I wish I was on yonder hill
'tis there I'd sit and cry my fill,
And every tear would turn a mill,
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn.
Shule, shule, shule aroon,
(come, come, come O love)
Shule go succir agus, shule go kewn,
(swiftly come to me, come softly move)
Shule go dheen durrus oggus aylig lume,
(come to the door and away we'll flee)
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn.
(and safe from aye, may my darling be)
I'll sell my rock, I'll sell my reel,
I'll sell my only spinning wheel,
To buy my love a sword of steel
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn.
I'll dye my petticoats, I'll dye them red,
And 'round the world I'll beg my bread,
Until my parents shall wish me dead,
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn.
I wish, I wish, I wish in vain,
I wish I had my heart again,
And vainly think I'd not complain,
Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn.
-- Clannad - Siuil a run
(a month later)
Elrohir took his knapsack and threw it over his shoulder. He looked at the room that had served him and smiled at the rumpled sheets. He shook his head and walked out, whistling a merry tune. He couldn't remember being in such a good mood. He was so happy for Theodred and Legolas. Their plan seemed to work, and he was happy to see Rivendell again, but still it burdened his heart to be divided from Dinalu once more. For a second he wondered if all married couples went through crises like this, but he shrugged that thought off when the only married couple that would come to his mind was his mother and father, and just the idea of his father having these issues with his twin made his skin crawl. He turned the corner and stopped before the guard of Theoden's hall, asking for audience with the king to thank him for his kindness while he had stayed here, and promising him some boon for his troubles. Oh yes, today he had his diplomatic mask on - he had to.
It was a self-assured elf that emerged from the king's halls once more an hour later. Now to the hard part. He had tried to insinuate to Dinalu that he would not follow them to Mirkwood. But his husband had not listened, and in the end Elrohir had given up, an had just nestled himself in the caresses that were once more given to him.
He saw the three of them in the gardens playing a game with large balls aimed at a smaller one. Apparently Legolas beat them to the verge of tears. And he heard the young elf laugh merrily as Theodred made an especially miserable shot. Elrohir stopped and lowered the knapsack on the ground. "Good afternoon, you three," he chuckled as aggravation over his misfortune in this game made Theodred smack Legolas on his bottom playfully. And Legolas squealed.
"Good morning, my love," Dinalu answered. "My wee brother seems to own this game," he laughed.
"So I see," Elrohir chuckled as he shook his head in amusement. "Dina. I, uhm wondered if." he said softly, playing absentmindedly with a braid.
"So you are leaving?" Dinalu said and sat down at a little stone bench, patting the spot next to him for Elrohir to sit.
"Yes," Elrohir mumbled as he sat. "I tried to tell you, but." he sighed and smiled at Dinalu. "I was afraid you wouldn't understand, and frankly I didn't try too hard. I had other things to concentrate on."
Dinalu smiled as Elrohir blushed slightly. "I think your husbandly duties were way overdue," he whispered, but upon seeing his spouses' sad eyes he added, "You are right, my flower, I do not understand."
"I'm sorry Dina, but I must return to my home." He reached out and caressed Dinalu's cheek. "I will be back with you before you miss me."
"Promise?" Dinalu whispered.
"I promise," Elrohir whispered back. "I will send word when I arrive and let you know when I can return."
Dinalu slumped his shoulders and looked away. "You don't have to." He looked over at his brother and the young man still discussing how to make the perfect throw. "As much as I wish I did, I do not own you."
Elrohir rested his head on Dinalu's shoulder. "I am just going to see my father and my sick brother, I am not leaving Middle-earth. I will return shortly. Especially if." he snickered, "you promise to show me that trick of yours."
The prince of Mirkwood lit up. "Oh, you would like that, would you?"
Elrohir smiled wolfishly. "Yes, keep coming up with these little tricks, and I will always return to your side," he teased.
"I'd better search my father's library for more information on this issue when I get home," Dinalu chuckled.
"I'd like that," Elrohir purred.
And so they sat and watched the young lovers for a while until the sun was almost high in the sky.
"I should leave soon," Elrohir whispered.
Dinalu nodded. "Yes," he sighed and turned his head to kiss Elrohir's forehead. "I cannot say I understand, but I promise I will trust your word this time."
"There you go," Elrohir chuckled and sat up. "Marriage vows are forever, you know, you will never get rid of me." But when Dinalu just looked sad and did not laugh, he kissed his husband tenderly. "I wish everything was different right now, but it is not, we both have to do as we must, and thus I have to ride out now."
Dinalu nodded once more and gulped down the lump that had formed in his throat. "Yes," he whispered, "you should say good bye to the young ones, and I will go fetch your horse."
"Thank you, my love," Elrohir said softly and stood up and walked over to the others. "Theodred, Legolas?"
Theodred turned around. "Yes?" He looked puzzled at the black clad elf in front of him. The tight braids were back in his hair, and even the little discreet silver circlet was in place. "What is wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong, but I came to say my good-byes to you two, as I am leaving for Rivendell within the hour," Elrohir said and place a hand on each of their shoulders.
"Oh," Theodred whispered.
Elrohir smiled. "I will see you both soon," he said and suddenly embraced the young human prince. "Good luck," he whispered, "and may the gods be with you"
"Thank you, and may your horse carry you swiftly to you home," Theodred mumbled back as the elf let go of him.
Elrohir turned to Legolas, and said something that Theodred did not understand, but from the facial expression on the blond elf, it was about the same as he had just told him. Legolas hugged his dark-haired cousin tightly and then Elrohir turned to pick up his knapsack again. He walked over to it and threw it over his shoulder once more, before pulling the hood up, hiding his features in darkness. "Fare well," he said and gave them a gesture as he turned and left.
