The Last Day of Our Acquaintance by Papilio


Summary: The night before his final battle Gil-galad reflects on his life with his lover, and his regrets at having to leave him.
Rating: General Audience [Reviews - 0]
Category: FPS > Gil-galad/Elrond, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Gil-galad
Characters: Elrond, Gil-galad
Type: Romance/Drama
Warning: Angst
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 1 | Completed: Yes | Words: 870 | Read: 1369
Published: September 01, 2012 | Updated: September 01, 2012

Story notes: A brief songfic, the song "The Last Day of Our Acquaintance" is performed by Sinead O Connor.

1. Chapter 1 by Papilio [Reviews - 0] (870 words)