I never said I was tough
That was everyone else
So you're a fool to attack me
For the image that you built yourself
Just sounds more vicious
Than I actually mean
I really am soft
Yes, I'm tender and sweet
Why must you always be around?
Why can't you just leave it be?
You've done nothing so far but destroy my life
--Sinead O'Connor - You Cause as Much Sorrow
It had been fun, this Elrohir had to admit. Eomer had proven to be pleasant company, and the sparring had been much more entertaining than he had thought. He took the water hide and gulped down half of it, before he turned to Eomer and handed him the hide. "Thirsty?" he grinned.
Eomer smiled and took the hide. After drinking the rest, he gave Elrohir a smile. "Ready for one more, milord?"
"El-ro-hir!" Elrohir said with an annoyed voice.
Eomer just laughed. "All right, prince Elrohir, are you ready for one more round?"
Elrohir just nodded, and smiled before he tugged his tunic over his head. It was a warm summer day, and he had to admit that this was more exercise than he had gotten in years. He glanced at Eomer, and smiled once more, suddenly getting nervous under the man's gaze. Why was he watching him like that?
The man tried his hardest not to look, but it was impossible. The elf was the image of perfection in Eomer's eyes. The smooth chest with the rippling muscles that indicated the strength of a warrior. Suddenly he became aware that Elrohir had noticed him ogling him, and a weak blush crept to his cheeks. He quickly turned around and discarded his own tunic before he grabbed his sword once more. "Ready?" he said.
Elrohir nodded, still puzzled by the man's behaviour. Could he be right? Had he noticed a spark in the brown eyes? He hoped not, he just hoped that his mind was playing tricks on him.
The sparring ended and Eomer picked up his belongings, walking towards Elrohir. "Thank you, prince Elrohir, it has been a long time since anybody won over me."
Elrohir just laughed "it was my pleasure, Eomer."
Silence settled, and Elrohir decided that now was a good time to leave, so he picked up his tunic and pulling it over his head once more.
"How long will you stay?" Eomer mumbled, suddenly feeling awfully nervous.
"What?" Elrohir turned around and looked at the man. "You mean how long will I stay here in Rohan?"
Eomer nodded.
"Until my father calls me home," Elrohir answered. looking at the man who now was fiddling the knob on the hilt of his sword nervously. "Why do you ask?"
"I was just wondering... " Eomer looked up at the elf. "I am leaving for patrols again at dawn, and.." he trailed off. Elrohir offered no help; he just stood there and stared at the man "it might be a rude question, but would you perhaps join me later this evening?"
Elrohir's eyes widened at this request. He hadn't just heard what he thought he had heard! This was terrible, he hadn't done anything to make Eomer believe that he would have any lovers interest in him.
"Just for some hot wine," Eomer quickly added, seeing Elrohir's mortified expression.
What was he supposed to say? And the nervous pleading look the man had... the elf nodded slowly. "Yes, I accept your offer," he said in a slightly strained voice. He really didn't want to, but in the name of diplomacy he'd better do it
"Wonderful," Eomer said and smiled. "Thank you, prince Elrohir."
"You are welcome," Elrohir mumbled and picked up his sword. "Now please excuse me, I must go and see the king."
Eomer nodded and watched the elf walk away.
Elrohir walked down the corridor towards his chambers. What was he doing
here? The mysterious elf was nowhere to be found, and without the subject in matter he couldn't really do much other than to pretend this was some holiday.
He was about to enter his guest chambers when he noticed some movement out of the corner of his eye. He put down his sword and tiptoed to the corner of the corridor. He heard no noise, but saw a figure sitting in the shadows, and if he wasn't greatly mistaken this was the elf!
He composed himself and walked slowly towards the elf in the shadows. "Greetings," he said in elvish, but the form did not answer him. He just turned his head and stared.
Elrohir got a little alarmed and lowered himself onto his knees, looking the elf in the eyes. "I said greetings, little one," he continued, smiling at the baffled expression on the young elf's face. The silence was disturbing, but when the elf suddenly gestured with his hands before he flung himself around Elrohir's neck, his confusion was complete. "What the..." he mumbled but couldn't do much but return the embrace. He was about to ask Legolas something when he heard a large crash on the floor behind him. He spun around to see who it was that was sneaking up on him. What he met was a pair of angry green eyes.
"Let him go!" Theodred hissed.
"You must be the prince," Elrohir started to say, but was disturbed when Theodred frowned more deeply. "I am Elrohir," he continued.
"I care not who you are stranger, but you are not going to inflict the elf any harm!" the young man sneered.
