I've got a little black book with my poems in.
Got a bag with a toothbrush and a comb in.
When I'm a good dog, they sometimes throw me a bone in.
I got elastic bands keepin' my shoes on.
Got those swollen hand blues.
Got thirteen channels of shit on the T.V. to choose from.
I've got electric light.
And I've got second sight.
And amazing powers of observation.
And that is how I know
When I try to get through
On the telephone to you
There'll be nobody home.
I've got the obligatory Hendrix perm.
And the inevitable pinhole burns
All down the front of my favourite satin shirt.
I've got nicotine stains on my fingers.
I've got a silver spoon on a chain.
I've got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains.
I've got wild staring eyes.
And I've got a strong urge to fly.
But I got nowhere to fly to.
when I pick up the phone
There is still nobody home.
--Pink Floyd - nobody home
(2 months later)
Crying... Elrohir wondered when he would run out of tears, there had to be a limit as to how much liquid the glands in your head could produce, But apparently not.
He looked out at the pale dawn, knowing that today he would ride, and this was the last morning he would spend in Mirkwood for quite some time, perhaps forever if Dinalu didn't change his mind. He admitted that it had been a tasteless remark he had made in a second of anger, but Dinalu was like a closed book. And simply refused to talk to his husband. In his frustration, Elrohir had even gone to Thranduil to seek advise, but the Mirkwood king had just shaken his head sadly and said that he would gladly assist in any was he could, but he was not able to change his son's heart.
How had it come to this? Which wrong path had he taken? Had it been wrong to fall in love with Dinalu in the first place? Or had it been wrong to make an oath with his twin? Or... he just couldn't straighten out his web of thoughts. None of it seemed like it had been the wrong thing to do. Yet now when he sat here in the dimly lit room, looking at his already packed saddle bag, he felt like he had led hi self astray somewhere. How could he stay by the side of a person who loathed his twin? That was impossible. But how could he sacrifice all that was him and Dinalu on this, some childish vow. He shook his head. Things just had to work out. He just hoped that Dinalu understood that he would not be leaving forever. He would write him a letter once he arrived home.
Elrohir's musings were disturbed by a knock on the door. He blinked confusedly - who would pay him a visit at this hour? The household was asleep; only a few servants would be awake at this hour. "Enter," he called, secretly hoping it was Dinalu who couldn't resist coming to see him off on his trip. But the elf who entered was one he had never seen before in his life, and his smile faded. "What do you want?" he said.
"I come with a urgent message from Rivendell to prince Elrohir, and if I am not mistaken, that would be you," the messenger said.
"Yes, that would be me," Elrohir said venomously, not liking the tone of the servant one bit. "Hand me the letter and then be gone."
"As you wish," the servant said and dropped the scroll on the floor. "Oh, forgive me, prince Elrohir, it seems it has fallen from my hands - how clumsy of me."
Elrohir shook his head, feeling miserable. Even the staff here thought that he was being unjust to their throne heir, and most of them had had second thoughts about their prince getting involved with a half elf, and even worse a male that would produce no children. They hated him, and he knew it. There was really no point in getting angered, so he just waved his hand at the servant. "Leave me," he said softly.
The servant left, but not without closing the door harder than necessary. This was all because they loved their prince, and they blamed Elrohir for making him miserable. Elrohir sighed and rose from the bed and picked up the scroll. It had his father's seal on it. At least they hadn't read his letter, he thought to himself. He sat down once more and broke the seal, and at the first sight at his father's handwriting he felt like he would cry once more. Right now he didn't feel like a warrior destined for greatness, or the son of a lord. He felt like an elfling who wanted his father to soothe him and tell him everything would be all right. He ran a hand through his hair and started to read the letter.
He rolled the scroll up once more. Rohan? His father wanted him to go to Rohan? He shook his head. He wondered who this strange elf was that his father spoke of. Perhaps it was an ancient soul sent back from Mandos, like Glorfindel. But there was only one way to figure that out. He looked out at the sun once more. It had risen more and it was bright dawn. He should delay his departure no more, and with that he rose to his feet, picking up the saddle bag containing his belongings. Should he go to Dinalu before he left? He sighed and pushed open the door to the corridor. No, he should leave him alone, that was what he had wanted, and since Dinalu had not wished to see him last night and had not come to his chambers, it was pretty safe to say that he felt unwelcome in his husband's chambers right now.
