Close your eyes and sleep
Don't wait up for me
Hush now don't you speak
To me
Wrapped my hurt in you
And took my shelter in that pain
The opiate of blame
Is your broken heart, your heart
I'm all by myself
As I've always felt
I'll betray myself
To anyone, lost, anyone but you
One last kiss from me...yeah
One last kiss good night
Didn't want to lose you once again
Didn't want to be your friend
--Smashing pumpkins - Soma
Legolas had waited for Elladan to return, and was immensely happy when he finally did. Elladan smiled at the child's happy expression. "Sorry it took me so long," he said, and sat down next to him. He studied the little elf.
"'Tis all right, I had the horse to keep me company," Legolas said and pointed towards the animal.
"Fafner is a good companion," Elladan said and sat down next to the elfling. "And a loyal steed."
"He is a pretty horse," Legolas stated and looked longingly at the cold fireplace. "I am hungry, uncle Elladan."
"And food you shall have," Elladan chuckled. "I think we can risk a little fire to prepare this rabbit," he lied. In reality he did not want to risk alerting the search party, which doubtless was out looking for this child. But the pretty little one was his now, only his. And he needed to take care of him.
Once he had the fire going a little he began to prepare the rabbit. He hated to skin these little animals, but out here he had no choice. He did not want his new little friend to starve, and so he turned to look at Legolas, who was mesmerized by the flames. "You like rabbit?" he asked sweetly, as he threw bits of rabbit meat on a flat stone in the middle of the fire.
"I think so," Legolas said and blinked, looking confused. "I can't remember if I ever tasted it."
Elladan smiled and sat back against the rock where Legolas sat as well. "Soon, my friend, you will."
"Elladan?" Legolas asked and looked up at his uncle Elrohir's spitting image. "Do you think they will find us?"
"Perhaps," Elladan yawned and wrapped an arm protectively around his little protégé. "Perhaps."
Legolas leaned against Elladan and rubbed his eyes. "I miss my father," he whined.
"And I am sure he misses such a sweet child as you," Elladan answered and gently rubbed Legolas' shoulder in a soothing motion, smiling as Legolas yawned once more and rubbed his eyes.
Once the child had fallen asleep he leaned back watching the flames. His thoughts drifted to Elrohir, wondering what he might be doing, did he miss him? No, Elrohir had forgotten what they shared, he had chosen to ignore the bond, he had!
Legolas whimpered in his sleep, and Elladan started to stroke the child's hair gently and soothingly, and to Elladan's own surprise the elfling seemed to relax again. How many times had he not held Elrohir like that? Elladan blinked and felt a tear run down his cheek; he had promised himself he would not to cry anymore, and yet the tears seem to have no end. It was over; Elrohir had made his choice to take away their bond. He would rather share this secrecy and intimacy with the damned prince of Mirkwood.
For a moment Elladan almost felt his brother's hand on his hair, and he closed his eyes savouring the feeling. Would he ever stop missing him? Ever kill the yearning? He opened his eyes and looked at the sleeping child. Yes, this child would fill it for him. With a clear voice he began to sing, telling himself it was to sooth the elfling, when it in fact was more to soothe himself.
Look at my pretty new doll
It can close its eyes
Father bought it
I have given it name
Mother made its clothing
The song stopped and he just sat there humming to himself, suddenly feeling much more happy and content. Yes, this elfling was all he needed to heal his world once more.
Elrohir sat in the royal chambers and waited. He had not even noticed he had dozed until when the door's squeaking woke him. "Legolas?" he mumbled rubbing his eyes.
"No," Dinalu answered in a tired voice.
"Oh, it is you, my love. Did you find Legolas?" Elrohir said and blinked to get the last grains of sleep out of his eyes. He looked up and saw that dawn was upon them, and then he looked at Dinalu. "You didn't find him?" he whispered.
"No," Dinalu said and shook his head slowly. "It is like he disappeared from the face of Arda."
Elrohir stood up from his chair and paled at Dinalu's weary expression. "But that is terrible, my love. We must do something!" he exclaimed.
"Yes, I agree," Dinalu said and smiled an odd smile, "but what can we do? We do not know of his fate yet, he could have tumbled into one of the deep lakes, or been eaten by some foul creature or..." Elrohir stopped Dinalu's terrible line of thoughts with a hand to his mouth.
"No, my love, I am sure where ever he is, he is fine."
"I hope so," Dinalu whispered, "no I pray so, for if we do not find him soon I am afraid of my father's reaction."
"He will punish you?" Elrohir said with a worried face.
"No, no my love," the Mirkwood prince said and smiled at his lover. "I am afraid he will fade should we fail to find Legolas."
"Oh," Elrohir and looked at the floor, feeling guilty. He had assumed that Thranduil would give in to anger before he would grieve the loss of his son.
"Don't be ashamed, you do not know my father like I do, Elrohir my heart," Dinalu said and caressed Elrohir's cheek gently.
The half-elf looked up again at the impossibly beautiful face of the blond elf. "You look like you need sleep, Dinalu, go and sleep for some hours. I will go and join the others in the search."
"Thank you," Dinalu said and smiled. He did not want to sleep but he had to admit he was weary, his body screamed for rest, and so did his mind, he just wondered if sleep would ever find him anyway.
Elrohir kissed his beloved lightly and hurried out the door. He was determined to do his best, and he too was worried that something terrible had happened to little Legolas.
The plains
The sun came up over the horizon and Legolas stirred once more before he opened his eyes and found Elladan asleep. He smiled. His uncle Elladan looked so sweet in his sleep, but he really needed to see if he perhaps could recognize a path or something, any kind of indicator to where he was. Dinalu had taken him horseback riding at the outskirts of Mirkwood showing him the large roads that led to other realms.
He slowly moved and stood up yawning, before he walked out of the stone circle they had been sleeping in. The horse came and greeted him; apparently just happy someone else was awake and ready to keep him company. The little elf patted the horse, and whispered a good morning to the animal.
He started to look around to find a path, moving further and further away from the stones. He recognized nothing, and his initial hope disappeared. He had to put his faith into Elladan finding his way back to Mirkwood. But how was that possible? When Elladan himself had said he had no idea where they were. Legolas felt the despair rise, and tears formed before clinging to his lashes. "Papa, where are you?" he whispered.
It was not his father who answered his little prayer. It was the horse that whinnied, waking its owner. Legolas saw Elladan stand up behind the stones, looking around after him. He looked furious. No, not furious... more like insane.
And why he ran away Legolas didn't know. But he did, he ran as far as he could from the stones, the horse and Elladan. He heard Elladan yell behind him but paid no heed to the words.
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