When your belly's empty and the hunger's so real
And you're too proud to beg and too dumb to steal
You search the city for your only friend
No one would you see
You ask yourself, who could it be
A solitary voice to speak out and set me free
It's hard to say it
I hate to say it, but it's probably me
You're not the easiest person I ever got to know
And it's hard for us both to let our feelings show
Some would say I should let you go your way
You'll only make me cry
If there's one guy, just one guy
Who'd lay down his life for you and die
It's hard to say it
I hate to say it, but it's probably me
-- Sting - It's probably me
Elrohir had been moving through the Mirkwood castle as if he were a ghost. Dinalu, who felt unable to change anything about Elrohir's decision, felt just as lost and miserable, trying to capture the elusive creature that his heart ached for, but with no luck.
Elrohir had never in his life felt such torment. Why did it have to be this way? Why couldn't Dinalu just like Elladan? After all he was his twin, and he could never in his life imagine a world without his twin. He sat down in the little garden next to the giant oak, and bit his lip. He remembered that he and Elladan had once made a pact. Dinalu could just not understand how important this pact still was to him. He had promised promised to never leave. They had even mixed blood to seal the agreement. They might have been young, and neither of them had been ready for real life, or the peril that their hearts would throw their way, but this didn't make the pact less potent. He sighed. There still was a choice to be made, and no matter what he chose, he would end up heartbroken. He would either lose his twin or to lose his bonded mate.
Elrond had been more than puzzled by Elladan's behaviour. Once they had reached the valley; he had seemed to visibly relax, but when they had handed over the horses to the stable personnel, he seemed to tense once more. Elrond had let it be at the moment, he needed to watch his son more to know what it was that ailed him. Elladan had not even wished to go with him to the halls of fire to relax upon the journey, but had made some excuse to be left alone. He knew he should have followed to see what it was that made Elladan act so strangely, but he had chosen to let his son have his private life, and decided that he really shouldn't snoop.
Elladan had almost not been able to sit still in the saddle, but had forced himself to just be happy that they were finally home. But when his father had suggested that they go to the halls of fire before retiring, he had said that he had wanted some time to himself, and hoped that his father would blame his mood on the departure from Elrohir.
He rushed further down the corridor, past where he should have turned up the little staircase that led to his and Elrohir's sleeping chambers. Elladan ignored that and continued out in the gardens. He had to go to the cave where he had left Legolas. How he hoped the elfling would not have suffered from lack of food or something as grave. But never had he been prepared for what he actually found.
Finally Theodred and his precious cargo saw the silhouette of the golden city, and he let out a sigh of relief. "Look elf, it's Meduseld. We have reached Edoras!" The elf shook his head in confusion and Theodred continued, "We are home."
home Legolas thought, so this is what this man calls home. The thought of an entire city of those smelly humans filled his heart with dread, and he silently prayed that Namó would just call him home, and not let him endure more trials than he had gone through already. But no answer came to his prayer, and he decided that he needed sleep after all, so hopefully the humans' beds weren't as stinking and unpleasant as their race. Not that he had a choice, as he had to follow this man where he took him. And if Legolas was honest to himself, this human, of all the humans he met in his lifetime, wasn't the worst specimen. He seemed kind, honest and concerned.
"I think the guards saw us now," Theodred whispered as he waved with one hand towards a wooden tower. "Just you wait until we are at my fathers house, then you will have a bed and decent food." He smiled to himself. "No more roots and dried meat."
"Little rabbit?" Elladan called as he entered the cave. He stopped and listened - not a sound. He strained his ears for the sound of clothing rustling or a chair pushed back, but nothing came. "Little rabbit?" he called once more.
With a pounding heart he went into the cave. What if the little one had died from lack of drink or food? What if he had fallen ill? - nah! Elves didn't get ill. Elladan looked around the cave. There was a table full of decomposing food, indicating that it had been some time since someone had been here. "Where are you?" he whispered with a shaking voice.
Elladan sat down on a chair and looked around in the cave. There was no sign of battle, ergo he had not been kidnapped. But what had then happened? Had he just left?
Elladan shook his head in denial. No! His little friend wouldn't just leave him. He was his life, his tutor, his father and his best friend - the little elf knew nothing but him. He would never get an adventurous thought. "This is all my fault," Elladan whispered, and felt hot tears prick the corners of his eyes. "I swore to take care of him, and I failed," he whispered.
"Please come home."
"Elrohir?" Dinalu whispered as he sat down next to his beloved's slumbering form, and upon sensing the half-elf stirring in his sleep, he quickly added, "Please don't run, we need to speak."
"Dina," Elrohir mumbled and lashed an arm out to wrap itself around the blond's waist. "Where have you been?"
"Thinking," Dinalu answered truthfully, smiling at the feeling of running his fingers through his husband's long dark hair. He hadn't even realized just how much he had missed this feeling.
Elrohir didn't answer, he just held his loved one tightly in his embrace.
"A-Are you leaving?" Dinalu suddenly asked.
"Yes," Elrohir answered with a thick voice. "Come with me, my love."
"I can't," Dinalu whispered and felt the first tears leave a warm trail down his cheeks. "My father needs me here."
"Please?" Elrohir pleaded, looking up at Dinalu with his large grey eyes. "Please?"
But Dinalu just shook his head. "No my love, if you want to return to Rivendell, you must do so alone."
Elrohir slowly let go of Dinalu, and sat up. "Is that your final word?" he whispered.
"I'm afraid so," Dinalu said. He looked away, trying to focus at on the window, anything not to look at Elrohir.
"Would you at least look at me?" Elrohir bit his lip and reached for his lover once more, but decided to leave him be and his hand fell into his lap.
Dinalu shook his head in a childish manner. "No," he said in a voice thick with tears.
"I never thought it would come to this," Elrohir suddenly whispered and took a deep breath before he continued. "Dina, I do love you, and I promise I will return once I have seen my home."
"Don't promise me anything you can't keep, Elrohir," Dinalu said, with his eyes still firmly fixed on the window.
"But I do promise, and I will keep it," Elrohir answered hotly before he rose from the bed, needing to escape this room.
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Harvester of Sorrow by Azzy
Chapter notes: I'm sorry for the delay on this chapter (15), and the shortness of it - but as some of you might know i had the baby - if you are curious its a boy and he's doing fine... but i have been rahter busy, and havent had time to write.. RL is a bitch sometimes.