Baby, I've been waiting,
I've been waiting night and day.
I didn't see the time,
I waited half my life away.
There were lots of invitations
and I know you sent me some,
but I was waiting
for the miracle, for the miracle to come.
Ah I don't believe you'd like it,
You wouldn't like it here.
There ain't no entertainment
and the judgements are severe.
The Maestro says it's Mozart
but it sounds like bubble gum
when you're waiting
for the miracle, for the miracle to come.
-- Leonard Cohen – Miracle
The plains
"Theodred," Eomer whispered, "come lay beside me, and let me soothe your foul mood."
The young prince of Rohan avoided his cousin's eyes, but as he felt a hand lift his chin he had no option but to look up at Eomer.
"What is your answer, cousin dear?" Eomer whispered and knitted his eyebrows in a worried frown.
"Do you pity me, Eomer?" Theodred said and looked away as he avoided Eomer's eyes once more.
"Pity you?" Eomer said softly. "No I don't pity you."
"Then why are you asking me this?" Theodred whispered hoarsely. Why he suddenly felt like this, so hopeless, he did not know. But perhaps it had something to do with a rumour he had heard about Eomer and one of the fair folk.
"Because there is no reason for you look so sad and lonely," Eomer said with a slight smile. "I love you dearly and do not like to see you thus."
"Oh Eomer," Theodred sighed and leaned into his embrace, clinging to the broad warrior. "The times are changing, I feel it in the air."
"Yes you are right," Eomer whispered, "but they don't have to change just yet." He kissed the dark hair and smiled. He and his sister had always taunted Theodred about his layer of dirt, as it seemed like every grain of sand from the road would cling to the boy. They still did, Eomer noted, as he looked at the dark hair that looked almost grey in the golden light from the fire. "And perhaps the change is not for the worse, have you ever thought of that?"
Theodred shook his head weakly.
"Some changes are for the better, dear Theodred," Eomer whispered and rocked his distressed cousin in his arms.
"Then why does it feel so wrong? Why does it feel as if someone tore out the root of my soul?" Theodred whispered.
"You just have to make the best of the changes bestowed upon you," the warrior whispered and held his cousin tighter. "But no matter what, I will never be far from your side should you need me."
This vow made Theodred smile. "Thank you," he whispered.
Eomer lay down and propped up on his elbow, looking at Theodred with a grin. "You are a very beautiful man, Theodred. Whoever captures your heart will be very lucky."
Theodred blushed. "Thank you," he whispered and felt like an idiot for repeating himself.
Eomer patted the space next to him. "Come lie down," he said softly.
The prince shook his head with a smile and slowly lay down on his back next to Eomer, closing his eyes as he felt the callused hand of his cousin caress his cheek tenderly. He wondered why Eomer always had such a soothing effect on him. This was probably why he kept returning to his bed, he felt warm and safe, because Eomer's touches were careful and comforting. But what did he bring to Eomer? He sighed and opened his eyes, about to ask him who of the fair folk it was that he loved, but Eomer silenced him with a gently kiss. "Don't speak," Eomer whispered.
Theodred smiled but uttered no words; only a purr escaped his lips as Eomer opened his leather armour slowly with trained fingers.
Another place on the plains
Legolas had no more tears to shed; he felt his eyes itch and his throat go dry from crying. He had desperately clung to the hope that Elladan would miraculously appear, but he did not come, and so Legolas decided to move, to try and find his own way. He remembered that Elladan had told him once when he had awoken, afraid of the dark, that the dark was not scary, it could hide you as easily as it could hide dangers, so if you hid well and stayed alert, then the darkness was your friend.
My friend, Legolas thought to himself and started to walk out in the pitch dark of the night.
After some time he turned around and could not even see the large stone he had been sitting on before. He chided himself for this foolish idea he had had. Why had he moved?
