If you could see yourself now, baby
It's not my fault
You used to be so in control
You're going to roll right over this one
Just roll me over, let me go
You're laying blame
Take this as no, no, no, no, no
You've got a little worry,
I know it all too well,
I've got your number,
But so does every kiss-and-tell
who dares to cross your threshold,
or happens on your way,
Stop laying blame.
You know that's not my thing.
--REM – bang and blame
Elrohir had worked intensely with Legolas ever since he had discovered that the elfs inability to speak was not a handicap from nature's side, but rather a choice he had made at some point. He had really pushed the young elf until the verge of tears to remember something from before Elladan. But there was a back hole, Elrohir was sure some trauma of some kind triggered that, and he just knew instinctively that it had something to do with Elladan. His twin who was now fed with fluidly foods of others, Elrohir had a hard time understanding that, his strong-willed, never faltering, ever loving rock of a brother, spoon fed? He had wept bitter tears upon reading his fathers letter, and cursing Elrond for not letting him know just hoe bad it had gotten. He wanted to due his duty, he wanted to solve the puzzle of the mystery elf, he knew he had outlasted his welcome here at Rohan; he could hear it in Theoden's voice. He was almost sure that this elf was Dinalu's lost brother. But how on earth he had ended up here he did not understand, Legolas had disappeared as a child from the Mirkwood forest, and then if this was indeed him, he had resurfaced as an young adult in a city of men.. Elrohir pinched the bridge of his nose.. what was the facts then? This unnamed elf knew his and Elladan's secret sign language, and he didn't teach it to him, ergo Elladan had to have done that. He knew of Elrohir's childhood toys, Elladan once more. He did not understand a word of westron, but he did understand elvish. So it had no been men to keep him all this time, for the elf seemed intelligent enough, and he would have picked up a word or two in these hundreds of years. He had been running naked and terribly battered into Theodred and Eomer's camp, ergo he had been alone on the plains, not knowing how to defend himself. Legolas had not been mute, but neither was this elf, he had just chosen not to speak. He just looked so much as Dinalu Elrohir felt his heart cringe.
He stood up, how would he be able to determine it? How on earth should he get proof that this elf was Legolas? What had been Legolas favourite game? Now he knew, the little stone and stick animal farms. He smiled to him self "let us see if this works"
He looked out the window and saw Legolas outside sitting with Eowyn neither of them was talking, just sitting enjoying the last warm rays of sun. Elrohir went outside quickly, and roamed through a shrubbery picking up little stones and sticks. He then walked to where the elf and Eowyn was sitting "lady Eowyn" he said politely "forgive me for disturbing your afternoon, but I need to borrow Ferret"
"Prince Elrohir, but of course" she said with a smile
Legolas looked up at Elrohir with a slight frown, he was not in the mood for more interrogations, but Elrohir just smiled "fret not Ferret, I am not here to ask you questions, I have something for you"
The young elfs face lit up, and he made the sign for 'gift' – "that is right Ferret, but you wont have it before I hear you say it"
Legolas swallowed, he really wanted to see what Elrohir had, so he concentrated so much his eyebrows knitted "gift" he said with a soft voice
"Very well, you deserved your gift" Elrohir disposed of the little pile rocks and sticks in Legolas' lap "do you remember what you do with this?" he asked
Legolas nodded, but felt a bit silly, this was a children's game. He made the sign for 'children' and 'game'
Elrohir nodded "yes it is a children's game, and I know you are an adult.. Humour me Ferret"
Legolas nodded and slid down on the grass starting to build a little fold to keep the little rock animals in. Elrohir starred intensely, he was so sure "Legolas?" he said softly, and the blond elf turned his head with a confused look "have you heard that name before?" Elrohir said, he could almost 'taste' the victory, this was indeed Thranduil's lost son
And after some time Legolas nodded "aye" he whispered
"By the Valar!" Elrohir exclaimed happily but quickly dampened his outbursts "do you know where?"
