The Folly of Starlight 9. Goldilox by AC


Summary: This short song-fic is a rewrite of one of my favorite scenes from "Images and Words," this time from Elrond's perspective. Any King's X fans on the list will understand why I just *had* to do this (besides the fact that "Goldilox" is probably the most beautiful song ever written -- note the unusual spelling is the band's error, not mine *G*). Otherwise, just humor me, please *G*.

Thanks to Faela Greenleaf for the beta.

Feedback: always!
Rating: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 0]
Category: FPS, FPS > Elrond/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Elrond
Characters: Elrond, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: None
Challenge: None
Series: The Folly of Starlight
Chapter: 2 | Completed: Yes | Words: 2964 | Read: 4762
Published: August 23, 2009 | Updated: August 23, 2009

Story notes: The Folly of Starlight series.

1. Chapter 1 by AC [Reviews - 0] (1729 words)

2. Chapter 2 by AC [Reviews - 0] (1235 words)