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...Even though I have to admit I'm ever-so-slightly disappointed that he stopped... :P Lol
Author's Response:
I said before that i didn't want people to hate Elrond, if he went further it would over complicate the story not to metnion his character, this fic is more about Glorfindel and Thranduil anyway. Originally Elrond was not even supossed to have more than a few apperances. I was actually thinking of writing an alternate scene to this chapter anyway for fun, keep an eye out for it ^_^
"It's too late now, since I will no longer have your love...I'll settle for your hate."
And I love how you didn't just make Elrond Pure Evil but actually have some depth... Yeah I'm just babbling now when I don't really know what I'm talking about hehehe ^^;;
Author's Response:
Thats kinda what i was aiming for i have all this empathy for Elrond so i didn't want the readers to hate him, besides i can make people hate him later if i want in a diffrent fiction and thats for the specific compliment, i like that line too also when Thranduil remarks " maybe you don't deserve my love or my forgiveness but if that is true you also do not deserve my hate." Thranduil's logic may be a little naive but i like him this way. Thanx for the review!