Name: @ShadowATears (Anonymous) · Date: February 16, 2015 12:25 pm · For: Chapter 1

Oh wow,

delightful. I find myself blushing furiously, something I didn't find possible with all the precious smut I've been known to read time and again, but this was just so perfect.

Name: peaches (Anonymous) · Date: June 15, 2013 07:01 am · For: Chapter 1

i loved this fic! the culture differences are interesting, i never would have thought of kissing being something to differ on, but it makes sense.
and really, little is as fun as reading enthusiastic!Legolas let loose on Gimli

Name: anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: January 19, 2013 01:49 am · For: Chapter 1

this was wonderful love!!! I've always loved this couple but I've never thought about the cultural differences before. It was a fun twist to read about and I really hope you continue with this because I loved it.

Name: twowritehands (Anonymous) · Date: March 27, 2012 09:34 pm · For: Chapter 1

Very well written, funny, and sexy. Love it all :)

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