Coranar 6. The Perfect Day by The Tired Scribe


Summary: a sunny day in Firith, the Fading Time, is seized for reflection and leisure
Rating: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Category: FPS, FPS > ?/?
Characters: Elrond
Type: Surprise Pairing, Threesomes and Groups
Warning: None
Challenge: None
Series: Coranar
Chapter: 7 | Completed: Yes | Words: 11180 | Read: 17996
Published: February 01, 2009 | Updated: February 01, 2009

Story notes: m/f, m/m, group, this series uses movie and books as basic canon-with embellishments. ;>
OK OK -Elrond gets a day off finally, and Glorfindal comes home too.
SERIES NOTE: This is story # 6 in the seasonal series now called "Coranar", or "sun-round" in Elvish. (A solar year of 6 seasons). To catch up seek out: The Cleft in the Curve, Coranar #1, A Good Thing, Coranar #2, Shooting Stars, Coranar #3, and Days of Harvest and Pain, Coranar #4, The Abyss, Coranar #5.

The Coranar series:
1. The Cleft in the Curve
2. A Good Thing
3. Shooting Stars
4. Days of Harvest and Pain
5. The Abyss
6. The Perfect Day
7. Winter Joinings
8. Gifts from the South
9. Rings of Power
10. Distant Evenings
11. Friends and Lovers
12. Fiery Circles

1. Part I. Introduction - Firith, the Fading Season by The Tired Scribe [Reviews - 0] (1032 words)

2. Part II. The Plan Changes by The Tired Scribe [Reviews - 0] (987 words)

3. Part III. Dinner for One by The Tired Scribe [Reviews - 0] (761 words)

4. Part IV. Life Interferes with Life by The Tired Scribe [Reviews - 0] (1267 words)

5. Part V. The End to the Perfect Day by The Tired Scribe [Reviews - 0] (2921 words)

6. Part VI. Evening Stars and Old Friends by The Tired Scribe [Reviews - 0] (3386 words)

7. Part VII. Homecomings by The Tired Scribe [Reviews - 0] (826 words)