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Well, « Russandol » means « copper-top ». His mother-name « Maitimo » means « well-shaped one ».
In your chapter 5, when Elrond call him « Russandol », it seems to means « well-shaped », isn't it ? I think Maedhros had always auburn hair.
Thanks for your story, it is great !
WOWW!! Great ending, I was scared that itt might end in tragedy, but you have spun a great story. Loved it, Now off to read Song Of Sunset.
Another good chapter! Cannot see why you didn't write before this. You do it so well. And Maedhros deserves some peace after everything he has suffered.
I loved the part where they stand before the mirror and Maglor describes his brother's beauty! You write so well about deep relationships.
It is so touching. I am falling in love with Maedhros.
I don't like Silmarillion much but this story has a great feel to it. Off to read Chapter 2.
First time I am reading a Maedhros/Maglor Maedhros/Fingon fic that involves so much of subtlety. You have a way with charactes!
“Something that was once me is now here, Macalaurë, though I do not know which part of me has returned.”
That sentence was so touching! I simply love the way you do tragic situations.
This was a great chapter...with Maglor comforting his brother and Fingon's promise. And Maedhros saying that he wishes to be have a way of looking into the character..waiting for the next chapter.
And like Ered, I am sorry for such a long review. But I had to!
'A stubborn Maglor was worse than a stubborn Feanor' nice line! It shows the character of Feanorians so well. And even in the Heat from the ashes, your Maedhros is a sensitive person. Different viewpoint than usual.
And I enjoyed the scene where Fingon plays the peeping tom. Once more you have shown your skill in making a embarassing situation touching.
Looking forward to next chapters.