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We are the home of 1292 authors from among our 2556 members. There have been 2905 reviews written about our 3820 stories consisting of 10734 chapters and 29400445 words. A special welcome to our newest member, MichWTanner .Categories
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The Library of Moria authors' challenge #1
This is not the first challenge from the Library of Moria, neither is it the first challenge I have run. For anyone who might not know, I ran several challenges for the Library of Moria forum. The reason I called this number 1, is because it is the first time I am running a challenge for both the forum and the archive. Anyone can participate, you do not need to be a registered member of either the forum or the archive to join this challenge. But please be aware that you will be added as a member to the archive when the challenge has ended.
General rules:
This is an anonymous challenge, which means that all stories will be stripped from any form of information that could lead you to the author. This just makes sure the challenge ends up finding the best story rather than a popularity contest. Don't worry though, after ended voting and the winners found then every story submitted will be uploaded with the correct information at the archive.
Any ratings will be welcome!
The story must meet the archive standard of 500+ words, if it does not, then it will be rejected.
Regular archive rules generally apply to this challenge, such as no het major pairings, and no major OMC pairings. This would also cause your story to be rejected.
Your story must be a oneshot, WIP's (work in progress) are not allowed.
Dual authors are allowed. So are Art submissions and RPS.
Art submissions will be judged by their own criteria, and it is possible that artwork could end up as the winning authors banners.
This specific challenge:
This will be Interspecies challenge, which means pairings from two different races, such as a man and an elf, or a hobbit and a wizard, or yeah... you get it. You are free to freak out and use whatever you wish, horses, eagles, balrogs and what not. I realise not everyone likes interspecies pairings, but you do not have to write anything graphic.
The general rules state that RPS is allowed, it is allowed for this #1 challenge as well, if you can somehow make it work, like Frodo meets Karl Urban or something. That would be interspecies and therefore allowed.
You can write in any genre your little heart desires.
And since this is blind voting, if you submit a story you cannot tell your friends that you sent a story in, nor can you post it anywhere until voting has ended. If you do not follow this rule, your story will be disqualified.
Sending in a story:
So you finished your story, and want to submit it to the challenge? You just send it along as you would any other fic to the library of Moria Archive, please remember to include title, summary, pairing, a/n and all the regular stuff, I will manually remove this from your story while the voting goes on, and then add it back when the voting ended.
Please send your submission to, and type in 'INTERSPECIES' in the subject line.
Deadline and other stuff:
The deadline for submissions this challenge is June 15'th (midnight CET+1).
On June 16th or 17th, all stories will be uploaded to the archive under the user name 'LoM', only listed with summary, title and pairing and a number for easy voting. This will be announced on the Library of Moria Livejournal & Forum, and can be caught on our RSS feed.
The authors will receive an email from me which will notify them that the challenge stories are up, and do feel free to pimp out the challenge to your friends for voting, but just don't tell them to vote for something specific, because that would be cheating.
First off you need to read all the submissions in order to vote fairly. When you have done so, you will vote in each category listed, and send the email to and I shall list the voting and in the end announce the winners of each category. If the voting stands equal between two stories, they will both receive a banner. Please write 'INTERSPECIES VOTE' in the subject line. And no voting for yourself, that is just bad internet fu! Plus I wont count your vote.
The categories change from challenge to challenge.
Best story over all.
Silliest story.
Oddest pairing.
I would like a sequel to that! / TBC.. Please?!
Smuttiest story.
Deadline for voting:
The deadline for voting in this challenge is July 1st (midnight CET+1).
..And the cookie goes to..:
After voting has ended, everyone who sent in a story will receive an email from me, which includes your banner, and a notification and if you won any category, or even maybe more than one. Yup, one author can harvest more than one winning category if the voters will it. And even if you did not win a category then you will receive a 'participation' banner to flaunt.
The announcement will be posted at the Library of Moria Livejournal, and forum. Along with the stories with credit to their rightful authors, linked to the archive.
Happy slashing you guys!!
Azzy, LoM Maintainer.