The Talisman by Keiliss



Gil-galad rides to Forlond on an important errand which may not turn out quite as he, Elrond or Erestor expect. Second Age road trip - lots of talking, not all of it sensible.

Rating: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Category: FPS, FPS > Gil-galad/Erestor
Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Gil-galad, Glorfindel
Type: Humor, Mystery, Romance/Drama
Warning: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 1 | Completed: Yes | Words: 4218 | Read: 1300
Published: January 29, 2015 | Updated: January 29, 2015

1. The Talisman by Keiliss [Reviews - 0] (4218 words)

Written for Alex for the lotr_sesa swap. She asked for: a journey to do an important errand. Can be serious or humorous. Should include some sort of talisman.

Well, I tried.