Name: Sue (Signed) · Date: July 19, 2018 04:13 am · For: Chapter 3

Wow, great story concept!  I'm just tearing through it.  You do need a new beta though.  It is obvious neither of you have English as a first language.  I can make the corrections in my head though, and there are only a few places tyhat I can't figure out what you mean.  I really am enjoying this.  Don't stop writing, you have a talent or storytelling... the rest is just technical.

Name: spinster (Signed) · Date: November 11, 2016 12:39 am · For: Chapter 1

You are a very good story teller.  The suspense was riviting and the characters came to life.  However, you obviously have English as a second language.  That is not a bad thing, I certainly could not write creatively in another language.  You should, though, get a Beta reader that is a native English speaker.  They would have corrected all the grammar and vocabulary errors that made reading the story a bit jarring.  I do hope you keep writing. You have a creative gift.

Name: minnie (Anonymous) · Date: August 27, 2013 07:17 am · For: Chapter 19

So amazing! If you made a sequel I'd die happy!!!

Name: Angell (Anonymous) · Date: April 29, 2013 07:58 am · For: Chapter 1

How do I start???????????

You made me cry, laugh...18 chapters of pure Middle Earth's goodness!!!

Thank you so much for doing this, it's so recent that I can't believe I didn't find this story yet. Nice work!!

So romantic, scarry and you are really GOOD with angst, I felt so much for poor Legolas. I don't like this couple but YOU made it work!!

Loved it!!!

Name: meg (Anonymous) · Date: August 14, 2012 10:50 pm · For: Chapter 19

I loved it

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