Coranar 11. Friends and Lovers by The Tired Scribe


Summary: Sleepy Summer days at Rivendell bring old friends back into the fold
Rating: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Category: FPS, FPS > ?/?
Characters: Elrond
Type: Surprise Pairing, Threesomes and Groups
Warning: None
Challenge: None
Series: Coranar
Chapter: 6 | Completed: Yes | Words: 8124 | Read: 17255
Published: February 01, 2009 | Updated: February 01, 2009

Story notes: SERIES NOTE: This is story # 10 in the seasonal series called "Coranar", or "sun-round"
in Elvish. To catch up seek out: The Cleft in the Curve, Coranar #1, A Good Thing, Coranar #2, Shooting Stars, Coranar #3, Days of Harvest and Pain, Coranar #4, The Abyss, Coranar #5, A Perfect Day, Coranar #6, Winter Joinings, Coranar #7, Gifts from the South, Coranar #8, Rings of Power Coranar #9, Distant Evenings, Coranar # 10.

The Coranar series:
1. The Cleft in the Curve
2. A Good Thing
3. Shooting Stars
4. Days of Harvest and Pain
5. The Abyss
6. The Perfect Day
7. Winter Joinings
8. Gifts from the South
9. Rings of Power
10. Distant Evenings
11. Friends and Lovers
12. Fiery Circles

1. Part I. Gathered together by The Tired Scribe [Reviews - 0] (908 words)

2. Part II. Comrades in Spirit by The Tired Scribe [Reviews - 0] (1812 words)

3. Part III. Healers Abounding by The Tired Scribe [Reviews - 0] (1711 words)

4. Part IV. Old Friendships Renewed by The Tired Scribe [Reviews - 0] (1176 words)

5. Part V. Responsibilities by The Tired Scribe [Reviews - 0] (595 words)

6. Part VI. A New Relish at Dinner by The Tired Scribe [Reviews - 0] (1922 words)