Don't save a prayer for me now.
Save it til the morning after
No don't say a prayer for me now.
Save it til the morning after
Feel the breeze deep on the inside look down into the well
If you can you'll see the world in all his fire
Take a chance (like all dreamers can't find another way.)
You don't have to dream it all, just live a day.
Pretty looking road I try to hold the rising floods that fill my skin
Don't ask me why I'll keep my promise I'll melt the ice
And you wanted to dance, so I asked you to dance
No don't say a prayer for me now.
Save it til the morning after
--Duran Duran – save a prayer
(3 months later)
Elrond looked at the letter that he had received from Lorien; it wore Celeborn's seal, so he guessed it was something about Elladan, there were also a letter from Glorfindel, and Elrond smiled and tore open the seal on Glorfindel's letter, as he read it he smiled, the warrior would never risk anything by writing a personal letter to him, but Elrond could read between the polite words, he missed him just as much as he missed Glorfindel, as much as he wanted his secret lover home, just as much did he want him to stay in Lorien forever if that was what it took for Elladan to get well.
He picked up Celeborn's letter and opened it; Elrond had thought he had braced himself for whatever news was in there, but this. Celeborn wrote that they had tried everything, and now even the lady had given up, there was nothing they could do for Elladan. And therefore recommended he should return to Rivendell. He had now totally closed himself into his own dream state world, and not even Galadriel could find him.
Elrond felt tears well up in his eyes, what should he do? Was there really no hope for his son? Where had he failed to see the hints? How had it gotten this far? He picked up his quill and wrote back to Celeborn, to send Glorfindel and Elladan home.
Theodred dragged Legolas along, they had stayed out for too long, and now the thunderstorm was upon them, they had been bating in the little secret grove by the river, and now they had had to hurry on the horses and home, but upon their arrival, they handed over the horses to servants and when Theodred yanked Legolas, Legolas pulled back, and with amazing strength and ended up dragging Theodred into the garden, the lithe elf pushed the prince up against a large tree, the look he got made his cheeks fluster, "Ferret, there is a thunderstorm and.." the elf leaned forward and kissed him, "we are soaked.." Theodred mumbled against Legolas' lips, if the elf heard him, he didn't care one bit. He just bit Theodred's lip gently, and the man wrapped his arms around Legolas' neck
Legolas kissed his way up to Theodred's earlobe "Theodred" he whispered
The dark-haired prince had never heard a sweeter word in his life, sound itself send jolts down his spine, and a whimper escaped his lips, once he had thought he would never hear his name from those lips, but now that he had, it was more intoxicating than he could ever imagine.
Legolas pushed Theodred tunic up and the man raised his arms so it would come off easily, the rain splashed down on his bare chest, but he didn't mind, instead he started to pull off the elfs tunic as well, to Theodred surprise Legolas started to unlace his suede pants. They had kissed and gently touched, but this was new, this was.. What he had waited for so painfully long, and never had dared to take the initiative for, but the elf made him very well aware that he was ready.
The sight of Legolas that knelt in front of him, removing his pants made his erection twitch in anticipation. But he reached down and grabbed the elfs arm gently and pulled him to his feet, the slanted blue eyes shone of something he had never seen before in them. Theodred stepped out of his pants and dragged Legolas into a embrace "I love you" he whispered
Legolas smiled and returned the endearment he didn't understand with a gentle bite to Theodred's shoulder. The man opened Legolas' pants as well, letting his obvious arousal bob out, and to Theodred surprise the elf blushed, but Theodred just wrapped his arms around Legolas waist and rubbed himself against the smooth skin of the elf, as were he feline.
The little moan that spilled from Legolas lips were the sweetest music Theodred had heard in his life, and right there he decided he would want to hear this sound over and over again until his body would no longer host his soul. Even though the experience here was delightful, the haunting images of Legolas when he was examining him in the bonfires light in the camp that day they had found him, kept returning, and Theodred made a decision, as he turned around in Legolas embrace, grabbing the tree trunk, pushing up against the elf, feeling as his hair stuck to his back.
The elf got the message, and started to kiss Theodred's back, moving down to his buttocks, as were he determined to keen a wail from his lover. And as he ran a finger over Theodred guardian muscle he got it. The man trembled and clutched his hold on the trunk, arching his back to feel more of his lover.
When he felt the elfs erection brushing against him he pushed back even more, almost loosing his grip on the slippery tree. He whimpered at this slow pace, he needed to feel his lover, it seemed like Legolas was a bit confused at the sounds, but in the end decided that they were of passion, not of fear. And he placed himself behind Theodred so he would slide in easily.
This was sweet torment, he had expected it to hurt some when there had been no preparation, but right now it just added to the excitement, and his heart hammered away as was it trying to make its way out of the ribcage. He felt the elf lean in over him and a hand slide down his arm until they laced their fingers. Legolas made some little timid thrusts, but Theodred needed to feel more, and he thrust back, trying to set the pace.
Legolas caught on and quickly trusted harder and faster, more self confident than before, and as a result Theodred felt his world spiral down towards the ground, he would be spend way too fast, this was beyond all fantasies, because this was reality. Legolas' thrusts had pushed Theodred up against the trunk, and with each push he felt his face rub up against the rough surface of the trunk, far away he heard the elfs voice moan softly and felt their laced fingers tighten.
The blood raced to his ears drowning out all sound as he felt the intense pleasure feeling spread with the haste of light through his body until every nerve was singing, he spend himself while tasting the blood in his mouth from his scratched cheek.
Legolas slowly moved off him, and Theodred turned around, hoping his legs would hold him. His lover almost frightened him when he looked so scared, and Theodred whipped some droplets of blood from his eyebrow "don't worry about that, I can always say I fell from the horse" Theodred whispered, but still he leaned into the gentle touch when Legolas started to wiped off the tiny red drops. Theodred leaned in and kissed Legolas greedily as were he claiming his lover back "I love you so much" he mumbled and let Legolas push him against the trunk once more
Elrohir had stopped writing, and now was lost in the beauty of the thunderstorm, he was still not sure if it had been the right thing to do, what if Dinalu's heart was closed to him for ever?! He shook his head "don't be so pathetic Elrohir" he chided himself "you did the right thing"
He took a sip of his wine and returned to the task at hand. This letter had to go to Elrond without Theoden getting his hands on it, this was meant for his father's eyes only. He dipped the pen and wrote
Beloved father
I made amazing progress, the mute elf called Ferret by the residents of Rohan, now uttered a word. But his memory is disturbing me greatly, he knows Elladan, how and why I do not yet know, but it is dawning to me that this strange elf could very well be the long lost son of king Thranduil, who the world believed dead, but no one ever recovered his body, did they? Father, I am afraid that Elladan did something terribly wrong. I am keeping this knowledge to myself, and I ask that of you as well.
Tell my brother I love him and miss him.
I miss you.
He put down the pen and blew on the ink until it was dried into the parcel. he then rolled it up and branded it shut. "I'm sorry father, but I had to let you know."
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