Legolas sadly shook his head and gestured 'long' and 'time'
Elrohir still smiled "it is alright my friend, you did good"
Eowyn suddenly spoke looking at the elves "it sounds so pretty" she said
"What do?" Elrohir asked confused
"Your language" she said
Elrohir just smiled "Lady Eowyn, can I ask a favour of you?"
"You have but to ask prince Elrohir," she answered
"Can you get a letter to Mirkwood for me, it is of outmost importance that Theoden will not know of it" Elrohir whispered
"I can do that yes, but why? If I may ask"
"I think I might know who Ferret is, or uhm.. was" Elrohir said "but I need my spouse to come help me with the final piece of the puzzle"
"You do? How wonderful!" Eowyn said but quickly lowered her voice "I can do that for you prince Elrohir, I can't wait to see your husband"
"Neither can I" Elrohir said and stood up "thank you lady Eowyn"
Elrohir left the sunny spot in the gardens and returned to his rooms, his body tingled with fear and excitement. If Ferret was really Legolas then he would have to return to Mirkwood, but then what of Theodred? He had this feeling he just doomed their love, but he shrugged it off, telling himself that they would find a way if they really wanted to. He once more sat down in front of his desk and started the letter to Dinalu, asking him to come to Rohan as swift as possible, he called upon all the vows made as they bonded, and pleaded his husband to heed them and come. He rolled up the letter, now it just had to go to Mirkwood.
Theodred was in his chambers making ready to take a bath after a long day, they had just gotten in new recruits and the required allot of practice, when a knock was heard he thought it a servant or perhaps Elrohir, Ferret never knocked. "Enter" he called out as he was freeing himself from his leather armour, he turned and watched the person who had just entered "father?" he gasped "what brings you here?! I didn't not get a message that you wanted to see me, honest"
"I know my son, I just wanted to have a little talk with you" Theoden said and sat down in the chair with the large wolfs pelt "the last time we spoke we didn't part as the best friends"
"I know" Theodred answered "father do you mind that I ready myself for supper while you speak?"
"Not at all" Theoden said and took a deep breath "I understand from all of this that your infatuation of this nameless stray elf runs deep, am I right?"
"From all of this?" Theodred yelled from the bathroom, "Gossip you mean"
"You can call it gossip if you wish" Theoden said "but it is true, is it not?"
Theodred emerged in the door between his bathroom and his chamber "why do you ask me something like that? Since when did you get an interest in my friends"?
"Since you bed them," Theoden suddenly growled
"Father!" Theodred exclaimed "if you are just going to sit there and accuse me, then I would prefer it if you would exit my chambers the same way you came in!"
"You got this all wrong Theodred, and 'do' lower your voice" Theoden said calmly "I agree, it is non of my business who is in your bed, not yet"
"Yet? What is that supposed to mean?" Theodred asked and sat down on his bed, looking at his father while he wrung his hair
"You 'will' marry a noble woman and produce an heir to the realm, 'that' is my business, and as long as that is happening, whoever you chose to folly around with, is non of my concern" Theoden said smiling at his son
"But.." Theodred said
"Do not lie to me Theodred, you always were a terrible liar" Theoden sighed, "it is not like you two are discrete in your affection, all of Rohan knows who is the flavour of the season in the princes' bed"
"Must you make it sound so tasteless" Theodred whined before he stood up "so this is your reason for being in such a hurry to get rid of Ferret and Elrohir?" Theodred crossed his arms in defiance
"I do not have to answer to a snotnosed child" Theoden sneered
And Theodred looked down at his bare feet "no sire, I forgot my place" he whispered though gritted teeth
"You are forgiven my son" Theoden said as he also rose, holding out his hand so Theodred could kiss his ring.
And he did, battling with a vile taste that lingered in the back of his mouth we will see about this Theoden king, master of old goats he thought to himself as he let go of his sire's hand.
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