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Reviews For The Renewal of Seasons
Name: Ghana (Signed) · Date: January 15, 2014 12:56 pm · For: The Renewal of Seasons
I love your series so much! You're one of my favourite authors - no matter how long I search for great stories on this site, I always get back to your writings. These are the best pairings ever, the twins, Legolas, Erestor, Glorfindel & the others... I only miss Haldir, but it is just another pretentious wish from an enthusiastic fangirl, you know. But... but these stories are entertaining and gripping as well! I like the perfect mixture of romance, humour & thrill. You've done an awesome job, keep on writing!
I love your series so much! You're one of my favourite authors - no matter how long I search for great stories on this site, I always get back to your writings. These are the best pairings ever, the twins, Legolas, Erestor, Glorfindel & the others... I only miss Haldir, but it is just another pretentious wish from an enthusiastic fangirl, you know. But... but these stories are entertaining and gripping as well! I like the perfect mixture of romance, humour & thrill. You've done an awesome job, keep on writing!