He walked down to the stables and quickly found his own horse. He patted it on the nose and smiled. "Ready, my friend?" he whispered and the horse just let out a snort. "You just wait, my friend, we are going to the land of horses, and you might find that you enjoy yourself there."
A rustle behind him made Elrohir turn around and look directly at the king. His eyes widened. "Your Majesty!"
Thranduil smiled at Elrohir and casually leaned against the stable wall. "I thought that I would come and bid you a safe journey," since no one else is doing it he thought to himself, but had not the heart to utter those words.
Elrohir bowed slightly for the Mirkwood king and then looked up again with a smile. "Thank you, your majesty." He took a leather cord from the saddlebag and started to make a loose braid, tying it all together with the cord, much to Thranduil's amusement.
After some time with silence Thranduil suddenly spoke with a soft voice. "You should send him a letter once you return home, young Elrohir."
Elrohir was throwing the saddlebag over the horse when he heard those words. "Yes, your majesty," he said and patted the horse on the side of the neck. "But I am on my way to Rohan, my fathers orders," he added with a dull tone.
"Rohan you say?" Thranduil said softly. "I am sure they have messengers in Rohan too."
"Oh yes, your majesty," Elrohir said quickly and blushed lightly. "I didn't mean to imply that..."
Thranduil cut him off with a wave of his hand. "Peace, young Elrohir, I just assumed you would be returning home to your brother."
"I was, your majesty, but my father sent me a message sending me to Rohan on the way. I will send for Elladan, once there." He said and absentmindedly fiddled with the horse's mane.
Thranduil took a step towards the horse and half-elf. "Elrohir, may the Valar keep you safe on your journey, and please send your father a greeting from me."
Elrohir smiled at the king and softly replied "I will, and thank you, your majesty. "He took a deep breath before he mounted the horse. "W-would you...tell Dinalu I will return?"
"Aye," Thranduil said and stepped away so Elrohir could ride out from the stall.
"I should go now, thank you for coming your majesty, Thranduil," Elrohir said and spurred his horse to walk slowly out the stall. Thranduil just nodded and gave Elrohir one last sorrowful gaze. He knew what was causing the young elf to linger, and what it was he was looking for behind his back, but he also knew that Dinalu would not come, and so did Elrohir - he had just hoped he was wrong. Thranduil understood the disappointed self-loathing look in Elrohir's eyes all too well.
Elrond was looking at Elrohir's letter. They had to have crossed messages halfway, but just as Elrond had ordered Elrohir to Rohan, his son had apparently thought of stopping there on his way. He looked up at the painting of the children's mother. How he wished she were here now. This letter was full of heartbreak. If only she had been here to console her children, and himself too. He massaged his temples deciding that he could not do more for Elrohir right now, but would send a letter to king Theoden and tell him that aid was on its way.
"Father?" a voice said behind him. He turned around and the sight that met his eyes made all blood disappear from his face. "Oh dear Elladan!" he exclaimed and rose from his chair.
"I just thought he would like to have it," Elladan said sweetly and held out his hair, neatly braided with red ribbons, but to Elrond's confusion not attached to his son's head.
"Your hair... " Elrond whispered and looked from the offending braid to Elladan's face. "Elladan... What were you thinking?"
"But father, I thought he would like to have some of me to keep him company if he misses me," Elladan stated. "And he does, you know, I can feel it."
"I know he does, my dear child.. but that doesn't mean that you had to maim yourself," Elrond said letting his arms fall to his sides, just looking at his eldest son in amazement and fear.
"I didn't maim myself father, if I had cut off my arm it would be different. This is but hair," Elladan said and gently deposited the braid on Elrond's large desk.
"But you have been growing that since birth!" Elrond whispered, wide eyed.
"About high time I had a hair cut then," Elladan stated.
"Elladan," Elrond groaned and sat down once more. "What did you expect me to do with this?" He pointed at the braid.
"To send it to Elrohir of course."
"I can't do that Elladan. He would die from a heart attack," Elrond said.
"Yes you can and you will," Elladan suddenly roared.
