I hope you know that this will go down on your permanent record
oh yea
well don't get so distressed
did I happen to mention that I'm impressed
I take one, one, one cause you left me and
two, two, two for my family and
three, three, three for my heartache and
four, four, four for my headaches and
five, five, five for my lonely and
six, six, six for my sorrow and
seven, seven n-no tomorrow and
eight, eight I forget what eight was for and
nine, nine, nine for a lost god
ten, ten, ten, ten for everything, everything, everything
-- Violent femmes - kiss off
Leave, yes, that was the only reasonable thing to do. He needed to get out, to go home, to. To save Legolas from the heartache he would bring. Thranduil had been right, he could never ever fill the void in Legolas' life that a mate should. In comparison to Legolas, his own life would burn out fast, and leave his beloved with pain. Why had he never thought of that? He should have listened to his father; he should never have come here. He should have stayed home and married some maid, and lived his life like a good regent should, not run off with some fantasy lover, thinking that it would last forever.
He had reached the stables when he noticed Dinalu apparently just coming home from a ride. "Theodred," he called.
Theodred smiled, trying to hide his tear-streaked face in the shadows, so Dinalu would not suspect something. He nodded and turned into the horse's stall. He almost screamed when he turned around and found Dinalu behind him. Damn elves and their soundless footsteps.
"Theodred," Dinalu said once more, looking up and down at the young man. His eyes were squinted with suspicion. "Leaving?" he asked.
Theodred slumped his shoulders, not knowing what to say, and just nodded.
Dinalu shook his head and elvish streamed out in a rapid angry sounding way. Theodred had never thought that elvish could sound this angry. And even though he did not understand a single word, the meaning didn't escape him. He was being told off.
Dinalu grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the stable. Theodred thought of putting up a fight for a second, but Dinalu's hold was just too tight. And he had no choice but to follow. Dinalu marched right into Legolas' chambers and let go of Theodred.
Legolas looked up from his book and blinked confusedly. Dinalu continued his stream of angry words. Legolas paled and looked at Theodred. "Why?" he said.
"I. uhm. the king made me aware that..." he sat down on the bed. "I'm sorry," he sighed.
Dinalu smiled at Theodred and Legolas. Perhaps Theodred was annoyed with him right now, but he couldn't care less. Never again would he allow happiness to be destroyed by misunderstandings and others interfering. Not understanding Westron speech at all, he just stood there and looked at Theodred, until Legolas turned and said, "Father talked him into it."
"Father," Dinalu grumbled, and turned, leaving the room, hastening towards the royal chambers.
Legolas pushed back his chair and walked over to Theodred, sitting down next to him. He turned Theodred's face to look at him, and made the sign for I love you.
Theodred felt tears well up in his eyes. "I didn't mean to leave, but the king is right. I will grow old and die, long before you are even considered a true adult with your kin. Then what?" Despair got the better of Theodred and he hid his face in his hands.
Legolas still wished he understood the Westron speech better, but was able to pick up some of the words, and the desperate tone in his beloved's voice. "Don't cry," he said.
Theodred laughed through his tears. "You have a terrible accent," he said, raising his head and wiping away his tears.
Legolas just looked at him smiling, looking slightly worried. He was totally oblivious as to why his beloved was laughing, nor did he really care. He was just glad that he was at least looking at him. He turned and crept up on Theodred's lap, resting his head against the man's shoulder.
"Everything will be just fine," Legolas mumbled, kissing his mate on the chin and jawline.
"Yes," Theodred whispered, a bit embarrassed that he had despaired like that
Legolas held Theodred's face in his hands and forced the man to look at him. "Everything will be fine," he said once more, looking intensely at his beloved, hoping his message went through. "Stay."
Theodred swallowed the lump that formed in his throat and smiled. "Everything will be fine," he whispered, looking into those large blue trusting eyes, leaning forward to kiss his elf. "Ferret," he murmured with a smile.
Legolas smiled too. He liked being Ferret. He liked it so much more than being Legolas of Mirkwood, not that he was not glad that he had found his family, but all in all he was just Ferret. He knew why Theodred was despairing, and he would lie if he said that the same thoughts had not crossed his mind. But he was sure that they would find some way to overcome whatever obstacle that was to come.
"Mhhm," Legolas murmured in response, wrapping his arms around Theodred's neck as he pushed them down on the bed. "Never worry," he whispered and kissed Theodred gently.
"With you around, never," Theodred whispered against the elf's lips.
Legolas reached up and began to unlace Theodred's tunic, kissing the soft skin as it was revealed, feeling the young man relax under him. Theodred was so easy to read, he thought to himself with a smile. Finishing off the last knot, he reached the navel, tugging at the waistline of Theodred's leggings. He stopped and looked at the man under him with a smile, and reached down and pulled up the shirt a bit so he could tie it around Theodred's wrists over his head. "Mine," he whispered hotly and licked along the man's rounded ear.