He moved slowly forward, for he saw no other way to go, when his senses suddenly picked up a faint sound, a twig that snapped... although he was not trained in any skills of woodsmanship, he knew this meant he was not alone. But then who or what was it?
The plains
"But what about the others?" Theodred whispered as Eomer bent down and kissed one of his exposed nipples.
"Either they sleep, or they too comfort each other, you'll never know," Eomer chuckled, "but it is I who have the first watch." He finished off with a gentle bite to the nipple between his lips, and he smiled as he felt Theodred relax and enjoy the touches. Eomer sat up on his knees and began to open the prince's rough leather pants exposing his beginning arousal to the cold night winds, and leaned in and placed a teasing little kiss on the semi erect member before he leaned back again and started to remove his own armour and open his pants, pushing the leather down to his knees, not allowing himself the luxury of disrobing completely. Should they need to suddenly defend themselves it would be easier to do so in a less compromising costume.
He spooned up behind Theodred and the prince rolled over to the side, pushing his buttocks up against the warm skin of Eomer behind him. Eomer kissed the exposed shoulder of his cousin as he searched his opening with his hand. Finding what he was searching for, he began to manipulate the tight guardian muscle, listening to Theodred's breathing as it became more laboured. Eomer whispered loving words as he entered Theodred with his fingers, not really taking the time to prepare the prince, as they had been lovers for so long he knew this was no longer necessary.
As Eomer finally placed his erection at Theodred's opening and started to inch inside. Theodred purred out loud and draped his leg over Eomer's as far as the pants would allow him. "Never leave me," he moaned as Eomer started to move inside him.
"I won't," Eomer whispered back and bit Theodred's earlobe gently as he wrapped his arm around his lover's chest, holding him in place. He knew he meant it, but why did it feel like such a lie? Perhaps because as he lay here with his cousin, a different face kept coming to his mind, a fair face surrounded by silver hair, a pair of lush lips and deep brown eyes, the image of perfection.
"Liar," Theodred mouthed without sound, but lost his dark thoughts as he felt Eomer speed up his lovemaking, driving himself harder into Theodred.
The only sounds were those of muffled moans and purrs as Eomer reached his climax, closely followed by Theodred. And when they both lay breathing hard, sweating and dazed, Eomer kissed Theodred's shoulder. "Feel better?" he panted with a smile upon his lips.
"Yes" Theodred mumbled back. It was not the truth, yet it was no lie either, there was some strange feeling to this, as if it were the last time they would ever lie like this together. A premonition, Theodred thought to himself? It must have been the strange smell in the air, the scent of endings and strange unwelcome changes.
Eomer pulled out of Theodred, and pulled up his pants. "We need to rest, cousin," he whispered and gently touched Theodred's naked waist.
"You are right," Theodred whispered back and pulled up his pants as well, smiling at Eomer as he tucked the leather armour down under his head and made himself comfortable. The question burned on his lips, to know who it was who had captured Eomer's heart, but he would not ask now. He would leave Eomer with the thought that he had fixed his soul for the time being, and that his gentle words and touches had not been in vain.
Eomer spooned up behind Theodred again and wrapped a lazy arm around the prince. "Everything will be alright, you just wait and see," he mumbled.
Yes, I could be struck dead by lightning, Theodred thought to himself. "I hope you are right." But Eomer did not answer as he had already fallen asleep. Theodred chuckled to himself. "You are such a mother hen, Eomer, think of your own needs for once, and stop saving me."
Theodred closed his eyes, but saw only visions of darkness. How he wished that Irmo would take pity on him and grant him pleasant dreams or maybe even oblivion.
Elladan sat in his bed and looked out the window. He was furious. Elrond had decided to stay another week, for one of the servants who had gone with them had found love here in Mirkwood, and so he had allowed the torn elf time to decide whether he wanted to stay here in the forest, or return home with them to Imladris.
"Aii Legolas, I'm sorry," he whispered in a barely audible voice.
He was feeling terribly guilty, hoping that he had left enough food for the young elf.
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