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Incredible story. Took me three nights to read it, but well worth every moment. There wasn't a chapter that wasn't perfect!
Author's Response: Hi Alcardilme! Thank you for the lovely review. I'm glad you enjoyed was a lot of fun writing it. Maybe I'll get back to my favorite pair one of these days. Hare...
Best Glorfindel/Erestor fic ever written.
Perhaps the best Lord of the Rings slash fic ever written.
In fact, probably one of the best slash fics ever written, period.
Author's Response: Wow! When I read your review, I was absolutely stunned. I had lots of fun researching and writing YFAS, so it's particularly gratifying to know how much you enjoyed YFAS. Thank you, LadyM! Hare...
Awww what a sweet chapter ^_^
(though Erestor totally deserved to get hit)
But, now I'm curious as to how Glorfindel got healed...
Author's Response: Thanks, Hutula! I did bring on the sap in those last few chapters. :) As for Glorfindel, well, he and Gandalf finally came to an understanding and Nienna's tears were not wasted. I really appreciate your comments. Hare...
What a wonderful story! I loved their heartbreak and their uncertainty, their courtship, both past and present, and Erestor returning to Glorfindel before he had been healed. Beautiful, touching, and very well done!
Author's Response: Melusine, you've changed your name! Hi, there. Ah yes, Erestor had to return to Glorfindel before the healing because the problem was never the disfigurement. I wanted that to be perfectly clear and hopefully it was. I'm very happy you enjoyed the flashbacks and thank you so much for your kind words. I had a wonderful time writing YFAS and it's so satisfying to know that someone truly enjoyed it. Hare...
My, my, my Erestor certainly has taken Glorfindel's return and his own rejection of Glorfindel hard. Am I to assume that Erestor similarly lost his mind after what he assumed was Glorfindel's death? The twisting depths of their relationship both before Glorfindel's 'fall' and 'present' is very interesting and I am looking forward to more. I will assume that Glorfindel will eventually win Erestor's favor but I wonder at what cost to the both of them before they reach reconciliation.
Author's Response: Hmmmm, good question about Erestor. He did state, in chapter 3, that he did not allow grief when he first thought Glorfindel was dead. Why? Because he was hopeful that Glorfindel would be allowed to be reborn and would await him in Valinor. Of course, when he found out Glorfindel had never died but had stayed away for almost 6000 years....well, his grief finally caught up with him. Thanks for the interesting comment, Chased! And I'll not say what the cost'll just have to read further. :) Hare...
Wow, I certainly did not expect Erestor to be quite so violent in his reaction toward Glorfindel when he realized who he was. However, it is understandable that both sides are emotional and might possibly hurt each other both physically and emotionally. Although I hope it is further explained why Erestor's reaction was so violent. Good Chapter, looking forward to more.
Author's Response: Hi, Chased! Well, maybe the remaining chapters will answer at least some of your questions as to E and G's reactions. Erestor's reaction was very out-there but possibly normal for who he is. Thanks for reading and commenting and encouraging. Hare...
Dear god, that was heart wrenching D: Poor Glorfindel.
Waiting impatiently for more ^_^
Author's Response: Greetings, Hutula! I know this will sound heartless, but I am pleased you found this chapter 'wrenching.' I was striving for just that emotion because for Erestor and Glorfindel alike it was heart wrenching. And yay! that you feel for Glorfindel, as I was concerned that emotions might run completely against him. Thank you for commenting, and, oh yes, the story is done but I am currently wading through the beta. At minimum there will be a new chapter every week (9 total chapters). Hare...
Beautiful story so far! Poor Glorfindel. Poor Erestor. I'm looking forward to what happens next.
Author's Response: Hi, gypsy! Our two lovers have certainly gotten themselves into a mess. I am pleased to see you have sympathy for Glorfindel, as I was concerned he would come off too badly in this chapter and make him less sympathetic. The entire story is done. I'm just working my way through all the beta. Thank you for the lovely words. Hare...
Great story so far! I am greatly looking forward to the next installment.
Author's Response: Hi, Chased! Thank you for stopping by and reading YFAS and commenting with praise. I do so love the word, great. :) The next chapter is done and soon to be posted, and I hope you continue to enjoy the remaining chapters. Hare...