There's no love in fear.
Staring down the hole again.
Hands are on my back again.
Survival is my only friend.
-- Tool – Pushit.
Elladan squatted down and looked at the elfling. He did not look like he would be a day over 30. He watched his every move as he came to the brink of the forest. The same golden hair, and those impossible blue eyes -- no doubt this wee one would capture many a heart when grown. He stayed still just watching until the young elf was close to him. "Hello there," he said softly and smiled.
"Hello," Legolas said and smiled at the stranger.
"What are you doing here all alone?" Elladan asked and tucked in a stray strand of the elfling's golden hair.
"Looking for more sticks so I can build a bigger corral," Legolas said and blinked innocently. "You look just like uncle Elrohir," he stated and pointed at Elladan.
"I do?" Elladan said with equal innocence. The large blue eyes studied him so trustingly and intensely that it almost drew tears to his eyes. And then he had an idea – he may have lost Elrohir, but this little elfling could heal his wound. He would not leave, he would feed it, nurse it, sing for it and love it – so he would never ever leave, and right then he forgot about his anger for Dinalu, and felt only fatherly love for this wee elf.
"What is your name?" Legolas asked and sat down opposite Elladan, holding tight to the few sticks he had found.
"Elladan," Elladan said and pricked Legolas on the nose, "and what is yours?"
Legolas blushed and looked away. "I am not supposed to tell strangers, and you are a stranger," he admitted.
Elladan tilted his head and smiled. "I am no stranger, I just told you my name, and I am a friend of your uncle Elrohir." The little golden haired elf looked up and smiled happily. "See? I am not a stranger," Elladan said softly.
"Legolas," Legolas said and beamed at Elladan. "My name is Legolas."
"Legolas and Elladan," Elladan said as if he tasted the sound of that phrase. "Well Legolas, do you want me to help you find more sticks for your corral, so you can impress your uncle Elrohir?" he asked innocently.
"Yes please," Legolas said and stood up.
Elladan stood up as well and walked further into the woods. "Come," he said and reached out his hand.
"Dina and my father told me I am not allowed further than this in the woods," Legolas said and crossed his arms stubbornly. "It is dangerous there, you know."
Elladan chuckled and unsheathed his scimitar. "You are safe with me."
Legolas' eyes widened at the sight. "Oooooooo, that is beautiful," he whispered in awe, and he looked up at Elladan. "Can I touch it?"
"Of course, little one," he said and rested the scimitar in his hands so Legolas' little hand could touch the steel – and after a while he smiled and sheathed it again. "Now come, let us find those sticks," he said.
They walked for a little while and Legolas chatted happily about anything that came to his mind. Until Elladan stopped and picked something up, turning towards the elfling. "Well Legolas, do you recon you have enough sticks now?"
Legolas nodded and smiled. "Yes, thank you Elladan."
Elladan closed his eyes momentarily and sighed. "I'm sorry," he whispered, and with a quick move hit Legolas over the head with a large log. The little elf fell backwards into the grass and flowers and hit the ground with a soft thump.
Elrohir stepped up to Thranduil's desk and smiled at the king. "Your majesty?"
"A letter have arrived from your father, as Dinalu may have told you," Thranduil said with a smile and handed Elrohir a parcel.
Elrohir took it and slowly opened it and started reading, and as he proceeded a large smile covered his face.
"Good news, I trust?" Thranduil said and folded his hands under his chin, watching Elrohir. He smiled inwardly at the young half-elf. He had called him here for another reason; he wanted to meet this elf that had captured his son's heart. He had met him, yes, but never talked to him one on one. His sons had always been there to occupy either Elrohir or himself. He could see why Dinalu had been so infatuated with this being; he was truly an amazing creature, his features tranquil and soft, and yet so... Thranduil searched for the correct word, yes, exotic.
Elrohir looked up at Thranduil and felt somewhat ill at ease under Thranduil's stare. "Yes your majesty, my father tells me my brother overcome his obstacles, and is now on his way to Lorien."
"That is good news indeed," Thranduil said and tilted his head. "Obstacles, you say? Was he upset with you?"
Elrohir nodded slowly. "He was extremely aggravated when I left to travel here with Dinalu, your majesty."
"Bothers are like that," Thranduil said in a soothing tone. "Should my sons ever be parted by as great a distance as you and your twin, I am sure they would feel alone and abandoned too." Thranduil stopped and smiled. "But that is of course pure speculation from my side, since I am a only child, and never knew what it was like to have siblings."
"My father sends word that Elladan is recuperating, your majesty." Elrohir said and rolled the parcel together again.
"Perhaps we shall have the joy of seeing him here some day soon," Thranduil said.
"I hope so, your majesty," Elrohir said with a smile.
"I am glad all is well. Should you write your father back, send him my best wishes," the king said and sat back in his chair.
"I will, your majesty," the young elf said in a chipper tone. He was glad to learn that the dreaded king of Mirkwood was this talkative and easy to smile at.
"Then you are dismissed, young prince Elrohir," Thranduil said with a gesture towards the door.
"Thank you, your majesty," Elrohir said as he stood up from his seat and quickly left the room.
Elrohir happily told Dinalu all about his meeting with Thranduil, and showed him the parcel. The golden-haired elf laughed. "What did you expect, that my father had fangs?"
"No, not fangs – but canines at least," he teased back and laughed at his own silly nervousness. He stifled his laughter as he noticed that Dinalu looked worried. "What is amiss, my love?" he asked, searching his lover's green eyes for an answer.
"Legolas," Dinalu said and made a fluid hand move towards the green where the little elf had been playing just a moment ago. "He was right here."
"He is a child, Dinalu," Elrohir said and rested against the other elf. "He probably just went in search of a sweetcake." But when Dinalu didn't seem to calm, Elrohir turned to make eye contact with his lover. "Listen my love, elflings never stay put, you should know that – at least Elladan and I never did, and I believe that caused more than one grey hair on our father."
Dinalu sighed. "I suppose you are right."
"He will show up at supper, I promise," Elrohir said with a smile.
Dinalu nodded and knew that Elrohir should be right, but something still felt wrong. He decided he would spend the rest of the late afternoon here in the gardens with his lover, and not give it another thought until supper. He would show that little rascal, he would show up.
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