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Stories about Yavien, great-grand-daughter of Elros Tar-Minyatur
Categories: Femslash
Characters: YƔvien
Type: Femslash
Warning: None
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 3
Series Type: Closed
A Love Song (Imladris Collection of Numenorean Songs No. 72A) by Himring
Who is Yavien? A princess of the House of Elros--a name and a date in a genealogical table. We know little about the early days of Numenor.
But it seems that in a collection of songs found in the Library of Rivendell, a song is preserved that mentions her name...
Category: Femslash
Characters: YƔvien
Type: Femslash
Warning: Sap/Fluff
Series: Yavien of Numenor
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 94 | Read count: 876
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Published: July 03, 2015 | Updated: July 03, 2015
Time and the Traveller: Yavien of Numenor by Himring
Elros's great-granddaughter Yavien returns from one of her journeys through the land of Numenor. This particular trip was a life-changing experience for her. What does she tell her family and how does the encounter go?
Also featuring a couple of other less well-known descendants of Elros.
Category: Femslash
Characters: YƔvien
Type: None
Warning: Depressing themes
Series: Yavien of Numenor
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 702 | Read count: 814
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Published: October 31, 2015 | Updated: October 31, 2015
Classy Footwear by Himring
The great-granddaughter of Elros who travelled and explored Numenor and the love she found in a fisher village during one of her journeys--talking about shoes.
Category: Femslash
Characters: YƔvien
Type: Femslash, Romance/Drama
Warning: None
Series: Yavien of Numenor
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 95 | Read count: 748
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Published: August 13, 2016 | Updated: August 13, 2016