You could say I lost my faith in science and progress
You could say I lost my belief in the holy church
You could say I lost my sense of direction
You could say all of this and worse but
If I ever lose my faith in you
There'd be nothing left for me to do
I never saw no miracle of science
That didn't go from a blessing to a curse
I never saw no military solution
That didn't always end up as something worse but
Let me say this first
If I ever lose my faith in you
There'd be nothing left for me to do
--Sting - if I ever lose my faith
Theodred, Elrohir and Legolas was sitting at a grassy hill enjoying the sun. "This will be one of the last summer evenings," Theodred said. "Soon autumn will be upon us."
Elrohir nodded. Yes, this makes one strangely melancholy, does it not?"
"Yes," Theodred said.
Legolas poked Elrohir on the shoulder and made some quick signs with a childish smile, and Elrohir answered, before he looked at Theodred. "He wants me to tell a story."
"Oh yes, please do," Theodred said, stretching out on the long grass.
"Very well," Elrohir said. "You asked me about my ancestors once, and I will tell you a story about Eärendil the Mariner. I can tell it to Legolas as we go along."
Legolas nodded, understanding nothing, but he just curled up next to Elrohir.
"This is a story about love," Elrohir said with a smug grin. "Half-elven and Dragon-slayer. Eärendil the Mariner was the son of the Edain lord, Tuor, and the elven lady, Idril of Gondolin." Elrohir paused and winked at Theodred, who just looked away, getting Elrohir's message crystal clear. "Eärendil was born in the year 504 of the First Age in Gondolin, but grew up in the elven haven of Arvernien. He became the lord of Arvernien and married Elwing, the elven daughter of King Dior and the inheritor of the Silmaril." He smiled down at Legolas. "She was a sight to behold, so the legends say, and Eärendil had no choice but to woo her as he saw her." Elrohir laughed and continued, "They had two sons: Elrond and Elros."
Theodred looked at Elrohir. "But is Elrond not?..."
Elrohir laughed. "Yes, Elrond is my father, but that is not important for this story."
"Oh, forgive me for interrupting!" Theodred whispered.
"Ah 'tis all right, I would not want for you to sit there and be confused," Elrohir sighed softly and continued. "For Eärendil, whose name means 'sea lover', Círdan built a miraculous ship called Vingilot." Elrohir paused. "While Eärendil was at sea, Arvernien was attacked and Elwing was forced to flee. Seeing no means of escape, she threw herself and the Silmaril into the sea."
"Oh, oh," Theodred gasped. "What about her sons?"
"They were captured by the Fëanor sons," Elrohir said. "But that is another story."
Both Theodred and Legolas sulked but Elrohir just laughed. "I can tell that tale some other day!" He ruffled Legolas' hair and continued. "Ulmo, the Ocean lord, saved her by transforming her into a sea bird and allowed her to fly to Eärendil. The couple used the power and light of the Silmaril to find their way to the Undying lands, to ask the aid of the Valar. In response, the Valar and Maiar host, along with the Elves of Eldamar, came out of the Undying Lands in the War of Wrath. It ended in the Great Battle, in which Eärendil the Mariner also fought. With the Silmaril bound to his brow, and his magical ship given the power of light, Eärendil slew Ancalagon the Black, the greatest Dragon that the world has ever known. After the end of the First Age, Eärendil led the surviving Edain to the new island kingdom of Númenor. Ever after, Eärendil was destined to sail Vingilot through the firmament. Called the Evening Star and the 'flame of the west', the Silmaril on his brow shone down from the night sky forever after."
Theodred smiled sadly, "That was a beautiful story... but."
"But what?" Elrohir said.
"Didn't they miss their children?"
Elrohir offered a weak smile. "I'm sure they did, but the destruction or salvation of the Silmaril was more important in those times. Had Elwing not cast herself in the sea, Middle-earth might perhaps not be as we know it now. Besides, you can see him sail the skies at night."
"You can see him?!" Theodred gasped.
"Nay not really, you can see the Silmaril on his forehead, as he sails Vingilot at night, while his wife waits in the white tower of Aman."
"But if we can see him, then.." Theodred said with confusion obvious in his voice.
"He can see us as well. Yes, I like to believe that," Elrohir said.
It was dark when Elrohir ventured back from the hill he had been sitting on with the two youngsters. He looked up at the sky, seeing if he could spot the brightest star there, but it was a cloudy night. He sighed. How he wished that he were not so torn, and he wanted to will that strange sensation away that Eomer had started inside him. He growled softly at himself. Perhaps Dinalu wanted to give up on all that was them, but he was still bound to his mate. He should not fall into temptation so easily.
He took a deep breath and changed directions to go find Eomer; he should do this now before his reasoning faltered.
He found himself in front of Eomer's door. Now he suddenly weren't so sure of what to do, but as in a trance he watched himself knock the door, and he was sure he must have looked like an idiot when Eomer opened the door. "Good evening," he said softly.
"Elrohir?" Eomer said, surprised. "I did not think you would visit me here this night, had I known then..."
"Don't," Elrohir whispered. "Can I come in?"
"Of course" Eomer said and moved away from the door, so Elrohir could move inside and sit down in a chair. "What brings you here?" Eomer said as he closed the door, and when Elrohir didn't answer he walked to the elf and squatted down in front of him.
