What moon-songs
Do you sing your babies?
What sunshine do you bring?
Who belongs
Who decides who's crazy
Who rights wrongs where others cling?
I'll sing for you
If you want me to
I'll give to you
And it's a chance I'll have to take
And it's a chance I'll have to break
I go along
Just because I'm lazy
I go along to be with you
And those moon-songs
That you sing your babies
Will be the songs to see you through
I'll hear your song
If you want me to
I'll sing along
And it's a chance I'll have to take
And it's a chance I'll have to break
-- Smashing pumpkins - Luna
(2 months later)
Elrond had been waiting for Glorfindel and Elladan to return home ever since he had read the letter from Celeborn, and now a scout told him they were on their way. He wrung his hands worriedly and paced the room. Why couldn't he get some divine vision? Someone to tell him what to do. He suddenly found himself not only missing Celebrian's intellect but also Elros' advise. He was stuck here all alone, without a clue what to do for his sick child.
He had been meaning to write Arwen, but he was sure Celeborn had filled her in. "You are a coward, Elrond," he hissed at himself. He walked to the balcony and overlooked the Last Homely House's courtyard. It was almost dusk, but he was sure he saw a horse on the bridge far away. He turned and ran, as he hadn't run since he was a young elf, down the stairs, careful not to slip and hurt himself in his long robe. 'They are here.'
Glorfindel rode into the courtyard of the Last Homely House with an empty feeling. He was happy to be home, but he had wished he could have brought better news with him. Instead he had brought home a completely empty shell. On the way to Lorien he had been annoyed with Elladan's strange babblings, but now he missed it. All the way home the only indicator that Elladan was actually alive was his breathing and occasional blinking. He was almost like a soulless shell.
"Glorfindel! Elladan!" Elrond forgot about formal greetings and rushed to the large white horse that had both his beloved ones on its back.
"Elrond," Glorfindel sighed and lowered his head, "I am sorry there was nothing more that could be done."
Elrond paled, looking at his son. "What is wrong with him?" he whispered.
"The lady said that he preferred to dream," Glorfindel said with his head still bowed.
"Dream? He is lost to a dream?" Elrond said and raised his arms to take his son as Glorfindel handed him down from the horse.
Glorfindel got off the horse as well, and stood In front of his lord. "My lord, you have to know that he does not, talk, move, eat or." he took a deep breath, ".recognize anybody."
"Oh, my little baby," Elrond sighed and felt tears well up in his eyes. "What have you done to yourself?" He blinked the tears out of his eyes and looked up at Glorfindel. "We will have to set him up in his rooms; I cannot bear to have him in the healing wing."
"Of course," Glorfindel said. "I will get Erestor to help me. We will have it done in no time at all."
Elrond nodded. "Thank you, meldir."
Glorfindel couldn't help but to hush Elrond. "Watch what you are saying."
Elrond nodded weakly. "I forgot," he offered before he carried Elladan towards the main entrance to the Last Homely House. "There, there penneth. I am here for you now," he whispered.
Theodred walked into the large hall and saw his father at the end, standing over his charts and notes as always with his advisors. These were times of faint peace, and he knew they had to hold those orcs and other foul creatures that lurked in the shadows. "Father?" Theodred called as he walked through the hall.
Theoden turned and saw his son. "My son!" He put his notes down on the table. "What brings you here?"
"You do," Theodred answered. "You summoned me yesterday."
"But that was yesterday," Theoden said and turned towards his advisors. "You may leave." Both the advisors and Theodred turned to leave. "Not you, Theodred. You stay here, for even if you are a day late for my summons. I still wish to speak with you."
Theodred turned to face his father and sat down at the foot of the throne. As Theoden sat down on his throne, Theodred asked, "Why did you summon me, father? Did I do something wrong?"
"No my son, you carried out all your duties perfectly," Theoden said and smiled at the young man. "It is something else, it is that stray elf of yours."
"What about him? He did not do anything wrong." Theodred said and quickly added, "It is not his fault I did not come when I was summoned yesterday."
"Peace, my son," Theoden said. "I just wanted to make sure you understood that he cannot stay here."
"What do you mean. father?" Theodred whispered and looked up at his father above him.
"The mute elf is now Elrohir's responsibility," Theoden said and rested his hand on Theodred's head. "You did right by saving him, but now he must return to his kin."
Theodred shook his head. "He is not ready yet, sire."
"If Elrohir says he is, then he is," the king said softly. Thinking of the promise he had made to Eowyn, to let the elves stay until Elrohir said they were ready for departure, for he had the best knowledge of elven endurance, and if he returned a dead elf to Elrond, it would surely look bad. "And you have a busy schedule during the next months, my son."
"I do?" Theodred said, completely surprised. "What will you have me do?"
"I summoned all the finest ladies to our halls, my son," Theodred said with a smile. "You are to pick yourself a wife."
"No!" Theodred gasped, "I cannot!"
"You can and you will, Theodred."
"Please, do not ask this of me, father" Theodred begged.
"You are to be king of Rohan, you need yourself a queen to provide you with sons when I am no longer here," Theodred boomed.
The prince visibly cringed. "Why so sudden, father?" he whispered softly.
"You will obey me, without questions, Theodred!" the king yelled as he stood up.
Theodred sprawled backwards and quickly got to his feet.
"I will have that elf moved to the other elf's rooms," Theoden said and when Theodred was about to protest, Theoden silenced him with a move of his hand. "I will have no more of this nonsense; you are excused."
"Yes father," Theodred hissed through his teeth. And as he made his way out of the hall, he thought to himself that he would get his father to eat those words
Later that evening Elrond sat at his son's bedside and read Elrohir's letter. "What did you do, Elladan?" Elrond whispered. "Did you harm that elf?"
He sighed and stood up, intent on writing a letter back to Elrohir, telling him the truth.
Glorfindel entered the door with a tray of food. "I thought you would be hungry by now," he said.
"You are a gem, Glorfindel," Elrond said and took the tray.
Glorfindel took a bowl of soup off the tray, and pulled out a spoon and cloth from his pocket. "You just eat, I will feed Elladan."
Elrond nodded but instead of eating he turned to Glorfindel. "Meldir?"
"Yes, my love?" Glorfindel said softly and laid a hand on Elrond's.
"Will you come and share my bed tonight?" he asked almost timidly.
"Of course, you have but to ask," Glorfindel said and captured Elrond's chin with his other hand. "Do you wish for me to stay until the morning?"
And Elrond smiled vaguely. "Yes."
"I will have Erestor watch Elladan tonight so I can dedicate myself to you," the blond elf whispered and leaned in for a kiss.
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