CELEBORN! I had no intention of marrying her in the first place.”


“You were coward enough to marry her on your cousin’s prodding though!” Celeborn snapped as he strode furiously towards his son by law.


“You were the coward! The obedient husband who gave his humble blessings for his daughter’s marriage to a perverted half-elf!” Elrond spat angrily.


....I knew this argument was long brewing!





“’Bria is fading, Galadriel…and he says it is not his fault!” Celeborn said venomously, “I had enough of the entire court of Gil-Galad.”


Elrond turned towards Galadriel saying crisply, “This”, he waved his hand at a fuming Celeborn, “This elf was your mistake. I will not listen to his slander anymore. I married his daughter. But as we all walked into it open-eyed, why is he complaining now?”


Elrond is right...That Silver tree was Galadriel's greatest mistake...




Laiqua laughed as he led his friend into the woods with the supreme confidence that the Sindar race had in any forest...Laiqua is more Sindar than Vanyarin...That makes me like Thranduil more.





“Come, we shouldn’t disobey the high-king’s concubine”, one of the senior-most captains said with a sneer. 


“True”, another Erestor identified as Haldir’s brother Orophin, “Now Lord Celeborn is talking sense into the Peredhel, who has thrown over our Lady Celebrian for his dead cousin’s catamite.”


“After the eve, you will be otherwise occupied; as a bedwarmer”, Orophin sneered. 


Erestor, I wish he could just run them through with his sword...It alwaya amazes me how he can be so cool...Isildur, Haldir etc.




“It simply indicates that I don’t wish to pursue and validate every bit of rumour regarding me. If I were to do that, I would be fighting duels with elves all my time than slaying orcs."


Now yoou have given his reason to be so cool...



“Damn you”, Celeborn cursed her, “I still love you; damn you, Altariel!”


That sums up their whole marriage. JDE, it is the shortest sentence that contains evreything of their relationship spannign millenia!





“I won’t harm him”, Erestor said quietly, “And it isn’t your concern if he harms me.”


Diplomacy, thy name is Erestor.


Erestor calmed himself wilfully even though he felt sickened by the wetness of his companion’s arousal on his thigh...If it had been Elrond, he would have killed Rumil on the spot, I am sure!




“Join whom exactly?” Thranduil enquired sardonically.


“Thirteen dwarves, a Halfling, a wizard, a few hundred Lakemen…there you are”, Mithrandir offered.


“Does the word suicidal imply nothing to you?” Thranduil tugged at his crown absently, “I have half-a-mind to send you to Celeborn. He knows how to deal with your kind. You expect me to send my elves to Erebor to fight orcs and protect dwarven treasure? Whatever was there inside that upper attic of yours has stopped functioning.”


“The upper attic works fine. The lower could do with some conditioning though now”, Mithrandir winked as Thranduil groaned in pure despair, “What say you, Lord Oropherion?”


“I will come”, Thranduil sighed, “The lakemen are my allies. And the dwarves, I have every intention of keeping them alive until they pay me twice over for my lost kegs of the Dorwinion.”



Thranduil too never loses his cool....Mithrandir is lucky there!






“I hope you haven’t been sleep walking after activities with Elrond”, she remarked, “Lord Celeborn will have you roasted and gutted.”


“I have resigned myself to that in the long term”, he shrugged before coming to stand next to her, “I met Rumil.”



Galadriel attempting humour...What will we have next, JDE? You are very unpredictable, more than Thranduil, if you get my meaning!





“After all the quarrels and heartbreak that your parents went through to make you, you should know better than to throw your life away like this”, Laiqua clucked before gazing in the direction that Elladan’s fingers pointed to. 

Laiqua does comedy better than Galadriel!



“Yes”, Erestor smiled bitterly, “But I promise you, we shall go down fighting than live apart. What we have now is too potent that I crave for it every moment of this existence, Elrond. I cannot live without you.”


“I live for you”, Elrond spoke resolutely as he closed the distance with a chaste kiss to Erestor’s lips. They stood together in the darkening room watching the sun sink under the trees.



Each sunset is magical. JDE, each sunset is more magical when you write them!

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstar
Date: February 03, 2009 Title: Chapter 44: Chapter 44. The Winds of Change 2


“I have been lost for centuries”, she said in a quiet tone that sent shivers down Elladan’s spine. 


