Nu i tveksamhetens tid (now in the time of confusion)
här i frågornas land (here, in the land of questions)
ber jag dig komma hit (I ask you to come over)
får jag hålla din hand (can I hold your hand)
får jag luta min panna (can I rest my head)
mot ditt trygga bröst (against your safe chest)
vågar jag be dig att stanna (dare I ask you to stay?)
får jag höra din röst (may I hear your voice?)
Låt mig låna din kraft (let me borrow your power)
jag kan dämpa mitt fall (so I can break my fall)
med tankarna på vad vi haft (thinking of what was)
och allt som komma skall (and what is yet to come)
får jag luta min panna (can I rest my head)
mot ditt trygga bröst (against your safe chest)
vågar jag be dig att stanna (dare I ask you to stay?)
får jag höra din röst (may I hear your voice)
När tveksamhet gror (when confusion rise)
då jag är långt från beslut (and I cannot decide)
då ingenting är som man tror (when nothing is what you think)
inget är som det ser ut (and nothing is what it seems)
får jag då luta min panna (can I rest my head)
mot ditt trygga bröst (against your safe chest)
vågar jag be dig att stanna (dare I ask you to stay?)
får jag höra din röst (may I hear your voice)
-- Lisa Ekdahl - Här I tveksamhetens tid (translated/mutilated by me)
(1 month later)
Elrohir resisted the urge to spur his horse and gallop right into the halls of the Last Homely House. He took a deep breath and smiled at the guard who saw him and turned his horse and hurried towards the homely house to tell the news. Elrohir sighed before he shook his head and spurred his in hot pursuit of the guard, but his horse was tired and the guard reached the courtyard before him. A female elf ran over the courtyard in a most undignified matter, and Elrohir had to laugh. "Arwen," he called, "you came home as well!" He jumped off the horse and his sister flung herself into his arms.
"Elrohir," she chuckled.
He put her down on the ground again and kissed her forehead. "I missed you, why did you never come visit?" but his sister's blush told him more than any denying comment she might add. "Oh, I see," he chuckled. "I shall leave you your secrets, sister."
Arwen smiled gratefully and waved at someone behind Elrohir's back.
Elrohir spun around and saw the tall seneschal of Rivendell come towards him. "Good day, Glorfindel," Elrohir said with a smile.
Glorfindel smiled a strained smile back as he walked over to the young half-elf. "Elrohir, you are indeed a sight for sore eyes."
"So? Where is Elladan? I must see him!" Elrohir said and looked at Arwen, who paled.
"You should go see father first," she said with sadness in her voice.
"No! I want to speak with Elladan, I can speak with father later," Elrohir said firmly, but when no one answered him he crossed his arms over his chest and looked back and forth between the two elves in front of him. "I did not ride all the way from Rohan to speak with Elrond."
"I know," Arwen said, "but trust me, you want to speak with father first."
Elrohir let out a very annoyed sigh. "Did you not hear me, sister dear? I wish to see Elladan, right this minute."
"She is right," Glorfindel said softly. "Lord Elrond made it quite clear you should go and seek him out the moment you came here."
"I can't believe this," Elrohir howled in a childish manner. "You are teaming up on me!"
"Why are you making such a issue out of it? You can just go and see father instead and then go see Elladan," Arwen said and crossed her arms over her chest in a equally annoyed move.
Elrohir sighed once more, but this time it was a sound of defeat. "You are right, you wrench. I will go see father." He ruffled Arwen's hair in a quick move. "Will you go with me?"
"I would be glad to," Arwen said and hooked her arm in Elrohir's before she hurried off with him.
Elrohir sat there in Elrond's office and listened to his father's tale of what had happened here in Rivendell, and his grandmother's feeble attempt at luring Elladan out of his state. Right then and there, all the pieces of the puzzle just came together, still they all fell apart. And had he just heard what he thought he had heard his father say?
"Valinor?" Elrohir gasped. "You are sending him to Valinor?"
"Yes," Elrond whispered. "I simply do not know what to do anymore, and he is so miserable."
"But Ada!" Elrohir protested, feeling Arwen squeeze his hand. "You cannot make that choice for him, he should, we were supposed to, I mean... I always thought that... no Ada, you cannot do that!"
"I know, my son," Elrond said as he looked up at his son with a sad expression.
"Believe me, I do not like this any more than you do, but there is really nothing left for him here."
"He speaks the truth, Elrohir," Arwen whispered.
"I don't care!" Elrohir spat. "I will hear no more of this, I want to see my twin." He looked at his father. "Where is he?"
"In his rooms," Elrond said leaning back in his chair. "But I feel I should warn you before you seek him out."
"Warn me? Since when was Elladan a threat to anyone? Leave me alone." Elrohir said, slightly annoyed.
"Oh no, my dear son, he wont hurt you. But you must know that..." Elrond paused searching for the most adequate words to describe it. "He has been bedridden for a long, long time Elrohir, he is not able to eat or groom himself, he even needs help to. uhm."
"In other words he soils his bed," Arwen said quietly.
"What?" Elrohir gasped. "No, you must be pulling some vicious prank."
"I wish," Elrond said and reached for Elrohir, who quickly stood up to avoid his father's touch. "Don't," he warned as with angry steps he stormed out of Elrond's office.
Father and daughter looked at each other. "That went well," she said.
"At least he did not attack either of us," Elrond said with a little smile.
"He needs time to adapt to the situation."
"I hope it's just that," Arwen replied.
As they rode into the vast forest, Legolas' heart raced like mad. Home, he was finally home. but if this was home, why was he so frightened?! A scout had seen them enter the woods, and so when they arrived in the central square there was quite an uproar. Everyone came to see the long lost prince.
Thranduil came rushing out to the square as soon as his scout had told him that Dinalu was on the way, with another blond elf and a mortal man. Thranduil's heart had skipped a beat, could this really be?! But what if it weren't? What if he was only kidding himself and it was but an elf. But in his heart he knew he was right, this had to be his long lost greenleaf. Dinalu stopped in the middle of the square; he looked over his shoulder and nodded for the others to dismount from their horses. "this is your prince Legolas, my brother, long lost son of your king," he yelled to the gathered elves.
The elves bowed for Legolas.
Legolas looked at all these elves, feeling even smaller and more insecure. They needed not bow to him, he was but Ferret. He looked over his shoulder and saw Theodred standing behind him; he reached for his hand, relaxing a little when he felt his beloved caress his hand in a soothing gesture. He felt Dinalu reach for his shoulder and he looked in the same direction as his brother, and there he saw a huge elf emerge. This had to be Thranduil.
"Father?" Legolas said meekly.
Thranduil stopped in front of his sons. "Legolas?" he whispered, "it is really you, I always knew in my heart that you were not taken by wolves!"
Legolas looked up at Dinalu with large eyes, hoping that his brother would understand that he did not know how to answer that.
Dinalu smiled at Thranduil. "It matters not what has happened, the importance is what is to come."
"You speak wisely, my son," Thranduil said and smiled back before he pulled both his sons into an embrace. "Let us feast, for we are joined once more!"
Legolas smiled at his father. He sounded just like he remembered, he wanted to take in every sound and every smell, but it was all just too much, and once more he looked towards Theodred, who stood a few feet back from the family. Legolas smiled a timid smile at the man. They were home.
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