Like a ghost don't need a key
Your best friend I've come to be
Please don't think of getting up for me
You don't even need to speak
When I've been here for just one day
You'll already miss me if I go away
So close the blinds and shut the door
You won't need other friends anymore
Oh don't leave home, oh don't leave home
If you're cold I'll keep you warm
If you're low just hold on
Cause I will be your safety
Oh don't leave home
And I arrived when you were weak
I'll make you weaker, like a child
Now all your love you give to me
When your heart is all I need
-- Dido – don't leave home
Elrohir was watching his husband sword-train the young elves on the training grounds. He smiled to himself; he had seen the lustful stares Dinalu got from the other soldiers, but he was his and his alone, Elrohir knew this, felt their bond. He knew their love was strong and good. Even his father Elrond had come to their bonding ceremony. Elrohir had not thought his father would come, for when he had first left with Dinalu, Elrond had not seemed approving, but all his worries had been proved wrong. Elrond had worried as a father was bound to worry about his son's happiness, and after he'd had a few too many glasses of the red wine, he had admitted that one of the reasons for his worry had been Elladan. He had not seemed to take the parting well, and apparently he had torn up the loft going through their old clothes and toys.
The bonding had been just what Elrohir had thought: a life saver for Dinalu and a way for him to share his beloved's grief and give it all back with love. And even though Dinalu and Thranduil had grieved for almost 60 years over Legolas, finally there was laughter and joy upon their lips once more.
The Rivendell prince was torn from his musings and looked up at the dirty, smiling and laughing elf that walked towards him. "Dina," he said with a grin, "you look like you just wrestled a mortal army." As he came to stand in front of him, Elrohir wrinkled his nose in disgust. "And you sure smell like it, too!"
"Most charming," Dinalu chuckled. "I missed you, too."
"Come, let us get you into a bath, my love. We are expected at dinner this night," Elrohir said and started to walk back to their talan. "Glorfindel is here, in case you forgot."
Dinalu fell into step next to his husband. "Oh no, I haven't forgotten, I even believe I will have a nice bruise on my leg in the morning because of him."
Elrohir turned around and looked at Dinalu in surprise. "He hurt you?" he gasped.
"No, no," the blond elf laughed. "We sparred, and I lost."
"Still..." Elrohir said with a small voice, as he shook his head. He would never even begin to understand why it was fun to hit each other over the heads with wooden swords. In war it was different, he himself knew how to wield a sword, but he would only do so if he had no other choice, not for having something to do with his spare time. He could come up with other kinds of fun things.
"Don't pout so, my love," Dinalu chuckled. "I promise I will look perfectly fit when we are to be at the great hall."
"So does an orc in disguise," Elladan smiled and slapped Dinalu on the shoulder.
Legolas was bored. He looked at the rings the little stones made in the little part of the river that was calm behind the waterfall. He sighed and threw in another stone and counted the rings again. Only 4. He had done better before. In irritation he threw in all the little pebbles he had in his hand.
Elladan had not been home in 3 days, for he was on his way to some other realm. He had explained this, and Legolas had nodded. But still, he had forgotten just how bored he would be. He had oceans of food and books to make the time go faster. Elladan had even managed to find a ream of fine paper and a pen for Legolas to use for writing or drawing, whatever his fancy took him.
But nevertheless the blond elf was bored. He sat down on the bed and placed two slim fingers over his heart, before he rubbed his ear. Two fingers for Elladan, three for Elrohir, he knew this. He still remembered Elrohir and the other blond elf. He knew he had loved them and missed them greatly, but why had now eluded his mind.
He let out a strangled noise, as he noticed a swallow that had gotten stranded behind the waterfall. He looked at the little wet bird and decided to pick it up and warm it under his tunic. He knew Elladan would be proud of him, for he was the one who had taught him to respect all living creatures.
"Will you join me?" Dinalu called.
"Do you think I need a bath?" Elrohir chuckled as he entered the bathroom, naked as the day he was born.
"Perhaps, just come in here and we'll find out," the Mirkwood prince said with a mischievous grin.
Elrohir stepped down in the tub and placed himself behind Dinalu. "No matter if I need a bath or not, you need your hair rinsed," he said and gently moved the tangled hair so he could plant a kiss on his husband's neck.
"Later," Dinalu said and leaned back into his husband's embrace.
"If I let you have your wicked ways, will you then let me have mine when we get up?" Elrohir laughed and kissed Dinalu's ear.
"Promise," Dinalu whispered and turned around to face Elrohir and began to kiss his husband's face with little butterfly kisses.
"What did you have in mind for me then?" Elrohir whispered and smiled at Dinalu's already flushed cheeks.
"Turn around," he whispered back.
Elrohir did so and yelped as he felt himself pulled backwards until he sat on Dinalu's lap with his back against his lovers chest, but he immediately relaxed as he felt a hand sneak forward and wrap itself around his sated sex, manipulating it in the most cunning ways, while he felt a tongue wrap around his ear, sucking suggestively on it. Elrohir couldn't help but purr as the other hand came down to caress his chest and then move further down, running over the sensitive skin of his thigh, when suddenly it felt like a switch was turned on inside him, and he started to respond to the moves and the rhythm Dinalu had set.
Dinalu smiled when Elrohir closed his eyes and sped up his breathing to little puffs and purrs. And he lifted his husband slightly so he would be able to lower him onto his own erect member. At the first contact with the tight guardian muscle he let out a pleased sigh, but when Elrohir suddenly pushed himself down forcing Dinalu's erection inside him, the blond gasped out loud but did not move, he just savoured the feeling of his lover, and the energies he felt flow between them.
The Mirkwood prince regretted he had placed his husband with his back to him, as he knew how delightful he must look right now, so concentrated on his own pleasure, his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted, making little cooing noises.
But his musings stopped as Elrohir threw back his head and increased the speed, and then the last coherent thought fled his mind, and he just began to move per instinct. Not even Elrohir's needy pants and moans registered anymore. He moved his hand faster on Elrohir's erection and couldn't help but arch his back and thrust upwards when he felt Elrohir freeze in his moves before he made a pathetic little move followed with a loud moan, as he climaxed taking Dinalu with him over the edge, in a sparkling sensation.
They both lay spent in the tub, as Dinalu started laughing "So what were your wicked ways then?"
"Oh you'll see," Elrohir snickered while trying to catch his breath. "First of all we must rinse that tangled mane of yours, then you will see what I have in mind for you."
Legolas looked at the bird as its feathers dried, and it began to stir. He smiled at the bird and let out a thin happy sound. He took the bird to the opening in the cave to let her out, and as he stood there on the edge of the little lake he smiled at the sun. Never before had he ventured out this far. Elladan had not allowed it, and he really did not want to disobey but this bird would never find its own way out. He opened his hands and the little confused swallow shook its wings and head before it looked up at its saviour and quickly flew away up into sunset-painted sky. Legolas stood there and looked after the bird, before he took off his boots and sat down and lowered his feet in the cool water. It was lovely and he smiled. He looked over on the other side of the lake and saw those little white flowers Elladan always picked for him. He should pick some too, he thought to himself. That would cheer him up.
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Harvester of Sorrow by Azzy
Chapter notes: Well now we jump about 200 years in the story, starting a new part, as Harvester of Sorrow was the prologue, this is the middle, followed by an Epilogue. This will mean that Legolas is about 250 years old, and therefore a young adult, at the age when the fun is legal.