Never Leave the Shire Without One by Begora John

Chapter notes: In Mordor Sam and Frodo debate the other's company.
"Frodo!" Sam's voice was filled with worry. In the dark his hands searched frantically for his master.

A smaller hand took hold of Sam's and encircled it, "I'm right here Sam." said Frodo, sounding small and distant. "It was just a dream."

"I don't mind telling you that I wish this were all some horrible nightmare, Mr Frodo and that we could wake up at home and find out that it weren't true."

"I thought you liked spending all this time with me."

"Oh, that's right and fine, but this damn fool's errand and that damn ring are taking more of a toll on you than I like."

"I see," Frodo peered through the gloom of Mordor at his friend. "There was little helping for it I suppose, but I'm glad that it's you seeing me to the end, I would have preferred no one else." "I wouldn't have it any other way and you know it."

"Aye, it seem I'm destined to have Sam Gamgee hover around me for the rest of my life." mused Frodo quietly. Sam remained in a stunned silence, "Not that it is a bad thing, I'm growing rather accustomed to your constant attention, rather fond of it you might say."

"Well it certainly don't do you no harm having me watch over you."

"No, not at all. In fact you might say that it does me quite a bit of good, though I doubt it will matter in the end."

"Only if you go on talking like that, you can't go giving up before the end."

"That wouldn't help much would it? No, I suppose I must do this, on my own."

"No, not on your own, sir, as long as I'm here you'll never be entirely alone, no matter how far apart it seems that we are."

"No one deserves a friend as good as you Sam, it's a wonder that you've come this far."

"As I see it Mr Frodo, I never really had a choice."

"How's that?"

"I couldn't leave you behind and you were bent on this, so here I've come."

"What inspires such devotion I wonder?"
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