Danny's not eating, he's drinking and sleeping in
I saw him last night at a party, he's definitely thin
He says he's happy, he looked pretty good but I think
That as the sun rises on Mary, it sets on him
And just dance, and just drink and just see the things
I'll probably never get a chance to see
Danny came over last night and I cooked for him
We talked about you Mary and how much we loved you still
He told me he's packed up your books and your letters and things
And as the sun sets on Mary, it's rising on him
And we danced and we drank and I've seen some things
you probably never got the chance to see
Don't worry Mary, cos I'm taking care of Danny
And he's taking care of me
-- Dido - Mary's in India
They had just made it inside when Legolas cringed from the roar of thunder. The man appeared to be oblivious to it, and just thought the elf had gotten frightened from something in the entrance. "Don't be afraid, you're safe," Theodred whispered and petted the elf's hair as he would a small child.
The elf just blinked. A soldier came and nodded to the prince. "Greetings Theodred, I was of the impression that Eomer and his men would stay in the plains for longer, yet you are already here - what goes?"
"Greetings Ulf, I have returned because we found this elf, who is in need of medical care," Theodred answered. "Will you tell my father I am home, and then call the healer?"
"It shall be my pleasure, my prince," Ulf said and nodded once more before he hurried off, leaving Theodred and Legolas alone in the hall once more.
"Come elf, you need to get some decent clothes on, and a warm bath," Theodred mumbled and led Legolas down the corridor to his own chambers.
Elladan walked back to his own chambers, deciding it was too dark to search the primacies right now, even for him. And honestly he was rather tired, in his own thoughts he didn't even notice when he walked straight into his father's chief advisor.
"Ai Elladan!" Erestor yelped. "Watch where you are going!"
"Oh, Erestor - forgive me," Elladan gasped, watching the tea soak through the other elf's robes, and eventually drip on the floor. "I can make you some new tea if you wish."
"Nay, it is quite all right, penneth," Erestor said and looked at Elladan closely. "What is amiss, my friend?" he suddenly said.
"Amiss? Why would anything be amiss?" Elladan said and blinked innocently.
"You look like you haven't slept for a month, Elladan," the advisor said in a slightly accusing tone.
Seeing no way out from under the chief advisor's probing look, Elladan slumped his shoulders and nodded. "True, I do not sleep well these days."
"May I ask why?" Erestor said and smiled.
Elladan sighed in a childish way. "I guess I miss Elrohir."
Erestor smiled again and rested his hand on Elladan's shoulder. "We all get lonely sometimes, Elladan," the advisor admitted. "There is no shame in that."
The younger elf looked up at the dark unreadable eyes of his father's advisor.
"I am not ashamed," he stated.
"Why did you not confide in someone earlier?" Erestor said and raised a brow, as did he not believe the young twin.
"Confide in who?" Elladan asked. "My father? I would never hear the end of it."
Erestor sighed. "I see your point, but rest assured that you can always come to me, you know that, don't you? I can be your confidante if you can use me."
Now it was Elladan's turn to raise a brow. "You would do that for me?"
"Yes of course, penneth" Erestor said and squeezed Elladan's shoulder. "I will make some more tea. You are more than welcome to keep me company if you are not ready to retire."
"I..." Elladan said and looked at Erestor as if the other elf's face would reveal the very secrets of the universe. "I would like that," he finally whispered.
Erestor smiled once more. "It is settled then, young Elladan," he said and started to walk down towards the kitchen once more, followed by a dumbstruck Elladan.
Legolas didn't know what to think when he saw the large room that Theodred walked into. He was led towards the large bed, and seated on a wooden chair with a large pelt thrown over it. "It's the first wolf I ever shot," Theodred said, smiling apologetically, just trying to make conversation. He sat at the fireplace and started to make a fire, giving Legolas a second to look at him. He most certainly did not look like those other men he had seen. He seemed softer in appearance, but still Legolas sensed that the young man was troubled, and apparently making a great effort not to show it. He wondered if he was worried about him or something else. But when Theodred turned around and said something to him, Legolas decided to trust this man. He really did not know why, for he had no reason to do so, but he still smiled and told Theodred with a sign that he really liked it here.
Theodred looked at the elf pointing at himself, rubbing his ear and then his cheek while smiling...what was this? He blinked confused and said "Ai, I wish I knew why you haven't spoken a word. Can it be that you are mute , my friend? Let the healer be the judge of that." He then walked off to find his new friend some clothing.
A knock on the door made Theodred stop his search for suitable clothes. The elf was a great deal smaller than him in frame. But as the door opened and the royal healer stepped inside together with Theoden, a smile appeared on the young prince's face. "Father," he said and came to stand next to the king. "The elf seems as fit as can be expected from his ordeal, but he has yet to utter a word."
Theoden looked over at the elf. "Where did you find him son?"
"Eomer found him," Theodred said and looked up at his father. "Eomer and
I," he corrected.
"Of course," Theoden sighed, "but where did you find this mute elf?"
"On the plains, running like a rabbit from something I do not know," Theodred said and sat down on the bed, feeling all the eyes in the room transfixed on him. "What I do know is that this something hurt him badly."
"Elves do not live on the plains," Theoden mumbled, "so he must have come from somewhere."
"I know father, but as he cannot speak, then not even one that can speak the tongue of the firstborn can help us," the young prince said and looked over at Legolas.
"Come my son, we can discuss this somewhere else, and leave the healer to his skill," the king said, and turned and swept out the door.
Theodred still looked at Legolas, and then smiled. "This is the healer; he will tend to your wounds," he said, but seeing the elf blink and just stare at him he decided to try another approach. He stood up and walked over to the healer, giving the old man a hug and then turned to Legolas once more. "See? He is a friendly man."
Legolas nodded and smiled at the healer. He didn't understand what this man was or why he was there, but the young man who had called himself mushroom apparently liked him. But when Theodred walked out the room, and left Legolas alone with the old man, he was not so sure anymore.
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