Reviews For No Longer

Name: Ithilnë (Anonymous) · Date: September 25, 2014 03:17 am · For: Chapter 4. No Longer Apart

Thank you for this sweet and touching story! I very much enjoyed the authenticity of emotion :) Well done!

Name: Nessie-san (Anonymous) · Date: January 28, 2012 09:34 pm · For: Chapter 4. No Longer Apart

I couldn't BELIEVE it when I saw that this had no reviews!! This was very good, and it almost made me cry. I was half-afraid that Elladan might kill himself to save himself and his brother the shame of loving one another, before Elrohir brought the confession out of him and, likewise, confessed. Have you written the tale of Elrond and his brother??? If so, I would love to read it...I think I'm gonna get an account on here...XD Very well done. This piece was truly beautiful, and I could not stop reading it.

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