the ruiner's got a lot to prove
he's got nothing to lose
and now he made you believe
the ruiner's your only friend
well he's the living end
to the cattle he deceives
the raping of the innocent the ruiner ruins everything he sees
now the only pure thing left in my fucking world is wearing your disease
you had to covet what was mine
didn't you?
didn't you?
the ruiner's a collector
he's an infector
serving his shit to his flies
maybe there will come a day when those that you keep blind will suddenly
maybe it's a part of me you took to a place i hoped it would never go
and maybe that fucked me up much more than you'll ever know
and what you gave to me
my perfect ring of scars
you know i can see
what you really are
-- Nine inch nails - Ruiner
"Eomer?" Theodred called out. But received no answer - he looked around in the dark but saw nothing, when suddenly something nearly knocked him off his feet.
"Oomph - what the..." Theodred looked at the figure that slammed into him.
Legolas looked up at the dark-haired man, but only for a second before his eyes fluttered shut and the dark oblivion took him once more.
"Eomer! Eomer! I have a dead elf here!" Theodred yelled. Again he heard no answer, but a rustle in the bushes and then his cousin was standing next to him.
"A dead elf?" he panted, exhausted from running towards the voice of his cousin. "Elves don't die, you oaf!" he chuckled.
"This one did," Theodred said with a slight panic in his voice.
"Don't be a fool, Theodred," Eomer said and lifted up the elf, slinging him on his back. "We need to get back to camp to examine him."
Eomer placed Legolas on his bed roll, and they both kneeled by the still form. "Ehm, Eomer? What happened to this elf?" Theodred asked.
Eomer prodded Legolas with professional hands, due to his experience in tending simple battle injuries. "Me thinks he was raped," he answered in a thick voice.
"Raped?" Theodred gasped.
"Yes, my sweet cousin, and from the looks of this, not just once," the Rohirrim said with a dark look.
Theodred clasped his hand for his mouth in shock. "How utterly appalling," he whispered.
Eomer nodded. "We must get him to a gifted healer, or we WILL end up with a dead elf on our hands."
"You mean he is alive?" Theodred said and risked a little smile.
"Yes I mean he is alive, you imp" Eomer said and couldn't help but smile himself. "But I do not think his struggles are over by far."
Theodred looked up at Eomer with a confused expression. "He is alive, is he not? He should be glad to be, after such an ordeal."
"Perhaps not," Eomer said and smiled at his innocent cousin. "Would you like to live with this knowledge, if you were he?"
"," Theodred said and shook his head, finally seeing Eomer's point. "But still we can't just let him die."
"I never said that, Theodred. We must get him to Rohan quickly and have your father's physician take a look at him," Eomer said as he rose to his feet once more. "If you will gather your things, I will prepare your horse."
"Me? You want me to take him to Rohan?" Theodred said and looked confused.
"Yes, you are a swifter rider than me, and besides, Theoden might listen to you," Eomer reasoned. "Now make haste unless you want him to fade while on your horse."
For some reason Theodred just nodded and ran off to gather his belongings and weapons. This could get dangerous if those people or creatures that hurt the elf should return and claim their prize. This thought alone gave young Theodred a bitter taste in his mouth. Yes, he would ride like the lightening, he would do all in his power to save the elf. He smiled to himself, he had never seen an elf before, yet he had had no trouble recognizing this beautiful creature for what he was. He finished gathering his things, and went for his horse.
When he got there he saw Eomer standing there with the elf, who was now wrapped in a blanket. Theodred figured it was out of respect for the elf, for as far as he knew, elves did not feel the cold. Or perhaps they did when they were dying? He nodded to Eomer, and his cousin smiled back. He would have a trillion questions for this elf once he was nursed back to health.
Elladan watched Elrond as he made everything ready for their departure. Finally he would get home, finally everything would be normal once more -he had had it with this torture, watching Elrohir and Dinalu displaying their affection. He knew he should be happy for them, but in the depths of his heart he just found it impossible. All those kisses should be his, and his alone.
The son of Elrond shook his head and turned towards the sound, and looked
directly into his father's worried face. "What is wrong my son?"
"Nothing, father," Elladan lied.
"You always were a terrible liar, Elladan," Elrond said with an odd smile. Elladan didn't offer his father an answer, he just lowered his gaze to his feet, and Elrond placed a warm hand on his son's shoulder. "Is it Elrohir?"
Elladan nodded slowly. There was no use in lying to his father when he was caught like this.
"He is your twin, Elladan. It is only natural you miss his presence," Elrond offered.
Again Elladan nodded slowly. "I guess that is it," he mumbled softly.
"Come, my child, let us return to Rivendell. I am sure that everyday life there will get you back to normal quickly," Elrond said and squeezed Elladan's shoulder.
"Yes" Elladan mumbled, "you are right, maybe returning to my duties will rid
me of this dark mood."
Elrond smiled happily. This had gone far better than he had expected. He had
never thought that Elladan would understand so quickly. But this way he at least was not forced to have a father-son chat. "Go to the stables and fetch your horse, and we will leave quickly."
"Yes, father," Elladan said and turned and walked out the door. He lifted his head once he was in the corridor. Anger flashed his features. How he hated this! Hated Elrond, but most of all hated this realm, hated the ever-perfect son of Thranduil. He needed the solitude of his room, and the calm of Legolas' gentle presence to finish his plan to bring them all down.
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Harvester of Sorrow by Azzy
Chapter notes: Sorry for the short chapter and the long wait – I had some serious RL issues, plus that the baby is due in 14 days, so yea well.. I cant really sit in front of the computer for so long.
Hugs Az