"E-Eomer," Elrohir said and sighed, "I really wish I could."
The man looked up at Elrohir, who appeared to be on the verge of tears. This scared Eomer no end. He had never thought this composed warrior could cry.
"A part of me really wants to," the elf said.
"What?" Eomer whispered.
"To bed you," Elrohir whispered back as he lowered his head, "but my heart won't let me." Eomer said nothing and Elrohir started to wring his hands in his lap. "I have a mate."
"Is he the reason for this haunted look in your eyes?" Eomer whispered.
Elrohir said nothing but bit his lip. This was harder than he thought. All of his body reacted to Eomer's warm hands that rested on his knees, and for a brief second he wondered what these large hands would feel like caressing his skin.
"I understand," Eomer said softly and stood up, noticing that Elrohir almost let out a sad sigh at the loss of bodily contact. "I will not try and court you again." He turned around and watched the night sky through his window. "You are a noble soul, Elrohir, and I would be greatly saddened if you should scorn my friendship as well."
"Oh Eomer," Elrohir whispered, "I would cherish your friendship. "The man nodded and Elrohir stood up and walked over to him, just instinctive wrapping his arms around him, resting his head in the broad shoulder, looking out the window as well. "I'm sorry," he whispered.
Eomer felt himself tremble under the touch. "Me too," he whispered.
The trembling went right into Elrohir and he felt this odd feeling inside him once more, and as Elrohir leaned into his embrace he felt his groin awaken and his heart beat faster. This was ever so tempting. "I should leave," he whispered, "before I do something we will both regret."
"No, something 'you' would regret," Eomer said coldly.
"I." Elrohir started, but then just untangled himself from the man, and as a ghost left the room. It had been the right thing to do, hadn't it? Why did it just leave him with a feeling of emptiness?
The next morning Elrohir was on his way to see Legolas. He had not been able to sleep all night so he had instead worked on what to do with the mute elf, and when Eomer had told him that he had laughed, a theory had come to him. And so instead of knocking on the door this morning, he just tiptoed into Theodred's chambers. The prince was out. But the elf would be here. He smiled as he heard water splash in the bathroom and he walked inside, seeing the young elf in the tub. "Boooh!" he yelled.
Legolas quickly turned at first with fright written all over his face, but when he saw Elrohir he relaxed and smiled and greeted him. Elrohir made his way to the edge of the tub. "Today we are going to try something else, because I am sure you can do this." He stood up again and walked over and sat down upon a small table. "Remember I told Theodred a story yesterday?"
Legolas nodded.
"Very well. I will now tell you the same story, but I will sing it," Elrohir said, knowing that if Elladan had something to do with this elf being mute, then he would surely have heard this song many times before, as it had been their favourite song when they were wee ones.
"Eärendil was a mariner
that tarried in Arvernien;
he built a boat of timber felled
in Nimbrethil to journey in;
her sails he wove of silver fair,
of silver were her lanterns made,
her prow was fashioned like a swan,
and light upon her banners laid.
In panoply of ancient kings,
in chained rings he armoured him;
his shining shield was scored with runes
to ward all wounds and harm from him;
his bow was made of dragon-horn,
his arrows shorn of ebony,
of silver was his habergeon,
his scabbard of chalcedony;
his sword of steel was valiant,
of adamant his helmet tall,
an eagle-plume upon his crest,
upon his breast an emerald."
Elrohir sang, and then stopped, seeing the happy face on Legolas as he recognized the song. "What is next?" Elrohir asked.
Legolas gestured like mad, but Elrohir was relentless. "Beneath the Moon and under." he whispered. "You tell me and I will sing the rest."
He looked at Legolas as he apparently struggled with himself, but nothing happened. Elrohir sighed, his plan had failed. "Your bath must be cold by now, I shall be in the next room." He then got up and walked into the next room, waiting for Legolas to finish up.
The young elf opened the door and looked at Elrohir, who was looking at his drawings. "Star," he said with a little voice. "Star."
Elrohir's head snapped up as he heard those words, and he rushed to Legolas. "That is right, it's Beneath the Moon and Under Star!" he grabbed Legolas and swirled him around in the room. When he sat him down he hugged him. "Oh little one, you did it, you spoke!" He looked into Legolas' eyes which gleamed with happiness. "Theodred will be absolutely ecstatic!"
And Legolas giggled, and Elrohir had to hug him once more. "You have the most fantastic voice I have ever heard," he said with a smile, and apparently now that the dam had broken, sound came a bit easier to the young elf.
Theodred walked in the door seconds later and looked absolutely baffled at Legolas and Elrohir's happy grins. "What happened?" he asked as he took off his armour, letting it fall to the floor.
"He spoke," Elrohir said, trying to put a damper on his enthusiasm. "He has a voice, do you realise what this means?"
"He spoke?" Theodred looked flabbergasted. "What did he say?"
"Star," Elrohir answered, "but Theodred, this means that he has not always been mute, and with some tutoring we can perhaps get his memories to the surface as well."
"You spoke" Theodred said to Legolas, and Legolas blushed under the man's adoring gaze. Then much to Elrohir's amusement, the man strolled right up to the elf and planted a kiss on Legolas' lips, and as the elf wrapped his arms around the man's neck as the kiss deepened, Elrohir silently exited the room. This was a good day after all.
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