Who is this new character? I think its going to be another tragic character..wicked genius JDE



Erestor and Elrond are more beautiful together than many married couples. The easiness of their relationship is beautiful becquse of the deep love they have for each other.



“What I want has never been granted”, she said emptily, “I no longer have the courage to wish.”


Galadriel, daughter of Finarfin, granddaughter of Finwe - strongest character in the Song of sunset.

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: March 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 45: Chapter 45. The Winds of Change 3

Celebrian proves she is her mother's daughter....


""I guess he and I are used to insults by now. The dwarves accused me of charming the men of Laketown.""

Thranduil always gets the right way of saying things. But then he was always the charmer!


"So you say that we introduce Lady Arwen as Elrond's and 'Bria's daughter nurtured and sheltered by very over-protective grandparents in Lothlorien?" Celeborn shook his head tiredly, "With due respect, I must say that Elu Thingol was right. Insanity plagues your house. And this far-fetched idea proves it perfectly, My Lord Erestor."


I agree with Celeborn though I love the Finweans. Before SoS I wasnt into Noldor that much, but you have changed it forever..


This chapter gave a grand plot twist! Where do you come up with them from?

The best certainly!

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: March 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 46: Chapter 46. The Winds of Change 4


"Thranduil jsut cannot see Gildor, can he ? But he has to be like that, he is Thranduil, after all.



"I know", Erestor smiled wryly, "When she leaves, we shall all stop keeping up appearances. It shall be an out and out mudslinging party indeed."

Don't think that will be as easy to put up with as Erestor makes it seem!


The last scene between Galadriel and Celeborn ceratinly makes one of the best I have read in The SoS, I am too overcome to stay anything sane right now.

Be back later. Leaving Ered to do the 100th review, as I am a true gentleman (soemtimes) ! Advance Congrats, you deserve it.

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: March 09, 2009 Title: Chapter 47: Chapter 47. The Lines Are Drawn Again 1

""Celeborn's warriors lost a strategic location again. Can't they do anything right?""

I have lost hope of them doing anything right. I love Celeborn, but he sometimes is very, very foolish.

I see that we have reached 100. I am sad though : I had wanted Ered to take the 100th one. She was the person who deserved it. 

""Thank you", he managed a faint smile, "Now, I will see to your escort. Please be safe.""

Those two, they can never admit that they love each other to madness and be done with it! Pride has a new definition there:)


"I had always known that I could not abandon you and sail away", Cirdan shook his head, "This is not your doing, pen-neth. It is my choice. I have atleast the grace of Ulmo. You know that we will have a better chance of reaching Valinor if we sail together than you sailing alone.""


Cirdan too gets to the cursed life, then....You won;t give anyone a happy life??

Thranduil is a determined father, but his son is just as stubborn. No winners there...


"Trust me, people crave for novelty as they age.""


They sure do!!!


"No", Elrond said with a deep sigh, "It is a blood language. It seeps into your blood. Everything that Feanor wrought carried a part of his spirit", he paused, "Including this language."

Now you are again bringing in the First Age story into this plot! You are one cunning spidergirl!

Waiting for the next updates!



Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: April 14, 2009 Title: Chapter 48: Chapter 48. The Lines Are Drawn Again 2

the similie between the fishes and the state of finwe's house is amazing. you have caught me  there. it is a wonder how you keep the momentum up even after so many chapters, each a higher standard than the previous one.


Estel has discovered the secret...the secret that is a well known secret, i should say. what will he do about it? elladan is most protective about his ada, go there!

"She inhaled deeply, the memories of her youth wafting into her mind even as the scent wafted into her nostrils. Regrets, pride, grief and determination flashed across her features successively."

i have said it before and i say it again, your characterisation is incredible. just incredible.


the celeborn-galadriel part, oh my, that was the highlight of the chapter, understated, poignant and accompanied by your flawless narrative. yes, jde, it was one of the best interactions between them. you portray galadriel raw and susceptible to mistakes. not the wise woman who knows all. i could not find more words to say that they are alive under your pen.



Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star
Date: April 14, 2009 Title: Chapter 49: Chapter 49. The Lines Are Drawn Again 3

"At our age, Ada Elrond was a wise healer and warrior; Ada Erestor was the chief-counsellor, the administrator and married; Naneth was an accomplished lady honoured in all courts, Gildor was already a wanderer of repute, Thranduil had bedded half of elvendom, you had already battled a balrog...have I left out anything?" Elrohir responded with droll sarcasm.


wow, they sure were accomplished, though we didnt think of all that when we were reading their tales in the song of sunset.


nostalgia, the chapter reeks of it:)

"You want to hang the coat of arms of our house? ", Erestor asked for confirmation, "With due respect to our coat of arms, I think we might do better to hang a warg's head up here."

your strong sense of humour that you twine into the characters is in full force here. the chapter is lighter than the most, till now. can't trust you that easily though, can i?

" Thranduil was curled about himself in distinctly feline fashion on a worn-out armchair before the fire. His emerald gaze was unfocussed and wide-open in reverie. He was still clad in his formal robes of the day before, having not even bothered to remove his circlet which lay awry and tilted upon his dishevelled hair."

oh, oh! the picture you paint of your golden prince.


""Arwen", Galadriel said with mock seriousness, "Never make an attempt to be Wise. There are much better things one could be doing."


"I...", she shook her head wearily, "I have never been good with words when it comes to you. But centuries ago, I told you while I had ridden to Greenwood to see you that I would die if you asked me to*. I hold to that."

"I would never ask you to", he said brokenly, "I would ask you to live again."


galadriel and celeborn are fast on the road  to meeting the qualification for the best pairing, lol. they are  just awesome.


"There are many things you cannot understand", Thranduil rose to his feet, including both Estel and Gollum in a last cold glare, "If the crown prince of Greenwood intends to hold this creature prisoner, then the crown prince of Greenwood must hold himself responsible for the creature. I shall have no part in it", he nodded to his son and strode out of the room.


shudders in anticpation of more, dear gal, you have struck it right.

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed
Date: April 14, 2009 Title: Chapter 50: Chapter 50. The Board is Set 1

"Sometimes you don't need foresight to know what is going to happen", Thranduil said bitterly.

it is getting nearer to the quest and laiqua will have to go. poor thranduil, what  will he do? he is alone.


 He lowered his hood and galloped towards the tower. Atleast he could get a decent meal and a night's sleep in the castle than out in the plains. Erestor could go fry himself in Mordor the next time he tried to send Gildor on a fool's errand.

oh no! oh no! it is so scary. saruman is  going to hold him and  torture him, isn't he?

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star
Date: May 18, 2009 Title: Chapter 51: Chapter 51. The Board is Set 2

Gildor is in trouble...I hope someone gets to save him soon.


Alliances are not allegiances. I really love the way in which you make the connections happen from the first chapters to these. It flows smoothly.


Arwen's discussion with Celeborn abotu mortality and then the ride with Aragorn makes us wonder about the doom.


""Elbereth!" Erestor begged, "Is there no penance that would suffice? Blood, tears and life, we have sacrificed all! What more can we do to appease you?""


I get chills down my spine each time I see the lines of the Doom coming up.



Why will Galadriel and Celeborn be so hopelessly at loggerheads with each other? They are worse than fighting bulls.


Thranduil's meeting with the slavers has me running to the next chapter in panic.

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: May 18, 2009 Title: Chapter 52: Chapter 52. The Kinslayer 1

I hate Saruman. Poor Gildor, why didn't Erestor send anyone to save him?


"But my word is as good as Thranduil Oropherion's. And I gave my word to Estel that I would keep his prisoner safe and under our vigil. I shall not break it."


Filial disobedience, that's not right, Laiqua!


""We chose to walk together", Elrond spoke softly, cupping his friend's cheek, his eyes glittering with determination, "And so we shall."


Lines like that remind me why I loved your Elrond from the very, very beginning.


""I came because I have a son I cannot afford to lose. On the other hand, I have nothing left to lose", Thranduil grimaced, "I know I don't make much sense to you, but I trust you because I have no reason to trust you. Agents of the enemy usually give a good enough reason to be trusted."


Thranduil's being so deucedly elven, Man!



"I would, If I had been you", Haldir cautioned."


So would I, Rumil. It is Galaddriel you are dealing with. 

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: September 20, 2009 Title: Chapter 53: Chapter 53. The Kinslayer 2

MAN, Galadriel's one crazy woman. So tough to understand and so tough to handle. I know she loves Celeborn. Never expected her love to go to screening his murder of poor Rumil. Mind you, I hated Rumil. But getting killed was a very bad ending for him.

