
Other Results: 4 Challenges


After a Lifetime by December

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: When it all began, you simply took a blind dive into the unknown. But would have you offered your love to the one you worship, had you known the price he would have to pay for loving you back? Would you trust yourself to know between right and wrong? If you could see the hopeless end of your journey, would you still take the road? And when all was over, would you be blind to see a new road lying at your feet? Would you dare follow it? Would you, Faramir?
Category: FPS > Legolas/?, FPS, FPS > Boromir/Faramir, FPS > Faramir/Boromir, FPS > Faramir/Aragorn, FPS > Aragorn/Faramir, FPS > Faramir/?, FPS > Boromir/?, FPS > Théodred/?, FPS > Orophin/Legolas, FPS > Legolas/Orophin, FPS > Aragorn/?
Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Beregond, Boromir, Denethor, Eldarion, Elladan, Elrohir, Éomer, Éowyn, Faramir, Gandalf, Glorfindel, Imrahil, Legolas, Lothíriel, Orophin, Théoden, Théodred
Type: Romance/Drama
Warning: Angst, Character Death, Het Content, Humiliation, Incest, Non-con, Rape, Violence
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 8 | Completed: No | Word count: 48314 | Read count: 3983

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Published: September 02, 2010 | Updated: January 22, 2012

After Isenguard - Grí­ma's story by Michelle

Rated: Mature Audience [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Gríma's life after his escape from Isenguard.
Category: FPS, FPS > Éomer/Gríma, FPS > Gríma/Éomer
Characters: Éomer, Gimli, Gríma, Legolas, Théodred
Type: None
Warning: Rape, Violence
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 12 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 15885 | Read count: 5463

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Published: February 02, 2009 | Updated: February 02, 2009

Everholt by Dalogas Graywolf

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Radagast takes it upon himself to heal Boromir's broken heart by encouraging the Gondorian to take a trip down memory lane.
Category: FPS, FPS > Boromir/Théodred, FPS > Théodred/Boromir
Characters: Boromir, Théodred
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 5 | Completed: No | Word count: 6924 | Read count: 438

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Published: August 11, 2009 | Updated: August 11, 2009

Evermind by Cinzia

Rated: Teenage Audience [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Boromir rests one night in Edoras on his way to Rivendell.
Category: FPS > Théodred/Boromir, FPS, FPS > Boromir/Théodred
Characters: Boromir, Théodred
Type: None
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4268 | Read count: 1523

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Published: August 11, 2009 | Updated: August 11, 2009

Harvester of Sorrow by Azzy

Rated: General Audience [Reviews - 2] starstarhalf-star
Summary: Elladan goes insane from the loss of his twin, who chooses a lover far away. Stricken by grief and madness, he decides to kill Elrohir's lover, but in the last minute changes his mind when he sees a little child, and he decides to take the child instead and raise it as his own little friend/son. The child suffers a trauma from the abduction and therefore goes mute. What will happen with the child? Will he be returned to his parents? Will Elladan's plan work? Or will he realise he did something terrible?
Category: FPS > Éomer/Théodred, FPS, FPS > Elrond/Glorfindel, FPS > Glorfindel/Elrond, FPS > Legolas/Théodred, FPS > Théodred/Legolas, FPS > Elrohir/OMC, FPS > Elladan/Irmo, FPS > Irmo/Elladan, FPS > Théodred/Éomer
Characters: Elladan, Elrohir, Éomer, Glorfindel, Irmo, Legolas, Théodred
Type: None
Warning: Angst, AU, Incest, Interspecies, Violence
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 37 | Completed: No | Word count: 64130 | Read count: 205147

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Published: September 01, 2012 | Updated: September 01, 2012

Hidden Desire by Oakenshield

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 1]
Summary: …owyn will be made to eat her words about male love when she sees her cousin in a clinch with another man...
Category: FPS, FPS > Théodred/?
Characters: Éowyn, Théodred
Type: None
Warning: Het Content, Incest
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 3049 | Read count: 245

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Published: September 03, 2012 | Updated: September 03, 2012

High Plains Encounter by Emma Keigh

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: On the way to Rivendell, Boromir encounters an old friend.
Category: FPS > Théodred/Boromir, FPS, FPS > Boromir/Théodred
Characters: Boromir, Théodred
Type: PWP
Warning: None
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2861 | Read count: 166

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Published: September 03, 2012 | Updated: September 03, 2012

Night Before The Judgment by Safire1, Merlyns Legacy

Rated: Restricted Audience [Reviews - 0]
Summary: A fluffy PWP, Celeborn visits Theodred the night before the final battle- AU
Category: FPS, FPS > Celeborn/Théodred, FPS > Théodred/Celeborn
Characters: Celeborn, Théodred
Type: PWP
Warning: AU
Series: None
Challenge: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1343 | Read count: 120

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Published: August 22, 2011 | Updated: August 22, 2011