"Harm?" Elrohir said looking absolutely baffled. "Why would I harm him?"
Now it was Theodred's turn to look confused. "B-but I thought that..."
Elrohir couldn't help but let out a little relived laughter. "No, prince Theodred, I won't hurt the elf. I am only here to find out his identity so he can be returned to his family."
"Oh," Theodred sighed, but if it was out of relief that this raven-haired elf from the valley would not harm his Ferret, or if it was out of disappointment to see the little golden elf go, he didn't know.
"Now Theodred, let us all go somewhere private and you can tell me what you know about this elf," Elrohir offered.
Theodred nodded and led the way.
This was most strange. The sign language that the elf had used was one that only one other person in the world would understand. But it made perfect sense in a strange and twisted way... he thought I was Elladan, that is why he hugged me, but why and how had this elf learned the sign language that was theirs?
oh Elladan, I hope you didn't do something terribly wrong
The sun set, sending lazy red rays over the sky, and to Elrohir's frustration he hadn't learned much about the elusive elfling, and with Theodred there he really didn't want to ask too many personal questions, and for some reason Elladan kept haunting his mind. If Elrohir was correct in his suspicions, then his beloved brother had done something terribly wrong. But for now he wanted to keep this to himself. Theodred had stopped talking about what he knew of the elf, and Elrohir sighed. This didn't get him any closer to the truth. "I will have to speak with him," he said.
Theodred looked confused.
Elrohir let out a chuckle. "These moves with his hands are not random, they
all mean something, a word or a feeling." He turned and looked out the window. He didn't have much time before he had promised to meet up with Eomer, so he turned to Legolas and smiled, speaking softly in elvish. "I am going to ask you some questions now, little one."
Legolas nodded and looked at Theodred.
Elrohir continued to speak to Legolas. "I speak his language as well. He is a kind man, and speaks very fondly of you." He smiled at the elf's subtle blush, and continued. "I need to know your name, my friend"
Legolas blinked rapidly, as if he was trying to understand what the elf had said, his name - why on the face of Arda would Elladan ask him this?
Elrohir noticed the confusion, and smiled. "I am not Elladan," he shook his head. "I am Elrohir, his twin brother."
"Elrohir?" Legolas gestured. "I know of you."
Elrohir just nodded but his blood froze to streams of ice. "Well then, do you remember your name?"
Legolas shook his head. "I am little rabbit."
Elrohir resisted the urge to laugh, and just smiled an amused smile. What was this with ferrets and rabbits? At least he wasn't called bullfrog or something similarly delightful.
"I have come to return you to your rightful home," Elrohir said, and with a slightly disturbed expression noticed the other elf's gaze wander to the man.
"What is he saying?" Theodred asked.
"That his name is little rabbit, as far as he remembers," Elrohir said.
"Oh," Theodred sulked. "I liked Ferret."
"What is wrong?" Legolas gestured.
"He called you Ferret, little one - and he liked that name better than little rabbit," Elrohir said, looking at Legolas.
"Yes those little animals that look like a hermelin or an otter," Elrohir said.
Legolas shook his head, but then looked thoughtful and added, "I like fer-ret."
"I will tell him that, and now I really have to go." He patted the young elf's head. "I will be back tomorrow."
Legolas smiled. "Good-bye, Elrohir."
Instead of answering, Elrohir used the same sign for good-bye and added Ferret. He then turned to Theodred, who looked awfully nervous. How cute, this protectiveness. "I will be back tomorrow, Prince Theodred," he said and then added, "He liked the name Ferret." He couldn't resist winking at the confused man as he left.
Theodred stood up and sat down next to the elf. "Ferret," he said with a smile, resisting the urge to wrap a arm around the fair elf. "I'm glad you liked my name, who wants to be named after a scared little fur ball after all?"
Legolas just smiled and yawned.
Eomer had been fetching the warm wine, and now he was lighting the last of the candles. He was quite proud of his work. His chamber looked all nice and cozy. Eomer blew out the little stick of wood he had used to light the candles. Now all that was missing was Elrohir. Eomer knew he had been bold, and usually he would never ever do such a thing as he had done that afternoon - but then again it was not often he met handsome elven princes, and Elrohir was a mighty fine specimen. Honestly Eomer had never seen anything that beautiful, but he had to be careful, he could sense that.
He was torn from his musing when a light knock echoed in the room. "Enter," he called out.
"Good evening, Eomer," Elrohir said and nodded towards the man, looking around the room. "You did not have to go through any trouble... just to..."
Elrohir's words died on his lips. Oh, he knew what game this man played. And now that he had agreed to come here, he would just have to get through the evening as quickly as possible, and retreat.
