Please Wake up by Adunaphel

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Story notes: Warning: Not overly Slashy. Has only been read by me.

This is my first attempt, so feedback would be great!
The room was bright and clean and bright sunlight came through the window, the ochre curtain being pulled back by an elf earlier that day. Sam sat next to his pale master laying in an elven bed, four times to large for him. Sam smiled at him and took his masters hand in his own.

"Master Elrond said I was to keep talking to ye, sir. He said it would help the healing process. I don't rightly know what to say though sir, if you get me..." Sam trailed off as Gandalf came into the room.

"Good afternoon, Samwise Gamgee" The wizard greeted him."Afternoon Mr. Gandalf, sir." Gandalf smiled and sat in a chair on the opposite side to Sam and took Frodo's other hand.

"He will be allright Samwise" Gandalf said trying to reassure the young hobbit, "but how about you?"

"Me? Mr Gandalf, I'm allright, it was Mr. Frodo here who was stabbed with witha you know a morgul blade" His voice dropped to a whisper.

Gandalf looked at Sam and then said "Yes, that is true, Sam, but to a hobbit of the shire not eating for a day or two is of an equal tragedy."

Sam squeezed at Frodo's hand. Gandalf smiled. "Have something to eat, go get some fresh air. Frodo will be OK if you leave him for a little while."

"I made a promise, Mr Gandalf, a promise to you, I said I wouldn't leave him and I don't intend to."

Gandalf smiled and shook his head, "Very well, you may remain here, I will have it seen to that some food is brought to you."

Sam looked up at him, "Thankee Mr. Gandalf."

"I will return in a few hours."

Sam was glad to be left alone with his dear Mr. Frodo. To be able to pay him total attention. He was still holding Frodo's hand and he pulled it towards his mouth, and he murmured "I love you Frodo Baggins, please wake up."

He kissed the fragile hand he held and placed it back under the cover.

"Please wake up" he repeated in a whisper.

The afternoon passed into the night and an elf came to close the curtains. Sam did not notice.

The elf left and Gandalf came in: "You must sleep Samwise Gamgee"

"I'll not leave him" Sam whispered, putting a hand out towards Frodo's face.Gandalf sighed, "When you make a promise you sure do stick to it."

Sam touched Frodo's face, and moved one of his curls lovingly back into place, before looking back up at Gandalf;

"Very well Samwise, I can see it is useless of me to try and pursuade you. I hope you remember to keep this promise when Frodo needs you the most...." With that Gandalf left the room.

"Goodnight Mr. Gandalf"

"Goodnight Sam"

It was about half past two in the morning when Sam woke with a jolt. Someone was playing with his hair and muttering familiar words:

'I love you', 'Please wake up.'

"Sam looked up and exclaimed, "Mr. Frodo! You're awake."

"Yes Sam you asked so politely it would be rude to refuse!"

The two hobbits laughed and Frodo pulled Sam onto the bed: "Come Sam, you need rest and I need comfort, lay by me, please?"

"Well seeing as you asked so politely it would be rude to refuse...." Sam started, teasing but Frodo silenced him with a kiss.

"I love you Sam Gamgee."

"I love you Frodo Baggins."

Fade to Black....
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