Site Info
We are the home of 1292 authors from among our 2556 members. There have been 2905 reviews written about our 3820 stories consisting of 10734 chapters and 29400445 words. A special welcome to our newest member, MichWTanner .Categories
Skin Change
Many thanks to our previous donors!
The Library, elsewhere
Other projects
The archivist will love you forever, too! If you'd prefer your first name and initial not to be added to our honors list down below, just include a note to that effect and you'll be listed anonymously. Cheers!
Thank you all so much!
ARATAR [the exalted] $25+
Surreysmum, Alison M., Cheryl M., Cynthia P., Laura B., Lee L., Marlene S., Oulangi, JeAe S., Clara P., Lady Ceridwen, Dayast Joy, Anonymous, Myrtle M, Aglarien, Zinneth, Lancelottie, Rainbow Hangover
VALAR [the great ones] $15-24
Anaheed Dancer, Oulangi, Mascha G., Anonymous, E. West, Linda
MAIAR [the powerful spirits] $6-14
Anna H., Bettina F., Irma I., Liesbeth S., Marla C., Megan D., Jen C., Miss S J Lewis, Nuinzilien & Dark Dreamer, Erniniae, Hana Heart, Friederike, Melissa, Elf Couture, queenmabtron, Al
ISTARI [the wizards] $1-5
Denise P., Julia K., Julie M., Pamella P., Samantha S., OldHistory, Melissa T., Zirolyte, Dylan_Mx., Anonymous, Carl, Victoria O
The LoM staff thanks wholeheartedly to the volunteers who have helpeld with archiving in the past: Misty89 and Sandra (if we have neglected anyone please remind us and we'll be happy to correct that!!).