Elrond looked up at his son, who was visibly confused. "No Elladan, I simply refuse."
"Fine," Elladan hissed and took the little knife Elrond used to pry open seals from the desk and raised it to his ear. "What about this? Would you send this to him?"
Confused? Insane was more the word, Elrond thought to himself. How could this have eluded him for so long? "Elladan.. No!" he yelled, but to no avail. The young elf slid the paper knife down into the flesh, and streams of red blood trickled down his face.
"The hair just wasn't enough, now was it?" Elladan yelled.
Elrond quickly got to his feet, and rushed over to Elladan and much to the young elf's surprise he punched him.
With Elladan unconscious on the floor, Elrond quickly picked him up and carried him out of the room, making for the healing wing. He had to sew on the ear back on that now dangled strangely from a flap of skin, bleeding ferociously. And then he would have to find a way discover the source of Elladan's strange behavior.
Eomer had wanted to return back as soon as possible, he was greatly curious as to what had happened to the elf. Had Theodred gotten him to finally say who had hurt him thus? And now on his walk from the stables to the throne hall, he couldn't help but wonder if Theoden had perhaps sent the elf on his way. It was no secret that the king, no matter how just and wise, did not like the Firstborn . Eomer had always thought it was due to jealousy, as the elves stayed young and healthy. Theoden himself was beginning to look like an old man.
"Eomer!" he heard a voice yell from the other end of the corridor. He would recognize that voice anywhere.
"Theodred, you made it here safely!" he said and turned towards the other young man who ran towards him.
"I did," Theodred said with a smile. "And so did you, I see." He embraced his cousin in a warm hug.
"What about the elf?" Eomer wondered. "Is he still here?"
"Yes" Theodred said and dragged Eomer with him. "He is right here in my chambers. Come see - he has made remarkable progress."
Eomer laughed and followed Theodred. "I should stand before the king first, before making social visits."
"It will be quick," Theodred said with a boyish grin.
The warrior did not miss hearing the hidden remark, and chuckled with delight. "With you... always."
Theodred raised a brow. "Is that a fact?"
"Oh Theodred, don't be such a spoilsport, show me the elf," Eomer sighed with a smile.
"Yes, the elf," Theodred repeated and continued to drag Eomer, until they were at his chamber door. "Don't move too fast, he might get startled."
Eomer just nodded and moved slowly into the room where Legolas sat working on a drawing of his.
"Ferret?" Theodred said softly and Legolas looked up, flashing a smile at the man. "I brought a friend with me."
"Ferret?" Eomer looked at Theodred for a second and then suddenly roared with laughter. "That is the most stupid thing I ever heard... Theodred, honestly... ferret."
"Well he looked like one, and he is not objecting," Theodred answered with a pout.
Eomer just shook his head in amusement and smiled at the elf. "Hello there, little one."
"You oaf! He doesn't understand what you are saying. He is an elf, and thus he speak elvish," Theodred said and delivered a slight slap to Eomer's shoulder.
Eomer blushed slightly. "I guess you are right."
"Eomer," Theodred said and pointed at his friend.
Legolas just nodded and looked at the man, not understanding what it was all about, but he could sense that they were friends, so he was not the least alarmed when the man with the golden curly hair came and stood beside him, looking at his drawing.
"It's amazing," Eomer said. "Have you seen this, Theodred?"
Legolas looked at the man with the golden hair. His body language told him he was pleased with the drawing, and so he lifted it from the table and offered it to the man. For a second he thought he had been wrong when the man looked so baffled, but when he then took the drawing, Legolas nodded eagerly pushing the paper closer to Eomer
"He gave me his drawing! Eomer said.
"I guess he likes you!" Theodred said.
"I wonder who this elf is," Eomer mumbled and looked at the drawing. "But it certainly is a pretty drawing." He folded the drawing with the handsome dark-haired elf and smiled to Legolas gently running a hand over the soft hair. "Thank you, little one" he said. "Maybe someday you can tell me who this is"
AN: I had some betaing trouble here, and its not that I am not grateful that Lost Fantasy would beta for me, now that poor Lisbet got sick. But I just grew impatient. So this is not betaed, I hope it's readable anyways.
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