Warrior by Mirasaui

His skin was like the finest porcelain, with a tint of rose on his lips and cheeks, and over the last few months, Erestor had not been able to keep his eyes from the face of his friend. Long lashes covered ocean-blue eyes that radiated a sadness that had been there ever since Elrohir had turned up missing. But the sadness did not go away when the elfling was found. What had happened to leave Lindir in this state and when had his attraction to his friend started?

He had worked with Lindir for a long time but he realized now he knew him not. He had thought he did, but the elf held secrets that mystified him. Lindir was an artist, an illusionist who painted pictures with sound. His beauty was reflected in his music, for his compositions were the melodic equivalent of a morning's sunrise or the birth of a new flower, wonders of nature that caught the eye and held it, as the sound of his voice in song caught the ear.

Tall and willowy with a curtain of snow-white hair hanging down his back, Lindir had the grace of a dancer and a brilliant inner light. Although his sorrow dimmed it somewhat, it still shone for those who cared to look, and Erestor was one who did. He sighed. For so long he had been caught up in nothing but his work. It had become his life and so he did not realize what he was missing. But now, when he looked at Lindir, he felt emotional stirring that had long lain dormant. The problem was that Lindir did not feel the same; at least that Erestor was aware of.

Erestor studied the minstrel again. He was determined to find out what the cause of his melancholy was. Rising from his desk, he walked over to Lindir's and sat across from him. "Lindir," he asked, "May I have a word with you?"

Lindir looked up from his paperwork. "Lord Erestor," he nodded, placing his quill in its holder, "Is there something wrong?"

"No, Lindir, at least not for my part, but you have changed these past months. Where once I always saw a smile, now you seem drowned in sorrow. I was hoping you would confide in me, that you would wish to speak of your trouble. Perhaps I could help?"

Lindir was surprised. Could it be that Erestor was not aware of his former relationship with Cirith, or the fact they had split? "It is no secret, Lord Erestor, Cirith broke our betrothal, h-he found someone else. It was a shock and it will take me some time to recover. I thought he was to be my partner for life." Lindir looked down at his hands.

Erestor had not known. He had been so wrapped up in his books and duties that he had not paid attention to the gossip that circulated around Imladris. "I am sorry, Lindir. If there is anything I can do, let me know. I did not mean to pry." He nodded and walked back to his desk, feeling rather foolish.

Lindir went back to work, but his eyes kept drifting to Erestor. What had prompted the elf lord to inquire of his welfare? The advisor had never expressed interest before. Puzzled, he returned to his figures, but every so often he could feel Erestor's eyes turn his way. Looking up once, he smiled and Erestor smiled back. Lindir finished the document he was working on and placed it in the stack on the left side of his desk, then stood and walked to one of the reference shelves. The library at Imladris was quite large, as Lord Elrond sought books and manuscripts from all over Arda. Lindir and Erestor spent much of their time there. Erestor was a historian and scribe and Lindir assisted him in his work.

Returning to his desk, he again caught Erestor staring at him; but this time Erestor quickly averted his eyes. Lindir wondered at the advisor's actions, but then shrugged it off. Erestor was probably speculating as to what happened between him and Cirith. Elbereth knows everyone else asked. Why was it that when misery hit, everyone suddenly became your best friend?

The rest of the day passed by quickly and Lindir cleaned off his desk and prepared to return to his room. He was filing the last of the reference books on the shelf when Erestor came up to him again. "I wanted to tell you once more, Lindir how sorry I am that Cirith chose to break off your engagement. I do not understand how he could choose another over such a kind and beautiful elf as you. I will see you at dinner." And with that Erestor left, leaving Lindir staring after him in surprise.

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