Love And Despair by Jean

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Story notes: Cate is awesome!
<em>All will love me and despair!</em>
&#151; Galadriel

Yes, Liv was in love. With Cate. How could you blame her? Cate was beatiful, talented, kind, the list goes on. The first thing Liv thought of when she woke in her trailer, was of Cate's always smiling face, her musical voice.

Liv finally admited to herself that she loved Cate. It had been confusing at first. She'd written it off as admiration, respect, even idolism. But once she'd gotten to know Cate better, she couldn't ignore her feelings anymore. They weren't just physical feelings, though that was part of it. But she thought about it long and hard, and found that she wouldn't mind being with the older woman, if that was even possible.

Many days her mind would wander and she'd dream about what would happen if she revealed her feelings. In some, Cate felt the same way and it was wonderful. But in others, the more realistic ones, Cate was shocked, disgusted.

Liv didn't want their friendship to end, so she kept quiet, and pretended everything was normal. It was hard, so very hard, but she did it anyway. Besides Cate was a married woman, with a child no less. She brought him on set sometimes, Liv adored him.

Yes, it was better this way, better that she not know, and life could go on as usual. So why, whenever Liv looked at her, she not only felt love, but despair? Despair for what could never be.
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