"It makes a lot of sense", Erestor said quietly as he met his friend's confused gaze before turning to gaze at Elrond Half-Elven's austere features, "Glorfindel, I would have done the same if I had been in her place." Elrond felt his breath catch in his chest as he whispered, "You would kill for me?" "Was there ever a doubt?" Erestor smiled sadly before leaving the room, his head bowed and hands clenched together. A



Awww! so chweet. It kinda took us back to the first chapters of The Song of Sunset.

"I want to tear out the hearts from all our bodies and burn them in a blazing fire and scatter the ashes in the air", Glorfindel said quietly, "Love, how I hate the word!" Glor is so right.

"One Isildur was enough to make us what we are now", Erestor looked around the deserted gardens and raised Elrond's hand to his chest and placed it over his heart, "If you had the will to resist the urge to fight him and die, because you wished to return to me, then, Elrond", he paused, "I will gladly walk with you wherever the path leads." "You are most eloquent today", Elrond said contentedly, "Not that I complain." "Time is waning for us", Erestor said soberly, "I don't wish to leave things unspoken even if some of them may sound incredibly trite and sentimental." Elrond met the sincere black eyes and said warmly, moved by the sudden vulnerability he saw there, "Sometimes, hearing trite and sentimental things do wonders to a weary soul. I trust your counsel. I shall not send the letter to Saruman."

Erestor is romaaantic! I like it.


"My Lady Elbereth", he whispered sadly, "The whole purpose of your game seems to be to drive me into blasphemy." I think he's got it right.

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: September 20, 2009 Title: Chapter 54: Chapter 54. The Kinslayer 3

I absolutely, totally, fucking loved this chappie! I am sorry that I kinda am late to the party. I read it all offline and never got around to telling you about it. Thranduil is magnificent. Your Thranduil always takes the cake. Here too!

Stay safe Laiqua! I get the creepy feeling that Lady Ga is right about Mandos. And Jde's the queen of angst! Celebrimbr scared the hell outta me with his appreance in orc form. Man, can't you anything by halves?? 

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: September 20, 2009 Title: Chapter 55: Chapter 55. The Reckoning

The scene btwn Thranny an Gildor was absolutely cool. In the typical JDE style you have mananged to add one more plot to the mesh of plots. I want to come there and open your brain for myself to see what's in. 

 That which you do unto your parent shall be done by your offspring unto you. It is a lesson I have learnt through grief."

Yeah. Lady Ga sure has to learn things the hard way, doesn't she?

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: September 20, 2009 Title: Chapter 56: Chapter 56. The Shadow Lengthens 1

The scene btwn Maedhros, Maglor and Elrond was cool! Not just 'cos of the ice, ie. I liked the family scene there. Did you really have to put that piece about Oropher here? I got sad.

Mithrandir is never say die man out there. Someone needs to be that way, for sure.

The last bit about Gildor and Thranduil made me soppily sentimental. JDE, you're simply the best to write romances.

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: November 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 57: Chapter 57. The Shadow Lengthens 2

Elrohir and Arwen??? You gotta be kidding, sure! But it is sooo nice to see them the way you write.

Galadriel, Celeborn still going crazy about each other. They are both dangerous in their ways. You write them super sharp!

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstar
Date: November 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 59: Chapter 59. An Evenstar of her People

His eyes met hers soberly as he said, "We will reclaim it all, Altariel."


I sure want a happy ending for them!

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star
Date: November 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 60: Chapter 60. Of Loyalty and Love

Did Erestor think Legolas won't help his friends? hmm, that's not like Erestor usually. Going to read what happens next!

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarhalf-star
Date: November 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 61: Chapter 61. The Third Defiance

Some of the lines were so much your trademark style making me want to read the story from the start again!

"I often wonder", he sighed as he stared at bright skies, "What would it take to free them? To break the gates of Mandos? To bring the starlight into the Void?"


Thranduil is so lovable in the story from the very beginning. Galadriel is harder to love. But it is impossible not to notice her!



Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: November 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 62: Chapter 62. To Dare Hope

Emerald green eyes watching him amusedly; a languid, feline form stretched sinuously along the tree branch, the sunrays filtering through the canopy of leaves to lend their radiance to the golden hair of the young prince.

Elrond willed away that image of Thranduil, they had been naïve, innocent and blissfully unaware of oaths and curses.


They were so young then! This makes me sad to know Elrond is feeling old now.

Thranduil and Gildor bonding was great. They both need it. I loved thischapter..

