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I loved this story. It was the first one someone wrote for me; and it will always be there in my top ten list!
(Two things this author is addicted to : 1. Feedback 2. The Song Of sunset)
This's a great story. I havent read a Turgon/Thel pair before. But it was good though I felt Thel deserved someone far better than Turgon cos I have never liked Turgon. But I loved Glori in this!
seriously ; did your mom beta it?
Author's Response:
Thanks, I'm happy you liked it!
Glor is one of my favourite elves ever. When I first encounered Turgon I didn't like him either, but then, as I discovered more about him, I changed my mind.
Yes, my mom really betaedt it. She's a very open-minded person and, since I always tell her about the things I like, she knows a lot about both elves and slash.