Lindefal arranged breakfast the next morning in the study and the clatter of pottery awoke the entwined sleepers. Elrond found he tasted medicine on his lips and his long hair was stuck to his face where the creamy substance was smeared as well. It did not have an unpleasant flavor. He noted his shoulder felt less stiff and painful as he shifted in the pile of snowy pillows and sheets. He found himself entangled with Findalor's long legs, and Galenbrethil's slender hand lay along his side, embracing him in her sleep. He remembered that she had applied the creamy medication in a soothing massage and had been really working out the tenseness as the muscles relaxed when Findalor returned to report from the evening patrol. He sat and ate bread and cheese, watching the treatment as he enjoying foamy ale while they exchanged news of the day between them.
The late hour encouraged old memories and the vigorous massage from Galenbrethil's strong hands led to more playful activities between the old friends. Elrond had missed intimacies with these two souls he dearly cared for. Galenbrethil had forgotten how tiring a grapple with Elrond's uncontrollable aura could be, and rolled over grasping the sheets and blankets over her head. Findalor slept on deeply and peacefully, his days on patrol where he was alert even in sleep were countered by complete abandonment within the safe walls of the city. Elrond thought no one could sleep as soundly as Findalor when he was home.
Elrond rose and gathered a robe around him as he descended the stairs to his study. Midmorning sun filtered through he trees and across the patterned floor as the sun's rays picked out the ancient designs in the tiles. The warm aromas of breakfast made him realize he would enjoy dining today. Perhaps his busy night was a contributing factor, he would never impose on Galenbrethil and Findalor now unless invited, but he welcomed their presence and enjoyed their company at any opportunity. As he sat at the table and leaned in the sniff the covered dishes, his sleepy bed partners wandered down the stairs to join him.
Galenbrethil asked about his shoulder, and with a flex or two he realized it was much better, and told her so. She smiled and tucked into her breakfast. Findalor was dressing as he stood; he had the day patrol to organize and reports to hear. He ate standing and left with a cup of steaming tea in his hands. Galenbrethil gathered her apron and shoes and left soon after, toast and jam in hand. She had classes to mange this day as well, they had many here to study the healing arts this summer, and her schedule was busy at best.
Elrond climbed the stairs and dressed formally for the day, and Lindefal gathered his hair in complex braids with silver clips. There were several meetings today and household business would keep him moving around the complex all day. Erestor had already been by with lists of assignments and chores for the day as well. He changed shoes at the last minute to accommodate the walked he would be doing, and wandered down the stairs to the first gathering in the council room. The day promised to be sunny and bright, and he wished he were headed to the swimming pool instead of work. Sighing he reminded himself, "Such are the demands on leaders." The hours stretched out into late afternoon, he ate lunch on the go, and found himself looking forward to the evening bells.
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