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This was quite excellent. I really do prefer the stories that have less plot :O and are a little rough in the love making department :D
Great to see you back!
I love to see Tranduil be strong in mind, but also be the bottom boy.
That's very sexy, plus it's a threesome Yay!(<--I have no idea what I'm saying lol)
I was wondering about the other story too.
Computers seem to be the object of love and hate. 'sigh'
Author's Response:
Thanx for the review ^_^ i love hearing from you guys and while an innocent Thranduil can be fun i like to express him in diffrent ways for some reason he seems like a bottom to me but i have the mind set that he would still be very much in control, and yeah it's a threesome so yay! Also yeah love the computer but hate the crazy things they do soemtimes but without them i wouldn't be able to post anything i'll try and update soon, thanx again for the review.
Ohh, I was wondering what was happening with that, hehe, don't worry about it xD
And WHAT an apology... Omg... Like. That is pretty much my two favourite pairings in a totally PERFECT way... ^.^ I LOVE YOU. XDD
But more violence next time... XP Hahaha... Anyway yeah, you are AMAZING =D
Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing, i left the ending open because i'm pretty sure i won't be writing a sequel if someone wants to spin of this story that would be fine...mayb i'll put out a challange ^_~ and i apologize because i'm usually pretty good about updating my stories i hate not finnishing somthing i start, but my computer crashing was totally unexpected and i'm struggling with trying to re-write the chapters like they were before. I agree that a little more violence would have been a fun addittion but i didn't want to tire out my sources or readers for that matter, i like to leave some things up to the imigination, i'm glad you enjoyed it, thanx again for reviewing.