Bill and Shadowfax: Beware the Insanity by MoroTheWolfGod

[Reviews - 4]


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Story notes: Disclaimer: I own not LOTR or My Little Pony.
I was grazing when I first saw him. He was the most beautiful pony I ever saw. What was he doing so close to Moria though? That was no place for a pony. I approached him.

"Excuse me. What's your name?" I asked


"What are you doing so close to Moria? There's orcs and other nasties there."

"My owners friends let me go. The said it was no place for a pony."

"Indeed. Where are you going? I shall accompany you."

"Rivindell. But may I ask. What is your name?"


He suddenly looked startled and bowed below me. I blew a wisp of my mane from my eyes.

"Please don't do that."

"But. Your--"

"Yes I know. The spirit of the horses."

"You deserve the best."

"As do you little pony."

"I'm not little."

"Of course. but Your 'My Little Pony' (tm) if you'll have me."

"Of course. On one condition."

I looked quizzically at him

"Only if you beat me to the gates of Rivindell."

I smiled at him. And took off at a slower pace than usual with him right beside me


I know. But I couldn't help it. It wouldn't get out of my head. Review please.
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