"Prince Elrohir," Eomer said and gestured towards a chair. "It was no trouble. Come. Sit."
Elrohir counted to ten and walked over the chair, smiling courteously when the man handed him his wine. "I communicated with Ferret today," he said, trying to strike up casual conversation.
Eomer sat down opposite the elf, and smiled while he reached for his own glass, while he frantically tried to remember the proper etiquette for addressing an elf. Especially one who wasn't just an elf, but also a prince.. and not just addressing him. Thinking about how to woo him was far worse.
The night crept up on the couple sitting in Eomer's chamber, and the wine tasted sweeter and sweeter, while the conversation grew more and more intimate. Elrohir knew he should have left, but yet he hadn't, and for this he had no explanation.
"Prince Elrohir?" Eomer suddenly asked with a strange seriousness.
"Yes," he answered, taking a sip of the wine.
"I bet you broke some hearts in Rivendell!"
What a strange question Elrohir thought, but just raised a brow. "No, not in Rivendell, as far as I know."
"No?" Eomer said with a big smile. "I have a hard time understanding why every living creature doesn't loose their hearts to the likes of you, prince Elrohir."
Now it was becoming dangerous, and Elrohir knew it. "Such big words," he just whispered.
"But true," Eomer said while he almost imperceptibly inched a bit closer.
He had to get out of here! Elrohir's mind tried desperately to find some excuse to just get up and leave. "I should leave," he croaked.
"Why so soon?" Eomer cooed and boldly ran a hand over Elrohir's arm.
"Because..." but before he had time to say more, he suddenly had Eomer's lips on his. He didn't want this... did he? He should protest, but instead he complied with the man's request, completely melting into the sweet kiss. Cold hands grabbed his heart. This just reminded him of his own loneliness. It was tempting to just give in. But when the lips were removed and the wet softness was gone, the spell was broken. And the elf blinked rapidly as if to regain his sanity.
"That was wonderful," Eomer whispered.
"I... I... I am t-tired," Elrohir whispered hoarsely. "I m-must retire," he scrambled backwards, away from the man. "I bid you a good night, Eomer," he said hastily, falling over his own words as he almost backed out of the door, knocking over the bottle of wine on his way. Leaving a very confused Eomer behind.
Once in the corridor, he ran - ran as fast as he could back to his own chambers and threw himself on the bed. This was wrong. All wrong... it was not that the man was not desirable, but he was just not... Dinalu.
"I miss you!" Elrohir sobbed into his pillow. "Oh please come join me" - he knew this request was stupid and childish, but it was how he felt. But the only answer was the silence of the empty room, adding to his loneliness.
He was betraying Elladan's trust and friendship, he knew this. But now the young prince had been hiding in his rooms, preferring solitude and meditation to anything. Not even the promise of a spar or a horse race would lure him outside. And now these delusions he had about Irmo. They had frightened Erestor - all seen in the light of the show he had put on in Elrond's study, which had earned him 2 days in the healing wing. Erestor did not trust the young elf's judgment anymore. Elladan had gone insane, it was as simple as that. It was hard for him to admit, since he had knew him since birth. But the evidence was mounting, and he could no longer ignore the fact. And neither could Elrond.
It was with a beating heart he knocked on the lord's door, the news he had to deliver now was the hardest he had ever done.
Elrond sat and watched the door through which Erestor had just left - Elladan insane? He knew his son was rather eccentric, and he had to admit that the behaviour he had show the other day with his hair and ear had frightened him. Right now he did not feel like the lord of Rivendell. He was just a father, scared to death on behalf of his son. He had to determine what to do with Elladan. According to Erestor, no one could reach him. Elladan was lost even to him.
Elrond sighed and absentmindedly cracked his knuckles. "Elrohir," he mumbled, yes, Elrohir could reach his brother. If he couldn't pull him out of this, Elladan was lost to life on Middle-earth. He pulled out his pen, and started on a message to Elrohir. These were indeed dire times, and this would devastate Elrohir. But he had no choice.
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Harvester of Sorrow by Azzy
Chapter notes: What is up with Eomer's sudden interest in Elrohir? Why is no one in this fic called bullfrog? Elrohir learns that it takes two to be lonely. And why don't dads just write pretty postcards?
Chapter end notes: I promised smut, but for some reason the muse couldn't get it up to more than PG-13. *frowns* I'm sorry... my autumn muse works in mysterious ways. It makes me listen to old hippie music, I can't help it... *laughs* I blame Ian Anderson for any flower power in this chapter. (I admire that man to no end)