Name: LintleyG (Anonymous) · Date: December 01, 2013 05:32 am · For: Chapter 23. Your eyes they often lie

I actually really love this. I've been searching for a story like this and I seem to have come across a hidden gem. This deserves far more recognition than its got. Mind you, it is a very unusual otp and not many people appreciate it. I love it and I think you've done a great job.

Name: Sue Cooke (Anonymous) · Date: September 03, 2012 11:32 pm · For: Chapter 6. Cut myself on angel hair and baby's breath

OK - chapter 5 here and I am SOooo tired of the inane song lyrics. The plot is sensationalist as well as pointless. The characters are trite and shallow. Have you even READ any Tolkien? OK - I'm sorry, maybe you really ARE 12 years old.

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