"Yours," Theodred whispered back, closing his eyes, feeling Legolas caress his chest, reaching down over his stomach and lingering on the fabric that restricted his erection. When nimble fingers began to untie his breeches he arched up his back. Little beads of sweat formed on his upper lip and forehead, as he squirmed slightly in anticipation.
Legolas slowly pulled off the man's pants, pushing Theodred's thighs apart and nestling himself between them. Resting his head on one thigh, caressing the other with a tender teasing stokes, he kissed the sensitive inner thigh, and reached for a candelabra that stood on the bedside. As he was moving it to the floor, swinging it over Theodred, he spilled little droplets of wax on the man's belly.
Theodred hissed from the sudden pain, but to his surprise it made him feel vulnerable, naked and hot, and his erection twitched.
Legolas looked at the man in surprise, and smiled to himself. Putting the candelabra down, he picked up a single light and dropped some single drops in Theodred's navel. Theodred arched up, and moaned softly, as Legolas stroke the man's member at the same time. Pain and pleasure, the perfect combination, he thought to himself. Legolas couldn't help but to get immensely aroused from the sight of Theodred lying in the dim light, with his eyes closed and his legs widely spread, as if he were willing to take whatever came from him. Legolas felt his heart beat a little faster at the prospect of so much trust, he gave Theodred's erect member a long lick and carefully turned his hand so that some of the liquid dripped out on his hand and made a trail down Theodred's stomach. The man hissed and purred, not sure what he felt, but he knew it felt good.
The elf smiled and moved his head further down, to give a lick from the guardian muscle and up over his sacs and up to the top of the head of the penis. Theodred moaned pitifully and Legolas got to his feet, leaning over and kissing his lover. The intensity of Theodred's returned kiss took him by surprise, but he was more than happy to find that his little accident with the candle was such a success. Theodred squirmed and Legolas knew his lover was growing frustrated that he couldn't touch the elf in turn, but not this time. This time Legolas would have it his way, and no interfering.
Legolas locked his gaze with Theodred, and the intense desire he saw in them went right to his groin. He kissed the man once more and then stood up. He slowly pulled off his worn leggings, loving the way Theodred tried to find an angle to see him. He stepped out of his leggings, and with a swift move tossed away his tunic, crawling on top of Theodred, kissing him once more. The man
wrapped his long legs around Legolas and struggled weakly with his restriction on his wrists. Without a word Legolas shifted a bit with his hips, and rested his erection against Theodred's opening, the man squeezed him with his legs, as if to tell him to move on. And he did, with a long fluid move he slowly moved inside the tight passage, while sliding his hands up and entwining his fingers with Theodred's on the bed, over the mans head. "Gods I love you," Theodred panted, holding an almost painfully tight grip on his lover.
Legolas smiled. He didn't have to know Westron to know what that meant, and so he kissed his way up to Theodred's ear and whispered, "I love you," in his own native language.
It didn't take Legolas long to set a pace in their lovemaking that neither of them could outlast, and with a soft growl the elf climaxed inside his lover. Theodred felt the spasms moving though Legolas body, and just from that he too reached completion without anybody ever touching his arousal
The elf kissed Theodred softly as he slowly let go of his fingers, starting to untie the shirt around his wrists, and with a sigh,
Theodred was finally able to wrap his arms around his lover.
Elrohir watched as some elves prepared the carriage that was to hold him, Arwen and Elladan. It was richly decorated, and for some reason Elrohir found it somewhat tasteless. He was taking his brother to the havens, never to return, and the wagon was decorated as if it were a joyous moment.
He turned from the window and nearly bumped into Arwen, who stood behind him in a long dark blue cloak. "Brother," she said with a sad voice, "this is for you." She handed him a midnight coloured cloak like her own.
Elrohir took it and put it on, pulling the hood up so it covered his face in darkness. "Let us not tarry any longer," he said. Arwen nodded and followed her brother to Elladan's chambers. She felt like a bystander when Elrohir picked up his twin, her brother, and kissed his forehead. "Let us take you home," Elrohir murmured.
Elrond stood at the carriage and watched Elrohir carry Elladan out. This whole scenario almost broke his heart, knowing how much heartache it had to cost his son. Well aware of how he himself felt, and how terrible it had to be for Arwen, he knew this grief was tenfold for Elrohir.
When Elrohir reached the carriage, he got in, still cradling Elladan, not saying a word to his father, not trusting his voice, and not
knowing what to say. Arwen stopped and hugged their father. "We will be home soon, Ada." Elrond nodded and kissed his daughter on her forehead. "Take care of him."
Arwen smiled and let go of Elrond. "I will look after Elrohir."
Elrond smiled and braced himself not to cry as Arwen got into the carriage and the whole caravan began to move. The guards who were assigned to accompany the carriage began to sing a hushed ancient ode to Middle-earth. He had not noticed that Glorfindel had come, but as a large hand sneaked into his, he knew.
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