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star
Date: November 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 63: Chapter 63. The Waves Crash Ever

What's that happening with Cirdan and Maedhros? Haldir's behaving oddly also. you will kill me with suspense, meh!

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstar
Date: November 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 64: Chapter 64. The White Lady

Erestor's got it spot on:"Love would be easier if we had no pride to defend", Erestor replied sarcastically, but he smiled as Elrond's hands took his own, the red sunrays casting dark shadows on their entwined fingers as they watched the sunset.


Legolas and Eowyn now? I don't like Eowyn. But I am waiting to see where you go with that. Haldir was a plotwist and no doubt about that! How DO you do it?



Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: November 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 65: Chapter 65. The Last Gambit

JDE! This chapter was the best one in all the 100 odd chapters I read in the Song of Sunset series! Just like you to save the best for the last!!! Seriously! 

Galadriel is so damn complicated. I need to read this chapter again and again!!

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarhalf-star
Date: November 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 66: Chapter 66. The Dawn of Men 1

Saruman was taking a twist now. You are so good with giving characters new light to look at.

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarhalf-star
Date: November 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 67: Chapter 67. The Dawn of Men 2

This chapter was fast. Not like the ones you usually write. 

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: November 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 68: Chapter 68. The End of an Age



"Life, to her, has probably come full-circle", Elrond said quietly.

It is right! Galadriel and the readers all came full-circle through the story you wrote so well, JDE!

"I am", Elrond clarified defiantly, "To me, the sunset is never as beautiful as it appears to be when reflected in your eyes. I watch two miracles at the same time. I am fortunate, am I not?"

Erestor merely smiled as he returned his gaze to the red sun that was sinking down the sea, throwing his pale features into sharp contrast.

The last sunset? I am so sad. I don't want this story to end. What happens after they sail, JDE? Do they get happy lives there? 

"I was thinking of hope", she admitted as she accepted his arm.

"To me, hope is you", he said frankly as he helped her up the ladder to the boat that would take them to the ship.

They are so good together! I love the Galadriel-Celeborn marriage in yoru story. It's great!


Thanks for the time you spent in writing this! It will always remain my favorite story in lotr fanfiction! 


Discussion by JDE

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Sequel to Initiation; but can be read as a stand-alone. Part two of the ‘Endurance’ series.
Category: FPS > Maedhros/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Maedhros
Characters: Elrond, Maedhros
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: Endurance
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 3626 | Read count: 2172

[Report This]
Published: November 18, 2008 | Updated: November 18, 2008

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: November 21, 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

You do Silmarillion characters particularly the doomed ones very well. This was intensely romantic. Elrond was younger than we usually get, less worried about traditions and rules and the rest. Maedhros is as usual in your fics, sensitive and handsome....Hope to see where it ends....Not a tragedy, I beg!


Their conversation was perfectly easy, delight to read. You do romances very well.. 

Realization by JDE

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 2] starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Sequel to Initiation, Discussion; but can be read as a stand-alone. Part three of the ‘Endurance’ series.
Category: FPS > Maedhros/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Maedhros
Characters: Elrond, Maedhros
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: Endurance
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1856 | Read count: 726

[Report This]
Published: November 18, 2008 | Updated: November 18, 2008

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarhalf-star
Date: November 21, 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

You are going towards doomsday...I am sad...Hoped foolishly for a happy ending here. MAglor is the perfect fosterfather and brother, I wonder why he had to suffer so much..

Desolation by JDE

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstar
Summary: Sequel to Initiation, Discussion, Realization, Separation; but can be read as a stand-alone. Part Five of the Endurance series.
Category: FPS > Maedhros/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Maedhros
Characters: Elrond, Maedhros
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: Endurance
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1947 | Read count: 2402

[Report This]
Published: December 01, 2008 | Updated: December 01, 2008

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstar
Date: December 02, 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Loved this cahpter! I hope that we have a happy ending, the wonderful way you made this love in words, it will be tragic to see it end in sorrow...Please halls of Mandos release Maedhros!

Reunion by JDE

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Sequel to Initiation, Discussion, Realization, Separation, Desolation; but can be read as a stand-alone. Part Six of the Endurance series.
Category: FPS > Maedhros/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Maedhros
Characters: Elrond, Maedhros
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: Endurance
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2910 | Read count: 5650

[Report This]
Published: December 01, 2008 | Updated: December 01, 2008

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: December 02, 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Oh Wow!


