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Name: Gravitys_Child (Signed) · Date: September 06, 2013 07:55 pm · For: Part 7. Valinor
Ah! I recognize this. I found this on adult fanfiction . net. I'm so happy I found it here as well!
Ah! I recognize this. I found this on adult fanfiction . net. I'm so happy I found it here as well!
Name: LGP (Anonymous) · Date: March 08, 2012 10:13 pm · For: Part 3. Babies
This isn't a review so much as a comment. There's a common misconception that women frequently can't produce enough milk for their children. The explanation is long, but the important thing is that this misconception causes women to mistrust their own bodies and rely on formula. Doctors are in complete agreement: formula is inferior and should be discouraged. When your character of Elrond, a wise and knowledgeable healer, assumes that his wife will not have enough milk, it perpetuates this problem. Very few women are actually incapable of producing enough milk, and they need to know it! Society often tells us that our bodies aren't fit for the task or that modern women needn't "inconvenience" themselves by doing what's best for their babies, but nothing is farther from the truth. Please consider making a change to your story to help empower women to trust their bodies!
This isn't a review so much as a comment. There's a common misconception that women frequently can't produce enough milk for their children. The explanation is long, but the important thing is that this misconception causes women to mistrust their own bodies and rely on formula. Doctors are in complete agreement: formula is inferior and should be discouraged. When your character of Elrond, a wise and knowledgeable healer, assumes that his wife will not have enough milk, it perpetuates this problem. Very few women are actually incapable of producing enough milk, and they need to know it! Society often tells us that our bodies aren't fit for the task or that modern women needn't "inconvenience" themselves by doing what's best for their babies, but nothing is farther from the truth. Please consider making a change to your story to help empower women to trust their bodies!