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You have GOT to update soon!!! Give I'd like to see more of Elladan and Legolas' friendship, and more of Elrohir's jealousy
Please, oh, please continue :3
Wonderful. Please continue.
How very, very mean of you to stop at such a moment and not updating for FIFE months ;-)
I liked to read it very much and hope you´ll soon continue ...
Hey Andrea,
I loved to read it. It was great. I simply love the Imladris elves. And the famous Balrog slayer is my absolute favorite.
Im studying as well and have to admit, that you kept me from learning ;-). So I understand you totally. Nevertheless I hope to read more soon ...
Only critic: There are some parts of the story you kept out (In the last chapter, when Elrond sends for Glorfindel for example) that I would be interested in reading. And why do the twins have to be so ... dislikable? As the sons of Elrond and friends of Aragorn and the rangers surely they would be solemn but friendly and maybe plain? At least they were in my imagination ;-)
Keep on writing
Robin Goodfellow alias Puck