We slept in this room together, but now you're gone,
And it's so quiet I turn the TV on.
We lived in this room together, we painted the walls.
Now time doesn't stand still,
It crawls
And I'm afraid to sleep,
'Cause if I do I dream of you,
And dreams are always deep
On the pillow where I weep.
Lying alone in the darkness with the memory in my head.
There's a big hole where my heart is
And a lonely feeling rollin' round my bed.
I'm afraid to sleep
-- Dido - I'm afraid to sleep
Elladan searched the cave painstakingly, but couldn't figure out how or when the young elf had left, and why. He was able to tell that not very much food had been eaten, so Legolas must have left only a few days after his own departure.
But Elladan was not a stupid elf, he knew that if he stayed away for too long he would arouse suspicion. Elrond was already keeping an eye on him; he could feel it. The concerned looks and the worried shakes of his head burned themselves into Elladan's back. Why hadn't he insisted that Elrohir go with him? He hated the fact that Elrond would rather it had been he who had left, and Elrohir who had stayed. Elladan was sure of this.
Maybe he should go and visit grandfather for a while, and from there ask Elrohir to go home to Rivendell. He sighed and left the cave. He needed to make a brand-new plan.
Once in the stable, Theodred lifted Legolas from the horse, and smiled at the elf. "You need a name, friend."
Legolas just blinked and looked at the strange young man, who looked like he was thinking hard.
"I got it!" he yelled triumphantly. "Bolvirk! That is a good strong name, for a strong... ehm... elf."
Just then they were spotted by two of the warriors who at first looked startled, and Legolas turned his head, looking just as startled as they did. Theodred was sure that if he hadn't been holding on to the elf's arm, he would have bolted out of the stables. "Pray tell, our prince, who is your lady friend?" one of the men said with badly hidden amusement.
Theodred rolled his eyes and smirked at the soldiers. "Don't you two have something other to do than standing about here? I will be sure to tell my father his men are idle, and they need more labour to keep them occupied."
The two soldiers hurried off, mumbling something Theodred chose to ignore.
"All right, we need a name for an elf, who...ehm... looks like a female."
Legolas looked at Theodred so intensely that he almost became cross-eyed. He wished he could understand what the young man had said. He had noticed that whatever it was he had done, those two other men had scrambled off, so he
guessed the human here was someone of rank, otherwise he wouldn't be able to
boss those others around so.
"Perhaps we should call you..." Theodred looked up and down the weary elf
"ehm... Ferret? You look like a beaten ferret, my friend."
Theodred smiled at the elf, and Legolas smiled back, not having any idea what the man had said, but he just reacted to the warm tone in the youngling's voice, and was most relieved when he was gently led away from the horses. If he had not been so frightened, he was sure he would have been able to fall asleep right there and then.
Elrond was sitting at his large desk watching dusk as it slowly engulfed the land. What was he to do about Elladan? He massaged his temples and sighed. He had to face that his children were adults, but why then did they all seem so flighty?
He took a pen and started to write, not even knowing why, but feeling his
patience at an end.
Thranduil had also been watching his son with increasing worry. What remained of Dinalu was but a fragment of what he used to be. The handsome young elf used to fill the room, and used to enjoy telling dirty stories that would make the soldiers blush. But now they hardly got a word out of him. He would mumble some pleasantries but nothing near like the vivid elf he had been for just a month ago.
Dinalu had been avoiding his father, not able to keep up appearances, hiding in his chambers as much as possible, trying to cope with Elrohir's decision. One good thing was that his beloved had stopped running from him, when they had both agreed to the destiny they apparently had.
Elrohir sat at the desk at their rooms, watching the fire in the fireplace, gnawing on the featherpen. What was he to write? All he had written so far was dear father but in order to warn Elrond of his return, he needed to come up with some reason, and not just a reason, but a reason Elrond would believe. He could never tell him the truth, but neither could he lie. He crooked his head, losing himself in the dance of the flames once more, and didn't even hear Dinalu enter their chambers.
"Elrohir?" Dinalu said, walking over to touch his husband's shoulder.
The dark-haired elf nearly jumped out the chair before he smiled to himself. "Good evening, my love," he answered in a sad voice.
"Writing?" Dinalu asked and leaned in over Elrohir's shoulder.
"Yes," Elrohir said and lay down the pen he had been holding. "But I can't
seem to get the letter right."
"Pity," Dinalu said with more venom in his voice than he intended.
"Don't start another argument, please?" Elrohir sighed and rubbed his cheek against the hand on his shoulder.
Dinalu didn't answer. He just nodded, and rested his head against Elrohir's.
"Are you writing Elladan?" he whispered.
"No," Elrohir answered meekly. "I'm writing my father, if you really want to know," he sighed and kissed the hand on his shoulder.
"To tell him you are coming back?" the blond elf asked.
"Yes, and you see that is what won't fit in my letter," Elrohir said with a frown. "The I part, I wish I could write we instead."
"I know," Dinalu said. "Did you set a day for your departure?"
"No," Elrohir answered, "but when I do you will be the first to know," he hissed.
"Don't be so defensive, I was just trying to make conversation," Dinalu said.
Elrohir let out an offended snort, but then relaxed before he turned around in the chair and looked at his husband. "I know it's hard on you, too."
Dinalu was about to give a snappy comeback but decided not to, and decided to just nod and smile. "It's strange, even though we are in the same room, eat at the same table and sleep in the same bed, I miss you."
Elrohir bit his lip, feeling a lump form in his throat. "I miss you, too."
"Elrohir? I will ask you one last time, please stay here with me," Dinalu whispered as he crouched down in front of the dark-haired elf.
Elrohir let out a pained sigh. "If I stay, will you be ready to let Elladan stay here?"
Dinalu frowned. "Why is it when I speak to you about love, you mention Elladan?"
"He is my twin," Elrohir sneered, "and I love him more than life itself."
"More than me?" Dinalu asked with a hurt expression.
"I didn't say that," Elrohir sighed.
"No, but that is what you meant."
"No, that is not what I meant!" Elrohir yelled, feeling tears press behind his eyes. Why did they fight so?
"Elrohir," Dinalu said with a serious voice, "I am married to you, not your twin - and I am sick and tired of hearing about how close you are. You are supposed to be close to me too, but instead you push me away!"
"He is my brother, Dinalu!" Elrohir yelled. "Just because you are a spoiled only child!" - the words had barely left his lips before he clasped his hands in front of his mouth "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean that" he mumbled, and reached out for Dinalu who was already standing up.
"No.. I am sorry, Elrohir son of Elrond," Dinalu hissed and left the room, "go home if you so please, I care not."
"B-but..." Elrohir whispered, but was answered with the door slamming. He let out a shaky breath and turned to his letter once more, and wrote.
Dear Father
I am coming home. You should expect me within this moon, as I am riding past Rohan on my way. Tell Elladan.
Rohan? Why did he write that? Oh well, now he just had to go there. Perhaps
it was time for some adventure. Elrohir shrugged and rolled the parcel together and used the royal stamp of Mirkwood to seal it. "There, it's final," he whispered to himself as he too rose to go find one of the messengers to take his letter to Rivendell.
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