He had gotten to the stables and there both Dinalu and Eomer met him. There was a strange atmosphere there, but Elrohir chose to ignore it. He threw the knapsack over the horse's back and turned to Eomer. "Take care, my friend, you are truly a valiant man. I will pray you will have a prosperous future. May you have good health, many children and a wife who loves you."
"Thank you," Eomer said and suddenly embraced Elrohir, much to Dinalu's annoyance. "May your horse..."
Elrohir laughed and pushed Eomer away gently. "No more horse talk, I've already had wishes on the behalf of my horse."
Eomer shuffled his feet. "Oh, well might I wish its rider a pleasant and safe trip then?"
"Of course you may, Eomer," Elrohir chuckled. He reached over and gently lifted Eomer's head with a hand under the man's chin. "Eomer son of Eomund, you will make a mighty ruler one day, this I am sure of. It will come and you shall take the name of Eadig."
Eomer watched Elrohir with large eyes. "Do all elves do that?"
"Do what?" Elrohir said and removed his hand, taking the horse's rein instead.
"Make creepy premonitions," Eomer mumbled.
Elrohir laughed till he was in tears and then tenderly patted Eomer's shoulder. "Only when they are true, my friend," he said and smiled. "Now rest easy and fare well."
"Fare well, Elrohir son of Elrond," Eomer said as he looked after Dinalu and Elrohir who walked out the stables towards the main gate. He had no idea what Elrohir had meant with all that nonsense he had said before, but for some reason he felt it was not a blessing, it was a bad omen.
The plains
Elrohir turned in the saddle to see if he could still see Dinalu, but he could no longer even see Meduseld. This was the second time in two years he was leaving his husband behind. But he felt that he must hurry towards Elladan. The bright flame he used to feel from his brother was now just a small dull glow. Something was dreadfully wrong. Elladan had to be very sick, or. Elrohir paled. or fading.
Legolas had come and fetched Dinalu when it was time for the evening meal. "Ah, Legolas," Dinalu had sighed with a smile. "Will you make Theodred understand we leave tonight?"
Legolas nodded.
"Meet me out in the stables when the moon rises," Dinalu whispered, and Legolas had nodded once more as he dragged his brother along inside.
It was a strange concept to him, to suddenly have his elder brother with him once more. He had been the part of the puzzle that had been missing. Though Legolas still missed Elladan sometimes, he had not failed to hear just how deep his brother's hate for his friend was. So Legolas had never spoken of Elladan, not because he had not asked, but because just as Elladan had watched over him, now he watched over Elladan. Dinalu would have left right this instant with a raised sword had he known for how many years Legolas had lived with his nemesis. And of Thranduil, Legolas remembered a radiant smile and lively eyes, but nothing more. How he wished he could remember his father's voice, or face. But no matter how hard he tried, nothing came to him. He had tried to tell Dinalu of his fears, but his brother had just laughed them away, telling him that their father would be over the top with happiness upon their return, as he had thought his son dead for hundreds of years. And Legolas wanted to believe that, but he was just not sure. What if his father had forgotten? He had lost a child, and here he returned as a adult, together with his mortal bound husband. Maybe Thranduil would not be so accepting of that. He knew he just had to trust Dinalu on this, but a part of him wished they had all gone with Elrohir to see Elladan instead.
After the meal, Theodred and Legolas went to their rooms, and Legolas started to pull out their riding clothes. Theodred quickly caught on, and felt his heart hammer away in his chest. They were actually going to do this now, there was no way out! Legolas handed Theodred his mantle and pulled the hood over the man's head. He nodded and held a hand before his eyes and pointed at Theodred.
"Oh, so no one will see me?" Theodred said and pulled the hood further up.
Legolas looked confused but then took a piece of paper. "Theodred look," he said with a terrible accent, but the young man didn't mind, he thought it sounded just wonderful. Legolas drew a hooded man and a not hooded man. A square with something that resembled a pig more than a horse, but Theodred could see where his beloved was getting at. The elf then drew yet another man and three horses in the square. He looked up at Theodred to see if he was paying attention, and when he saw that he was, he kept drawing. He drew a line from the hooded man to the stables and the other horses, and a line from the not hooded man to the burial grounds of the inhabitants of Rohan. "Look?" he said.
Theodred nodded. "I see," he said.
"You, me," Legolas said. And inwardly beat himself for being so slow at learning this mortal language.
"Yes, you and me," Theodred answered but sighed as Legolas shook his head. The young elf bit his lip and looked deep in thought until he drew two faces, one with dark hair and one with pointy ears.
"You," he said and pointed at the dark-haired face. "Me," he said and pointed to the pointy eared one. He then grabbed the mantle Theodred was wearing and said, "me."
"It is called mine," Theodred corrected him. But that only earned him a snort from the elf.
Legolas then drew a hood on the drawing supposed to be Theodred. "Me," he said and pointed with a triumphant smile.
"Oooooh" Theodred gasped, as he slowly understood. "You want me to leave the city dressed as you?" when Legolas just looked at him he rephrased it. "I am you," and Legolas nodded.
"You, me."
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Harvester of Sorrow by Azzy
Chapter notes: If the gaelic is translated wrong, don't lynch me, I cant speak gaelic – but I tried ok? – sorry for the long wait for this chapter, but you will proberly have to wait a bit longer for the next, because I am going on a weekend at my mothers *le sigh* - I know... but I promised.