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10 Smallest Series
Mending A Heart by McKenna Espenshade
Rated: [Reviews - 16] 

Summary: After his mother is killed, a distraught Legolas finds comfort in Elladan's arms. AU.
Category: FPS > Elrond/Thranduil, FPS, FPS > Elladan/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Elladan, FPS > Thranduil/Elrond
Characters: Elladan, Elrond, Legolas, Thranduil
Type: None
Warning: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 2
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Summary: After his mother is killed, a distraught Legolas finds comfort in Elladan's arms. AU.
Category: FPS > Elrond/Thranduil, FPS, FPS > Elladan/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Elladan, FPS > Thranduil/Elrond
Characters: Elladan, Elrond, Legolas, Thranduil
Type: None
Warning: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 2
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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At Fang's Point by Sandyg
Rated: [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Tale is set in 1899 Victorian London. The normally traditional Viggo's obsessive love drives him to find his long-lost young lover. Little does he know what's in store for him. - I have been playing around with Victorian vampire stories... I have the feeling this might be a little here and there series. rn
Category: RPS > Orlando Bloom/Viggo Mortensen, RPS, RPS > Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
Characters: Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen
Type: None
Warning: AU
Challenges: None
Stories: 2
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Summary: Tale is set in 1899 Victorian London. The normally traditional Viggo's obsessive love drives him to find his long-lost young lover. Little does he know what's in store for him. - I have been playing around with Victorian vampire stories... I have the feeling this might be a little here and there series. rn
Category: RPS > Orlando Bloom/Viggo Mortensen, RPS, RPS > Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
Characters: Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen
Type: None
Warning: AU
Challenges: None
Stories: 2
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Scourged Hearts by WeepingNaiad
Rated: [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Consequences abound when Elladan partakes of forbidden fruit.
Category: FPS > Thranduil/Elladan, FPS, FPS > Elladan/Thranduil
Characters: Elladan, Thranduil
Type: None
Warning: AU
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Summary: Consequences abound when Elladan partakes of forbidden fruit.
Category: FPS > Thranduil/Elladan, FPS, FPS > Elladan/Thranduil
Characters: Elladan, Thranduil
Type: None
Warning: AU
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Princes Three by Minuial Nuwing
Rated: [Reviews - 1] 

Summary: Chronicles the relationship of the Peredhil twins, Elladan and Elrohir, and Legolas of Mirkwood...
Category: FPS, FPS > Elladan/Elrohir, FPS > Elladan/Elrohir/Glorfindel, FPS > Elladan/Elrohir/Haldir, FPS > Elladan/Elrohir/Legolas, FPS > Elrohir/Elladan, FPS > Haldir/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Haldir, FPS > Legolas/Rúmil, FPS > Rúmil/Legolas
Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Glorfindel, Haldir of Lothlórien, Legolas, Rúmil
Type: None
Warning: AU
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Summary: Chronicles the relationship of the Peredhil twins, Elladan and Elrohir, and Legolas of Mirkwood...
Category: FPS, FPS > Elladan/Elrohir, FPS > Elladan/Elrohir/Glorfindel, FPS > Elladan/Elrohir/Haldir, FPS > Elladan/Elrohir/Legolas, FPS > Elrohir/Elladan, FPS > Haldir/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Haldir, FPS > Legolas/Rúmil, FPS > Rúmil/Legolas
Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Glorfindel, Haldir of Lothlórien, Legolas, Rúmil
Type: None
Warning: AU
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Yavien of Numenor by Himring
Rated: [Reviews - 1]
Category: Femslash
Characters: Yávien
Type: Femslash
Warning: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Stories about Yavien, great-grand-daughter of Elros Tar-Minyatur
Category: Femslash
Characters: Yávien
Type: Femslash
Warning: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Drug by Alexa Bond
Rated: [Reviews - 3]
Summary: Addicted, Junkie & Drugged. - Sean is addicted but his addiction only works one way. Viggo's POV.
Category: RPS, RPS > Orlando Bloom/Sean Bean, RPS > Sean Bean/Orlando Bloom, RPS > Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen, RPS > Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean
Characters: Orlando Bloom, Sean Bean, Viggo Mortensen
Type: Femslash
Warning: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Summary: Addicted, Junkie & Drugged. - Sean is addicted but his addiction only works one way. Viggo's POV.
Category: RPS, RPS > Orlando Bloom/Sean Bean, RPS > Sean Bean/Orlando Bloom, RPS > Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen, RPS > Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean
Characters: Orlando Bloom, Sean Bean, Viggo Mortensen
Type: Femslash
Warning: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Love Knows No Boundaries by Janet Elizabeth
Rated: [Reviews - 5]
Summary: Boromir, Merry and Pippin...
Category: FPS > Boromir/Merry/Pippin, FPS
Characters: Boromir, Merry, Pippin
Type: Romance/Drama
Warning: Angst, First-time, Interspecies
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Summary: Boromir, Merry and Pippin...
Category: FPS > Boromir/Merry/Pippin, FPS
Characters: Boromir, Merry, Pippin
Type: Romance/Drama
Warning: Angst, First-time, Interspecies
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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The M Files by Keiliss
Rated: [Reviews - 3]
Summary: rn
Category: FPS > Erestor/Elladan
Characters: None
Type: Action/Adventure, Mystery
Warning: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Summary: rn
rnrnA chain of mysterious events send Erestor, Elladan and Gildor far beyond the borders of Imladris in search of answers. With more than a passing nod to Chris Carter's incomparable X-Files.
Category: FPS > Erestor/Elladan
Characters: None
Type: Action/Adventure, Mystery
Warning: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Before the Dawn Trilogy by Orchyd Constyne
Rated: [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Yes, I know. I said only three trilogies, didn't I? ^^ "Time Until the End of Time" is complete, yes. This story, though, touches on the few facts we are given in that series regarding Celeborn and Haldir.rnIn the second trilogy, I let everyone know the two Lorien Elves were lovers when Celeborn sent Haldir to retrieve Glorfindel. Here is their story. ^^ Just like the others, it is based on the songs that inspired them -- these are Evanescence. Website:
Category: FPS, FPS > Celeborn/Haldir, FPS > Haldir/Celeborn, FPS > Haldir/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Haldir
Characters: Celeborn, Haldir of Lothlórien, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: Character Death
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Summary: Yes, I know. I said only three trilogies, didn't I? ^^ "Time Until the End of Time" is complete, yes. This story, though, touches on the few facts we are given in that series regarding Celeborn and Haldir.rnIn the second trilogy, I let everyone know the two Lorien Elves were lovers when Celeborn sent Haldir to retrieve Glorfindel. Here is their story. ^^ Just like the others, it is based on the songs that inspired them -- these are Evanescence. Website:
Category: FPS, FPS > Celeborn/Haldir, FPS > Haldir/Celeborn, FPS > Haldir/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Haldir
Characters: Celeborn, Haldir of Lothlórien, Legolas
Type: None
Warning: Character Death
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Stay by klatschmohn
Rated: [Reviews - 4] 

Summary: Hastily, while the door falls shut, Viggo lights a cigarette.rnNow he's really late. He and Sean have been making love to each other until moments ago...
Category: RPS, RPS > Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean, RPS > Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen
Characters: Sean Bean, Viggo Mortensen
Type: None
Warning: Character Death
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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Summary: Hastily, while the door falls shut, Viggo lights a cigarette.rnNow he's really late. He and Sean have been making love to each other until moments ago...
Category: RPS, RPS > Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean, RPS > Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen
Characters: Sean Bean, Viggo Mortensen
Type: None
Warning: Character Death
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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