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Sorry for the late review, the little code image thing seemed to be broken, but it's fixed now - yay!
I was sooo happy when I saw this was updated... and it was *totally* worth waiting for! I'm loving the whole Elrond twist. XD
Author's Response:
I'm glad the long wait didn't turn you away, i write for fun but it's always good to know someone is enjoying them ^_^ and i'm glad you tried more than once to get the reveiw through to me thats awsome, i might have Elrond in a bind where he moves up his plan a little sooner, who knows, well thanxs!
Ack! Evil!Elrond! *lol* Characters have a way of sneaking off and doing their own thing, don't they? But what will happen next? Will anyone learn of Elrond's fiendish plot? Will Erestor get laid?
I am faithfully tuned in to this channel!
Author's Response:
I realize i'm terribly slow so sorry for this late reply but thnakfully you seen to be "tuned in" so kudos ^_^ as always thanks for reviewing and yeah the characters are not only running off doing their own thing they are causing me all sorts of writers block while they are at it, it should clear up soon though, as for Erestor i'm not sure i want him to connect with Terrance but as for a love scene between them i'm not sure just yet, Terrance is very old fasioned so i don't know yet, anyway i'm glad you are enjoying the fic, hope i can keep you interested!