I was crying here after completing the story, it was touching, poignant and mindblowing!


Forgive you for the tragedy you put Elrond and Maedhros through!


Separation by JDE

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 2] starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Sequel to Initiation, Discussion, Realization; but can be read as a stand-alone. Part Four of the Endurance series.
Category: FPS > Elrond/Maedhros, FPS, FPS > Maedhros/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Maedhros
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: Endurance
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1589 | Read count: 2139

[Report This]
Published: December 01, 2008 | Updated: December 01, 2008

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstar
Date: December 02, 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Looking forward to more of this touching narrative! Feanorians are irresistable and when you write them, then we can't stay away!

First Blood by JDE

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Glorfindel is introduced to a pompous warrior from Fingon’s troops. And sparks fly.
Category: FPS > Ecthelion/Glorfindel, FPS, FPS > Glorfindel/Ecthelion
Characters: Ecthelion, Glorfindel
Type: None
Warning: None
Challenges: Glorfindel/Ecthelion
Series: The Follies of Youth
Challenge: Glorfindel/Ecthelion
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1130 | Read count: 1007

[Report This]
Published: December 03, 2008 | Updated: December 03, 2008

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstar
Date: December 06, 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I agree with ered...This may not be your masterpiece, but I am glad that you have written a pairing that has been long absent around. The Song Of Sunset is ever my favourite, though Endurance comes close behind! Your Elrond is the best I have ever seen, sensitive, caring, noble, valiant and yet a bit human! All your stories with Elrond, whether it the SoS, Endurance or the Elrond/Thranduil pairings...marvellous.

I especially loved the Elrond/Maedhros pairing in Endurance!

White Stone, Grey Eyes by Ered Miriwen

Rated: General Audience [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Ecthelion has left Aman and crossed the Grinding Ice out of love for Turgon, but after more than a hundred years he still hasn't been able to open his heart to him. As they are about to be secluded in the hidden city of Gondolin, a nervous Glorfindel helps him.
Category: FPS > Turgon/Ecthelion, FPS, FPS > Ecthelion/Turgon
Characters: Ecthelion, Turgon
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2809 | Read count: 1468

[Report This]
Published: December 31, 2008 | Updated: December 31, 2008

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed
Date: January 03, 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

(Two things this author is addicted to : 1. Feedback 2. The Song Of sunset)


This's a great story. I havent read a Turgon/Thel pair before. But it was good though I felt Thel deserved someone far better than Turgon cos I have never liked Turgon. But I loved Glori in this!

seriously ; did your mom beta it?



Author's Response:

Thanks, I'm happy you liked it!

Glor is one of my favourite elves ever. When I first encounered Turgon I didn't like him either, but then, as I discovered more about him, I changed my mind.

Yes, my mom really betaedt it. She's a very open-minded person and, since I always tell her about the things I like, she knows a lot about both elves and slash.

Of Emerald and Sapphire by JDE

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 2] starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Celeborn thinks of emerald.
Category: FPS > Oropher/Celeborn, FPS, FPS > Celeborn/Oropher
Characters: Celegorm, Oropher
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: The Follies of Youth
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1483 | Read count: 493

[Report This]
Published: January 14, 2009 | Updated: January 14, 2009

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarhalf-star
Date: January 15, 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

It is a trademark of yours...happiness, love, angst, parting, death and then finally redemption and reunion ! Hope that the Song Of sunset gets some similar ending...

A Golden Nuisance by JDE

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Can be read as a companion piece of The Consequences of a Sunset. Hints to what exactly made Glorfindel complain of Thranduil’s doings in the barracks.
Category: FPS, FPS > Glorfindel/Thranduil, FPS > Thranduil/Glorfindel
Characters: Glorfindel, Thranduil
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: The Follies of Youth
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1211 | Read count: 949

[Report This]
Published: January 14, 2009 | Updated: January 14, 2009

Reviewer: lovelegollas Signed starstarstarhalf-star
Date: January 15, 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Glorfindel had to smile at the easy willfulness with which the young, spoilt son of Oropher sat down on the edge of the window and crossed his hands over his chest. 

The descriptions of Thranduil that you give are probably the best.


"“You are a nuisance, ernil-nin. But the saving grace is that you are one golden nuisance"


Now that was so true! Hot and steamy, not your usual style, but it fits in perfectly with your universe of the song of Sunset.